Persuasive letter writing - Wind Farm

Date: 25th Oct 2016 @ 11:57am

Year 5 have blown me away with some amazing writing over the past week.  

We have been learning about persuasive writing for the past 3 weeks. Our writing was based on a purely fictitious letter we received about a plan to build 2 wind farms next to school.   The child were determined this would NOT go ahead. We have research the positive and negative environmental factors of wind farms and discussed the impact of this kind of development on our community.  Finally, we have been writing letters to the council protesting and putting together everything we have learnt.  

I have been impressed with their use of persuasive features, use of emotive language and modal verbs.  It has been fantastic to see such passion and enthusiasm for writing. The quality of the work they have produced has been tremendous.  I think you will agree that the children have really risen to the challenge of a "real life" learning opportunity, although I hope we didn't panic you with the news of the wind farm. 

Well Done Bears.  You've ended this unit of work amazingly.