Summer Week One Blog
Date: 16th Apr 2021 @ 12:23pm
First week in the new term
This week we have started learning a lot of things.
Maths: In maths this week we learnt fraction and how to convert them into decimals later in the week. We need to make sure we are focusing on our place values in whole numbers and decimals numbers. Remembering that decimals are tenth, hundredth and thousandth. We have worked very hard this week to get a strong understanding of decimals, understanding thousandths and decimal as fractions E.G 4/10 = 0.4
English: In English we were learning how to proofread our work to get us ready for our next stage of learning key events. We learnt how to get ideas from a picture and videos in preparation for our big writes. We also set up editing and proof reading stations that will help us improve our work!
P.E: In P.E we did a bleep test which is where we here a bleep and run to the other side of the room/Ball cage. After a certain amount of laps you will get to a harder level - this is preparing us for our daily running and endurance building.
#Getfit #Bleeptest
Music: In music we are learning how to use the ukulele. We learnt the C C7 and F Cord.
French: In French we learnt animals and tried to complete a conversation with another person.
Computing: In Computing we looked on a website of a zoo and made a PowerPoint about animals that we can show to the year 1 class.
The Penguins