Year 1 - The Giraffes: Blog items

Fantastic Giraffes, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 4:43pm

This week the Giraffes enjoyed testing their smelling skills by smelling different pots and guessing what was in them. They had to record their guesses and if they liked the smell or not...some good detectives!

In maths this afternoon we used tens frames to help,us work out one more.

Being Geographers!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 7:18pm

We enjoyed taking photographs this afternoon of the different features that make up our school. We talked about all the things we could see, we are going to do some sorting with them next week.

Story fun, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 7:29pm

This week we have enjoyed the story of The Little Red Hen, today we had fun working in groups to act out the story, each group carried the story on, we were fantastic!

Fantastic Giraffes, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 3:56pm

Well done Giraffes for a fantastic first week in Year1 :) 

We have been learning all about split digraphs in phonics, enjoyed the story of the cautious caterpillar in English, in Maths we have been wrting numbers and sorting objects. We had fun in science on Monday labelling our friends! We have met Jigsaw Jack and he is helping us learn how to be a good learner in Year1. In Geography we have started to think about what our school is like.

We have been busy, busy ,busy!!!

Our Year 1 classroom, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 31st Aug 2023 @ 3:46pm

Hello and welcome to the Year 1 blog page!

I am excited to see everybody tomorrow morning and have just put some pictures of  the classroom on so youcan get a sneaky look before tomorrow.

See you soon


Mrs Pratten :)

Busy busy!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 18th Jul 2023 @ 10:27pm

The giraffes have been working hard this week. They have been busy each morning with phonics, guided reading and maths. In the afternoons they have embraced planning their own activities.

The pictures show their performances from Monday and their summer time ice cream parlour from today. They also created butterflies using coffee filter paper, wrote a story about a magic shell and created mazes in maths. They got to test out each other’s maze to see if they could reach the treasure.

Very proud giraffes!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 16th Jul 2023 @ 6:22pm

The giraffes had a great week which started with a visit to Longton library. Helen read us great  pirate stories and the children got to make their own parrot.

We received a postcard from Mr. Dunne in Mexico and also a postcard from Polly the pirate who has gone off to explore China.

The children will not be sent home any homework or school reading books for the summer. We have talked to the children about reading their own books at home and Helen from the library has started all the class off on the summer reading challenge. 

The giraffes have planned their afternoon sessions for their last week in Reception. On Monday they are having a performing afternoon. Dressing up, drama, puppet shows, dancing and singing.

On Tuesday they are having a summer themed afternoon. They will be building sandcastles, playing in water, playing outside games and then creating their own ice creams in our classoom ice cream parlour.

On Wednesday the children have planned a sports themed afternoon. We are hoping to have football, cricket, tennis, parachute games and a giant obstacle course which the children will be creating.

On Thursday we will be watching the year six dress rehearsal and on Friday the children will have drama and IT.

A busy week ahead!

The children have been feeling very proud in class. They are reading, writing, drawing, playing with their friends and sharing well. They enjoyed their art project which was recreating their own Andy Warhol piece of art.

We are talking a lot about year one and we have been bringing books and objects from their new classroom in September into class to talk about. We are having Mrs. Regan in class with us on Monday who will be the year one classroom assistant. I will pass on the ‘All about me’ books to Mrs. Pratten who will look at the books in September with your child. If you have any questions about year one or if you think your child is worrying please let us know so we can help.

Thank you

Journalist Giraffes!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 5th Jul 2023 @ 9:44pm

Tomorrow homework will be coming out in the paper folders. I have included our new sounds to learn as well as a sheet to complete for Earth Day on Monday. The children should have some ideas from our class book - Clean Up, which I hope they will share with you. We have been talking about the importance of using bins and recycling. I would be very grateful if you could show your child how you recycle at home.

Mrs. Pratten was delighted with the children on Tuesday afternoon. They really are fantastic and are loving their new adventures in Year One already.

This morning was spent playing party games, having ice lollies and bunny rabbit crisps. We had lots of fun and the children felt very proud of achieveing all of their class compliments.

