Visitors often comment on our uniform because the children look so smart wearing it, and we believe that a smart appearance aids a smart mind. Our school uniform is available for purchase from Justs Clothing in Penwortham, while skirts and trousers can be bought from any outlet of your choice. Additionally, we operate a FREE New to You shop, encouraging families to donate outgrown clothes and exchange them for items from our uniform stock. While we may not always have the exact size available, it’s always worth checking, as we have a variety of options to support our families.
Please adhere to the uniform guidelines by sticking to the approved list and refrain from purchasing items such as sports-branded items, leggings, sports skins, footwear other than formal shoes, and coloured trainers that are not black. It is important to adhere to the school uniform list to maintain a sense of equality and cohesion among pupils. Sending a child to school in the wrong uniform can cause the embarrassment. Non-uniform items like sports-branded trainers can create distinctions that detract from the school's focus on inclusivity. Additionally, standardised uniforms promote a disciplined learning environment and can reduce distractions, helping pupils concentrate better on their studies. By sticking to the uniform guidelines, parents contribute to a unified school culture.
Important Reminder: Please take the time to label all your child's clothing with their name. Without labels, identical items can be easily mixed up, and if your child takes the wrong item home, it may be washed and and worn without you realising it is not yours. This helps ensure that lost or misplaced items are returned to their rightful owner and prevents unnecessary confusion and costs.
Our School colours are Navy Blue and Red.
School Uniform consists of the following:-
Over the years the cost of uniforms must be the only thing that has gone down rather than up in price. However, it still remains a costly experience kitting your child out for school. We therefore cannot emphasise enough the need to label all items of clothing so that when they are misplaced they can be swiftly returned to their rightful owner. Please label items in a method that will stand up to the washing process.
School Uniform consists of the following:-
Red Polo Shirt
Navy Blue Cardigan/ Sweatshirt with embroidered school logo
(purchased from Justs Clothing)
Grey Skirt/ Trousers/ Shorts
In summer Red and White Dresses with White Socks
Grey Socks/Tights (no patterns or colours)
Black sensible formal shoes (No boots or trainers)
Bobbles/clips/headbands should be red or navy blue and kept to a minimum and be small because these are seen as a distraction to learning. JoJo bows should not be worn.
Earrings should be plain gold or silver studs (no diamonds, colours) and children should be able to remove them by themselves for PE. No other forms of jewellery should be worn.
Hair products must not be worn unless it is a non-uniform day. Hair should be of a sensible cut, no tram lines, shaved patterns, Mohicans, dyed hair or hair braids because these are seen as a distraction to learning.
Nails should be free from nail polish.
PE Kit, Consisting of:-
Navy Blue Cotton Shorts not cycling or leggings
Navy blue cotton joggers none sports branded
Team Coloured T-Shirt (purchased from Justs Clothing)
Elasticated Black Pumps or black trainers - no logos
No items of clothing, including PE kits should have a sports/branded logo on them.
A blue school satchel for all year groups (from Justs Clothing). We do not have space for other styles of bags. Rucksacks are not permitted. If your child is taking part in an after school club they do not need another kit other than their PE Kit. Jujitsu is the exception.
Justs do sell a logo school coat - this is optional.
Clothes/PE Kits/ Lunchboxes not taken home at the end of a school year will automatically be recycled after the first week of the holidays.
Prices Correct as of September 2024