23rd September
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 9:02pm
Good evening! Some lovely photos to see and also a little more information.
Autumn walk - on Monday we are going to walk to ‘The Grove’ which is at the bottom of School Lane. We will walk on the path through the trees and go onto the main field looking for signs of autumn and observing the seasonal changes. We are hoping to collect some conkers, leaves and acorns to bring back to the classroom as we make the forest for Grandmas cottage (Little red riding hood). We will be using our senses by listening to sounds in the trees, observing changes and colours, tasting and smelling our hot chocolate and touching the nature we find. The weather forecast does look fine so far but please send in a coat on Monday. We have wellies and puddle suits in class if they are needed but it doesn’t look like we will need the woolly hats or gloves just yet.
Secret readers - From Monday I will put a calendar up on our class window. If you would like to put your name down against a date to become a surprise reader I would be very grateful. Don’t forget if you are unable to help you could always ask Grandma or Grandad as they would be very welcome. We can provide you with a class favourite book to read or if you prefer you can bring one of your own family favourites in.
Thank you, Mrs. Thomson