Remembrance Day

Date: 13th Nov 2024 @ 2:28pm

On Monday we had a very special 'Remembrance Day' assembly in school. All of the classes met in the hall and took part in a very special service. Children in school shared medals and memories with everyone. Mr. Turner came to visit us and we listened to his story about his dad leaving him to go off to war when he was a little boy.

At 11am we stood very still and you could hear a pin drop in our assembly hall as we took part in two minutes of silence.

Sam brought a very special picture into class to share of his great grandfather. It was very interesting and we looked for clues of how we could tell it was a picture from the past.

At lunch time we enjoyed sausage and mash or corned beef hot pot. We all sat in big long rows, just like in the pictures we see from the past.

That day we talked more about Remembrance day, why we wear poppies and we saw a picture of King Charles laying a reef in London.

We have continued talking about 'Respect' this week as it is 'Anti-bullying' week. We have also been talking about 'Respect' in our RE work.