At Longton Primary School, in line with our curriculum intent, we have developed a foundation subject tracking system. It will capture our ongoing assessments of each child showing us how well our curriculum is being implemented as well as how our children are progressing through the curriculum and the impact it has on their learning. It will enable teachers to plan subsequent learning opportunities so that individual needs are met and children can make progress towards the end of year expectations. Judgements relating to end of year expectations will be made at the end of the academic year and shared with parents.
We assess children's progress and attainment in DT through five main strands:
Technical knowledge
Cooking and nutrition
Through continual formative assessment, teachers plan next steps for learners.
Progress and attainment in DT is recorded termly using our foundation subjects tracker. Attainment is recorded as:
BYG - below current year group
E - emerging within current year group
D - developing within current year group
S - secure within current year group (met the expected standard)
GDS - working at greater depth (exceeding the expected standard
Please download the PDF to read about progression in DT.