A winter week

Date: 11th Jan 2025 @ 9:05am

What an exciting first week back!

The snow came which was just perfect for our science afternoons where we looked at freezing and melting. I was very mean to our new penguin toys and froze them in containers and rubber gloves. The kangaroos were not happy!

We tested how we could free the penguins - Would the ice melt if they were left outside? In our fridge? In our classroom? With warm water? We had a lot of fun being scientists and used words such as temperature, liquid and solid.

We have worked hard in phonics. We looked at a new consanant cluster 'sl' - sleep, slug, slip and sling.

In handwriting we have been starting our sessions by warming up our fingers and have checked that we have our chairs tucked in and our feet flat on the floor so that we can do our best.

Our new topic is 'Amazing Animals' (please see our class notice board and also above in the files to download section) We have a new class 'Pets at home, complete with veterinary surgery. Our story book this week has been 'Lost and Found'. We could not believe that we had a mysterious suitcase delivered to our class from the story. The children had to guess what could be inside the case which was on its way to the South Pole.

I wonder if your kangaroo can tell you about the penguin eggs or how they huddle?

The children have had lots of opportunities to talk and share this week. They have shared news about their Christmas and New Year break. The have shared their 'All about me' books with each other and even talked about New Year Resolutions. Our class resolution is to 'keep our bodies healthy'. We talked about choosing dinners that might be new and exciting and also choosing dinners that we would enjoy. The children have amazed the kitchen staff this week!

We are constantly reminding the children during the day to drink their water to stay healthy. We have set up a stretch area inside our classroom and also outside in our home corner shed to help us work on our new year resolution.

On Wednesday (3.15-4pm) please feel free to drop in and ask questions about reading, listen to your child read or let your child read to a member of staff. We are checking books constantly but your feedback is very much appreciated to help us address concerns with their reading books or phonics work.

I hope you enjoy sharing the pictures with your kangaroo.