Moving house!
Date: 22nd Nov 2023 @ 8:11pm
What a busy week!
Although we have been singing Christmas songs for a few weeks now our rehearsals have started with year one for our production next week. We are busy creating props, learning songs and dances. The penguins are enjoying themselves and are already asking if they can use the microphone on stage and be narrators like year one.
We have had a little change around in class and now have a breakfast area for our toast and milk. This has already been a success! The children can eat when they are ready, chat to friends, wear the Christmas oven gloves (which seems to be the favourite thing!) and tidy up after themselves.
The penguins have also decided that they would like a post office in the classroom. They decided they would like a wrapping area, weighing parcels area, a post box and lots of cards and papers to stamp. Please save us any old cards or wrapping paper and if you get a tall box delivered please keep it if you think we could work our penguin magic and create a post box. The children also want bikes ready for delivering the mail.
Therefore we have had to move our classroom house! It was a huge team effort but we managed to relocate to one of our large outdoor sheds. We are looking forward to decorating this for Christmas and putting up a tree that can be decorated each day.
Thank you for your help with reading. The children are really shining.
Some picturs to share!