Our class story has been about a little girl visiting her grandparents in Jamaica. Unfortunately the beach and the sea were full of litter which hurt the animals and sea life. The giraffes also looked at newspapers this week and we decided to write an important article for a newspaper linked to our story. Our journalist giraffes did an amazing job. Some of the headlines read 'The clean up crew saves the day' and 'Clean up crew to the rescue'.

Photographs will follow of the children copying the clean up crew around our school grounds. They were superstars!


Another fantastic afternoon in Y1, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 4:02pm

Another lovely afternoon spent with the Giraffes. We finished off our fabulous stretchy giraffes, they will look amazing in our classroom in September. We also made birthday cards, again, ready to hand out on birthdays next year.

Our Eco team class representatives are Reuben and Lucia , well done on creating some amazing posters. Our school parliament representatives are Harper S and Arley.

Mrs Regan and I are very excited to be teaching the Giraffes next year, definitely a fantastic tribe!

What shall we do with a grumpy pirate?, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 9:50pm

Another busy week for our giraffes! 

On Monday we started our new class story. However the children are still enjoying being pirates so we have plenty of role play, drama and singing opportunities for them all to enjoy.

A huge thank you for your wonderful maps which the children created for their homework. They all got to share their map and talk about it with their key worker group. They were very proud and so were we.

Tuesday was an exciting day with the afternoon spent in their new year one classroom. Mrs. Pratten had a lovely time with the giraffes and everyone came back with big smiles wanting to tell me all about it.

On Wednesday afternoon we performed our Tic Tac song on the stage in front of the whole school. The giraffes wore their bandanas ( recycled and painted blue, white and red for France) The children started by counting in French and then sang and danced confidently to everyone. It was a great performance. We loved watching all the amazing acts and we found it very difficult to vote at the end.

The children had their second road safety session today. After their class work, session last week and a session this morning the children crossed School Lane with their group leaders using the stop, look and listen rules. They were amazing listeners and remembered to look for a safe spot and to stand behind the kerb. They know to always hold hands with a grown up or hold onto a pram at all times on the footpaths. Well done giraffes!

The children have been voting this afternoon for their class compliment idea. Unfortunately I had to explain that I couldn’t hire a bouncy castle or take us all to the seaside but eventually we had a winner with 19 children voting for a dress up party (pirates, fancy dress or party clothes) party games and party food. I will confirm the date tomorrow. 

Tomorrow morning we are walking to church to have a tour of the church by Father Sam. This is part of our RE work this half term. Please send coats with your child.

Thank you for your help and support,



Fantastic Giraffes, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 28th Jun 2023 @ 8:10am

Thank you Giraffes for a lovely afternoon yesterday.

They enjoyed looking around the classroom, telling us what they like to do and making a start on a giraffe! We talked about what will be the same in Year 1 and what might be a little different.

We are looking forward to seeing them all again next week! ?

Mighty mathematicians., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 21st Jun 2023 @ 4:58pm

The giraffes have been busy learning how to estimathe in maths this week. They have been working hard at writing their numbers and have been ordering larger numbers too. They have worked very hard with their partner and have been super mathematicians exploring, solving problems as well as revisiting their number bonds and doubles.

Ahoy there!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 21st Jun 2023 @ 4:41pm

Here are some lovely pictures to share of our time exploring over the last two weeks. During this time the children have been leading the life of a pirate. They have created maps, left secret notes in bottles, learnt some new language and have even adopted a new class parrot! 

They have been amazing mathematicians looking at odd and even numbers as well estimating and looking at the patterns of larger numbers.

Our phonics work has kept the children busy as they have been given new sounds by the naughtifier! The sounds are ie (igh) ea (ee) and ay (ai) Please help your child to spot these sounds in their school books and your story books at home.

Please remember to send in sun hats and cream but also a light coat if possible just in case the showers come. 

Thank you

A great day out!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 24th May 2023 @ 6:32am

The giraffes ad a great day out at the Leyland Transport museum yesterday. We knew it was going to be a perfect day when the double decker bus arrived to pick us up! What a treat! A very noisy treat! Lots of singing excited children!

The giraffes did amazing listening all day and got to see horse drawn vehicles, army vehicles, old buses, a car which belonged to King George and they even got to wave like the pope. We also saw lots of new trucks which were enormous!

