Photo Gallery
Kangaroos Photo Gallery (EYFS)
Art in EYFS brings hands on learning experiences delivered in developmentally appropriate ways.
Each lesson offers opportunities for the children to learn within a play based environment with lessons focussing on process over outcome.
Below you can see photographs of the Kangaroos at work.
In Key Stage 1 children develop their knowledge and skills across four key areas: Drawing, Paint & mixed media, Sculpture and 3D and Craft and design.
New techniques are introduced building upon prior knowledge and experiences.
We focus on developing ideas and reflecting on their own work whilst learning about a range of artists.
Lions & Zebras Gallery (Lower KS2)
In KS2 the focus is on developing pupils' skills and knowledge across four key areas: Drawing, Painting and mixed media, Sculpture and 3D and Craft and design.
Pandas & Koalas (Upper KS2)
In upper key stage 2 children continue to develop key skills whilst gaining greater understanding of artists through history and in the present day. They also become more practiced in the skills of analysing art work and talking about their own artistic preferences.