Spring 2nd half term
Date: 1st Mar 2020 @ 6:08pm
I hope you all had a lovely half term break despite the terrible weather.
Thank you to those of you who have returned your holiday passports, please send the others in as soon as possible
This half term our main topics are geography - Volcanoes and a science unit on Rocks and fossils, our art work will be linked to these areas.
R.E. Jesus’ call to his disciples.
PSHE Jigsaw Healthy Me. Revision of healthy eating, keeping active setting a physical challenge, drugs, what might they be how do we keep safe - medicines, household products.
P.E. Our final half term swimming. We also have a tennis coach in on Monday afternoons to help us develop our tennis skills.
Homework - currently focus needs to be on learning lines and songs for the play. All children have been given their lines and a copy of the song words. The music is on the blog. As always spellings and times tables are a key focus. At the end of March I will be testing the children on column 4 of the statutory word list. I sent home their previous test so you can see which words still need practising.
A few dates for your diary.
Tuesday 3rd March - sports event 10 children - letters sent to those participating
Tuesday 3rd March - celebration assembly 2pm in church.
Friday 6th March - world book day- science / space related dressing up.
Friday 13th March - Sports Relief, more details to follow.
Year 2 and 3 performance - 6pm Tuesday 17th March and Wednesday 18th March
Wednesday 1st April - Easter shop
Thursday 2nd April - Easter Egg decorating competition. Decorate a hard boiled egg and bring into school for judging on this day.
Friday 3rd April - Easter service in church.
Any questions or queries please feel free to call in and see me.