We all enjoyed our packed lunch before doing a quiz, a treasure hunt and even had a spot of driving! Can you see from the pictures where we went?

The helpers were very knowledgeable and praised the giraffes on their behaviour and listening at the end of the day. Super star giraffes!

Make friends, make friends!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 20th May 2023 @ 7:20am

Our lovely week ended with talking about our friends. We wrote a recipe for a special friend and then payed some games showing that we could play fair, take turns and even lose at games sometimes.

We are looking forward to our trip on Tuesday and have our fingers crossed that the sun will shine for sports day on Thursday afternoon.

Next week is Art Week! 

Monday - King Charles theme.

Tuesday - Class Trip.

Wednesday - Transport theme.

Thursday - Summer theme (Am) / Sports Day (Pm)

Friday - Summer theme (Am) Drama and Music (Pm)

We have art shirts in school but you are welcome to send an old adult sized T-shirt for your child to wear over their uniform whilst they are painting if you prefer.

I have lots of boxes but if you have an old shoe box or box that would be suitable for making a vehicle please send it in.

The children will also need a stick. Please don’t worry if you are busy this weekend and  can’t collect one. I will have spares. We don’t need a huge branch but also we don’t want a tiny twig. Anything inbetween that they can stick lots of things on would be great.

Thank you.


Giraffes in action!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 17th May 2023 @ 8:10pm

Lots to share from the last few days!

Tomorrow we will be holding our class enterprise shop! We are very excited! The giraffes have made posters which are all around school and they have made over 150 fruit smoothie ice pops. The giraffes voted for ice pops from lots of ideas and they also chose the fruits to use. The giraffes are great at making decisions and holding class votes.

As you can see from the pictures they had fun preparing the smoothies. The shop will be open just before the end of school. We will leave from our class door as usual, at the usual time when the shop has closed. 

I have included pictures from the last few days for you to share and talk about.

On Monday we had a visitor from the HSBC. She read us a story about money and then did some money activities in class. Homework this week will be linked to money as the children really enjoyed learning about saving, spending wisely and looking at bank cards.

In RE we read a story called ‘The swirling hijab’.

Miss. Darby and Miss. Lynch released the butterflies with the children. I think they had enjoyed their short time with us as they were reluctant to leave!






Mad Science Assembly, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 13th May 2023 @ 1:32pm

We enjoyed a visit from Mad Science.  The assembly was full of excitement, fascinating facts and lots of wow moments.


Lots of news to share already!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 10th May 2023 @ 10:23pm

Although this is a short week the giraffes have lots of news already!

On Tuesday Penwortham fire and rescue came to visit us for the afternoon. Before they arrived we created a list of questions to ask. The giraffes did amazing listening and embraced their task of remembering three new things that they learned from the fire fighters. 

Next time you walk to school and see the lamp post across from the car park please ask the children what the H means? 

In maths we are looking at doubles. We have been counting doubles and also learning how to play dominoes. We have some champions already! 

The children have asked Miss. Lynch to create a boat in the role play shed. She will be creating it with the children. Miss. Lynch has asked me to ask if anyone has a large (very large) cardboard box, a handbell and an old house phone (not a small mobile phone) for our role play.

The excitement continued this afternoon when we spotted a butterfly had emerged from the chrysalis. The wings were very soft and wet. We will release it into the orchard when the wings are dry and it can fly.

Homework will be sent home tomorrow. This week it is a talking and writing task. Tell me what you did to celebrate the coronation of King Charles or write down two questions that you would like to ask the king.

We are trying hard to remember finger spaces between our words, starting a sentence with a capital letter and using our phonics to help us sound out tricky words.

A weekend fit for a King!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 8th May 2023 @ 9:40pm

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend! The giraffe team can’t wait to hear about how you celebrated the coronation of King Charles.

Last week we looked at the royal family and have started planning a royal day full of art and craft very soon.

This week we are looking forward to a special visit from the Penwortham fire and rescue service. We have planned questions to ask and are excited to learn about the fire engine. 

Last week in dance we focused on the country, Spain. We had to use very intricate arms and very fast feet for the flamenco.

