Penguins 23 November

Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 12:00pm

In P.E, we had to find different ways to get across a bench and some gymnasts did cartwheels across the bench. At the end of the bench we had to do some sort of jump onto the mat.

In Geography, we did a facts file about Antarctica. How we got the information was from sheets with facts and the internet. We have looked at the weather in the topics and have started planning our own weather report.

In maths, we were mostly trying to learn all our times tables and different strategies in multiplication mentally.

In English, we learnt about conjunctions and putting them into sentences and using them in our writing we have started looking at information texts.

In French, we decided food with like, dislike, love and dislike.

In Grammar, we tried to understand the difference between nouns and pronouns.

On Friday, we did a class write we based on the film Artic Circle we had to rewrite the film.


From Oliver, Lucie and Mr Peason  😊 😊😊