Monday and Tuesday

Date: 16th Jan 2024 @ 9:13pm



Spelling - feeling the shape of this week's words

Reading - this week we are focusing on developing our summarising skills.

Geography - finding longtitude and latitude coordinates of given captial cities

Maths - learnning about imperial measures

PE - passing, dribblind and tackling in hockey

English - rewriting informal sentences in a more formal manner.




Spelling - using each of our spellings in a sentence to show that we understand their meaning.

Reading - more summarising skills this time using a poenm as our text

Fluent in Five

First Aid - one and a half hours learning first aid skills. Everyone did brilliantly.

Maths - making sure that we really undersatnd imperial measures.

English - revising word classes by picking words from a given list , identifying their word class and then writing a definition of the word to show what it measns as part of that class.