Our special remembrance service.

Date: 12th Nov 2023 @ 10:37am

The penguins have embraced their learning this week.

We have been working hard on our ‘Traditional Tales’ topic. We have looked at how some stories change over time, pictures and books from the past and how many of the traditional tales begin - long, long ago and once upon a time. We enjoyed looking at Evies special non fiction book.

We will be baking next week and the penguins are looking forward to this. 

We have enjoyed our shape work in maths this week which took us on a journey at looking at the art work produced by Kandinsky. We have recreated his work which has been admired by many children and teachers in school already.

The children are enjoying their writing activities in class. Did they tell you we covered the carpet with wallpaper for them to practise their name writing?

On Friday the penguins joined the whole school for a very special remembrance assembly. The children listened to our very special guest Mr. Turner.

We have started learning our Christmas songs in class! How exciting!


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School Lane, Longton, Preston PR4 5YA


Let's Connect

HeadteacherMrs J Brown

School Office01772612495


SENCOMrs R Catterall
