Summer Week Two!

Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 3:24pm

Summer Term Week 2

We have all had a lovely week this week, the sun has been shining just as bright as our wonderful tribe. Thankyou for a lovely week Penguins, get plenty of rest and enjoy the sun over the weekend. Mr Kennedy

This week we have explored:

Maths: In maths this week we were learning how to order decimal and later in the week learn how to add and subtract them together, making sure we are really understanding out place value with decimals. We have also been working on our daily fluent in 5!

English: In English this week we had a new story with simple sentences in and tried to make them into complex sentences. This is called sentences stacking. We have been looking at Gorilla and identifying key plot points and how they impact the inner feelings of our main character, Hannah. 

We also wrote letters to our partner class, the Puffins at Barden Primary School!

We are really focusing on making sure we have the BEST sentences we can in our writing. 

Topic: This week in topic we were learning facts about countries in different continents. We have explored so many countries around the world and are looking forward to learning more about our local history.


Computing: In computing we learnt how to put pictures into a video and write facts about zoo animals. 


Music: In music we learnt another cord which is the G cord. With this new cord we tried to put it into new songs to play. 



                                                                                                            The Penguins