Google Classroom Information

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 4:47pm


The passwords for Google Classroom have been sent out with the children this week and I want to accompany it with a step by step to access the software for those that may need it.

1. Click here to access Google Classroom

2. Click 'Go To Classroom'

3. You should be presented with a login page to use the email and password provided. 

4. Once logged in, click the Pengins classroom (with Kieran Croft)

5. From there children should be able to access that weeks activities. 


Homework will be presented via Jamboard and children will be able to edit and add answers to the jamboard, on the Jamboard children can write, add sticky notes, add text boxes, etc. Using the little menu on the left hand side.

If you have had difficulties inputting the password I will chase this up and have those passwords altered to a more user friendly format at the start of next week. 

Stay safe! 


Mr. Croft