Year 6: The Koalas 2024 - 2025

Mr Pearson

Mr Pearson

Deputy Headteacher
BSc (Hons) Geography, Huddersfield University
PGCE Primary Education, Edge Hill University
PGDip Education Leadership & Management, Edge Hill University
NPQH, National College School Leadership
National Award Special Educational Needs Coordination, Edge Hill University
School responsibilities: Deputy, Curriculum, Science, Computing, Design Technology, Behaviour, lunchtime.

Mrs Jackson

Mrs Jackson

Assistant Teacher

Mrs Doherty

Mrs Doherty

Assistant Teacher
Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools


Welcome to the Year 6 class page.

Year 6 at Longton Primary School is a very exciting year for our pupils, with lots of exciting events and very engaging lessons. At Longton, we have high expectations of our children through outstanding behaviour and being ready to learn and embrace school life. Just like all pupils at Longton, our classroom embraces, employs and promotes our core values; to CARE, GROW and SHINE.

We want to promote that making mistakes in our classroom is okay and is an opportunity to learn. We celebrate success, determination, teamwork, independence, uniqueness, kindness and positivity. 

In the classroom, we will be doing amazing and inspirational-worthy learning. We understand that learning requires teamwork both in and out of school and should you need to have a chat, please don't hesitate to catch me at the beginning or end of the day or contact the office, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. 

In Year 6 the children all have roles and responsibilities which they are all extremely proud of and we know they will carry out these roles brilliantly. The Elephants are a wonderful group of young people who work well as a tribe displaying the school values and who this year we are certain will be inspitrational role models. 

Our classroom is a positive learning environment where praise and encouragement are used to motivate and support all of the children. In Y6 we expect every child to try their best and develops a resillient attitude towards learning where they are willing to have a go and to never give up when the going gets tough.  The nature of the classroom will nurture the self-esteem of the children, equipping them with the confidence to believe in themselves. The classroom environment will offer learning prompts for the children and will also offer the chance for their work to be showcased. Through hard work, resilliance and fun the children will thrive and build on the great progress they have made already in school.

Education is a team game and we value the support you give your children at home. By working as a team and communicating regularly we can ensure that this is a happy and successful year for the children.

Best wishes

Mr Pearson, Mrs Jackson Mrs Doherty



Files to Download

Year 6: The Koalas: Blog items

Snow fun, by Mr Pearson

York 2024, by Mr Pearson

Welcome to Year 6, by Mr Pearson