Hot Chocolate Wednesday!
Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 11:15am
Another busy week for the kangaroos!
The children have worked very hard in their maths. They have been detectives spotting circles, triangles, squares and rectangles. They know how to recognise the shapes and identify how they are different or how they are similiar.
Mrs. Morrison has started an art and craft project with the class. They are creating a class christmas tree using junk materials. The class will have to build it, starting with the largest boxes next week and decorate it using their wonderful imaginations.
On Wednesday everyone enjoyed their Christmas lunch together. It was a very festive occasion.
We have been talking about the past and the present this week. We have linked this to Christmas traditions. Please talk about the traditions you have in your family and any traditions you had when you were very young.
Next week we will send home a lot of art and craft - please send a carrier bag in so we can get this all home to you.
Christmas Homework - Rest, Relax and Reading (please). We are sending your green 'All about me' book home. One or two pictures drawn by the children or a new photograph added would be fantastic! Thank you.
Tuesday 17th December - Christmas Party afternoon.
Wednesday 18th December - Kangaroos Afternoon Christmas Picnic (Please send a small soft toy / teddy - it must fit in the book bag) Thank you.