Summer Week Five
Date: 18th May 2021 @ 8:20am
Week 5 Summer term
Maths: in maths this week we were using protractors to measure accurate angles. Earlier in the week, we were learning what statistics are and working on our reasoning.
English: In English, we did our big write on our story gorilla and then practised some SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and grammar) and our comprehension skills.
History: In history, we have been studying the English civil war when Oliver Cromwell was alive and his impact on the war and how some of the events were much local than we first thought! Like The Battle of Preston which took place in the now known, Walton-Le-Dale.
PE: In PE this week we were learning how to improve our accuracy in Tennis and rallies.
Drama: In drama this week we tried to make a piece based on the Victorian ages.
Art: In art, we were starting to start the process of making our own mindfulness robots.
Computing: In computing, we were finishing off our coding game code monkey.
The Penguins