We are excited to learn a new dance his week. I wonder what country we will be. 

This week we will be looking at doubles in maths and in phonics the naughtifier will be giving us a new sound. We will be using sketching pencils to draw ourselves. In our outdoor area we have our bike wash and repair shop. The bike wash costs 10p. The children will be encouraged to find different ways of making 10p using the 1,2 and 5p. Please encourage your child to try this at home.

Super Powers!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 1st May 2023 @ 9:37am

This week the giraffes have been busy using their very special super powers! They have been kind friends, super mathematicians and super readers!

We enjoyed taking lots of our learning outside and enjoyed our parents coming to stay for the afternoon. 

Next week we are looking at trains and aeroplanes. If you have any family photographs of either journey please feel free to send them in for your child to share.

The children reminded me that we haven’t done story massage for a while so it is planned for next week! We are also taking our fairy garden outside and using our bikes in our bike wash and garage as requested. Great ideas giraffles!

Chaos in the classroom!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 10:28am

We have started our new topic ‘Ticket to ride’ This week we have been looking at a story called - The Naughy Bus. 

After a lovely PE lesson we returned to our classroom for a relaxing drink and piece of toast only to find our classroom taped off like a crime scene. The naughty bus had paid us a visit and left chaos in our classroom.

The giraffes became police investigators and had to look for clues. They completed a police report before finding him hiding in the grass after following the clues.

At the end of our story we discovered that the bus had been pushed by the little boy. Please ask the children who had been creating mischief with our London bus in our class!


Easter fun!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 9:15pm

Such a busy week! 

Some wonderful work in PE this week with great throwing and catching, pencil rolls, egg rolls and weaving in and out of obstacles. 

We went on a spring hunt around the school grounds with our year five buddies. We had a list of things we had to find - buds, bugs, daffodils, a nest, seedlings, birds and blossom. The children investigated the field, the orchard, the bog garden and forest school.

The children had great fun at the Easter Bonnet Parade. They even got an extra special visit from the Easter Bunny in class.

We have been working hard in maths. We have been using cards which turn over and try to find pairs that make ten. A great game for over the holidays!

We have enjoyed the story of the very hungry caterpillar this half term. The children had fun building cosy dark dens. Just like the cocoon the caterpillar made. Even in the rain the giraffes wanted to keep on den building! They even suggested having a quick snooze in their cosy den!

Bring yer wellies!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 22nd Mar 2023 @ 9:20pm

What a fantastic day! Fresh air, nature and adventures!

Nigel and Melissa took us to the greenhouse to plant some lavender and chives. The children listened to lots of advice on how to care for their plants which should live on a window sill until the weather is warmer. The children have all agreed to try and look after their plants just like the plants and trees help to look after us. They can be planted in the garden when they grow bigger and as they are perennials they will come back each year.

We then had a picnic outside before playing in the sand. Our next activity was learning about worms, soil and worm poo! The children were very interested and loved looking at the hundreds of worms in the wormery.

We then split into teams to watch our boats race in the brook followed by den building in the woodland.

The children were fantastic listeners and had great team spirit throughout the day.

Trip day tomorrow!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 9:16pm

Bring Yer Wellies Trip!

We are all very excited about our trip tomorrow. We will leave school tomorrow morning with our school packed lunches and our wellies on. Home time is as normal.

Things to remember -

warm coat

hat / gloves

warm trousers

thick socks for our wellies

school polo shirt and school jumper / cardigan

named water bottle ( which can be disposed of)

We are looking forward to a day of planting, den building, boat making and learning about mini beasts. I will post pictures tomorrow so the children can share their day with you.

Thank you for your help and support.

Red Nose Day, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 6:39pm

Congratulations to our Red Nose Day competition winners.

Their positive character trait Mr Men/Little Miss characters were put on a t.shirt for them to wear with pride.

Thank you to everyone who entered.  Certificates are on there way to each of you. 

Contact the School

Longton Primary School

School Ln

Main Contact: Georgia Whiteman or Nicola Cox

Tel: 01772 612495

SEN Contact: Rebecca Catterall and Di Regan

SEN Email: