Meet the Team

Julie Brown- Headteacher

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B.Ed HONs at Manchester (English and History)

PGD Education

M.Ed at Manchester


Specialist Teacher Status at Edgehill

Basic Skills Assessor

Headteacher from 2006, Curriculum Provision, Governance, CPD, Child Protection.

Lancashire Associate Adviser from 2009

Iain Pearson- Deputy Headteacher and Year 6 Teacher

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BSc (Hons) Geography, Huddersfield University

PGCE Primary Education, Edge Hill University 

PGD Education Leadership & Management, Edge Hill University 


National Award Special Educational Needs Coordination, Edge Hill University  

School responsibilities: Deputy, Science, Design Technology, Oversee Specialist Teachers, Behaviour, lunchtime.

Science Ambassadors.

Liza Thomson- Reception Teacher 

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BA (Hons) Education and Literacy, Edge Hill University 

PGCE (Special Educational Needs), Edge Hill University 

PGCE Edge Hill University 

Early Years Specialism Qualification, Manchester University

Responsibilities - EYFS, PSHE/RSE

Helen Pratten- Year 1 Teacher 

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B.Ed Hons PE Manchester

School responsibility -  Geography, History, RE, ECO, Student Mentor, Church Celebrations.

Rebecca Catterall - SENDCO and Year 2 Teacher

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BSc (HONS) Science with QTS in primary Education. 

Teaching certificate in PSHE with a SRE focus

School responsibility- SEN, Looked After pupils, Pupil premium, British Values, LPS+, School Parliament, Curriculum Design

Christine Simpson- Year 3 Teacher 

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BSc (HONS) Primary Education with Music and QTS

Class Teacher

School responsibility -  Maths, Student Mentor,

Richard Kennedy - Year 5 Teacher

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BA Hons in Contemporary Theatre & Performance, UCLAN.

Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)

School Responsibility  - Physical Education including competitions and sports leaders. DJ's

Laura Grogan - Year 4 Teacher

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School Responsibility  - English including early reading

Emily Darby - Specialist French and Music Teacher

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BA (Hons) French, University of Leeds

PGCE in Secondary Education, Institute of Education, London

School Responsibility  -  MFL, Music

Roxanne Skinner- Specialist Art Teacher 

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BA (Hons) Drawing and Image Making, University of Central Lancashire

PGCE Early Years, Edgehill University 

School Responsibility - Art 

Chrissy Sanders- Computer Specialist Teacher

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BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS

Sheffield Hallam University

School responsibility - Computing

Andrew Sumner- Drama Specialist Teacher 

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Artistic Director 

Julie Atkinson- Assistant Teacher 

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BA (Hons) Education, UCLAN

PGCE Primary Education, University of Cumbria

Julie Doherty- Assistant Teacher

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Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools

Charlotte Harrision- Assistant Teacher and Den Assistant

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NQA Level 3 Child Development 

Sandye Jackson- Assistant Teacher and Den Assistant

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NCFE Teaching Assistant Level 3 Qualification 

Level 3 Certificate for Forest School Leaders

Relax Kids Trainer

Mental Health Ambassador

Tori Lynch - Assistant Teacher and Den Assistant

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NQA  Children's learning and development, Level 3. 

Emma Morrison- Assistant Teacher and Den Assistant

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NCFE Teaching Assistant Level 3 Qualification

Hayley Lawrenson- Assistant Teacher

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BSc (HONS) Psychology with special educational needs, Edge Hill

MSc in Psychology of child development, UcLan

NCFE Teaching Assistant level three in teaching and learning in schools

Di Regan- Assistant Teacher

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NCFE Teaching Assistant Level 2 Qualification 

Advanced Level Apprenticeship in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Level 3

SENCO assistant

Georgia Whiteman - Business Support Officer

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BBA (Hons) Management, Lancaster University

Nicola Cox - Business Support Officer

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BSc (Hons) Fashion Buying, Manchester Metropolitan University

Kelly McDowell - Before and After School Club Manager

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Jeff Brown- Site Manager

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LLB (Hons) Law Edge Hill

Site Services - Louise, Liza and Danielle

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Restaurant Chef

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Restaurant Team

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Contact the School

Longton Primary School

School Ln

Main Contact: Georgia Whiteman or Nicola Cox

Tel: 01772 612495

SEN Contact: Rebecca Catterall and Di Regan

SEN Email: