Penguin Update

Date: 2nd Mar 2022 @ 10:25pm

The Penguin's have been very busy since we returned to school following half term

They have taken part in a webinair on gender stereotypes and another on STEM careers. They have also had a visit from Reece Taylor who spoke to them about living with cerebal palsy. He really was an inspitration to the whole class. We have started a new unit of work in English - Autobiographies and biograpahies- looking at the diary of Anne Frank. This has led to some outstanding discussions about life in Nazi controlled areas during World War 2. Outstanding links to previous learning in History.

In maths they are concentrating on fine tuning their  arithmetic skills becoming more accuate in the use of timestables to successfully divide numbers to 2 digits.

Spelling is currently being develpoed through lots of investigations and through a daily morning task revising phase 5 phonics. Yesterday and this morning we have compared the use of traditional book format and online dictionaries whilst invsetigating prefixes and root words.