Takeover Day: Letter To Parents

Date: 5th Jul 2017 @ 11:38am

Below is a letter from Daniel and Matthew (our Year 6 pupils who have taken on the roles of Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher for the day):

Dear Parents,

Today Year 6 pupils have taken over teaching for the day as a reward they have earned. There are around 4 pupils teaching each class and have been given a timetable for the day.

Reception has been doing some amazing phonics work, music lessons too and all the teachers are doing a good job. Year 1 have enjoyed doing PE involving throwing and catching and for a treat, football. They also did guided reading work with the teachers helping each child. Year 2 have done some great science work finding out about bugs and have looked all over the bog garden to find some. Year 3 have started off today by doing some fantastic singing. They then did science, learning about flowers and purposes of them. Year 4 have been doing some math problem solving involving multiplication work, after that they work on GPS. Year 5 were doing spelling on suffixes and play rehearsal for their big performance night ahead of them.


Yours Sincerely, Mr Holmes (Deputy Head)

                              Mr Stillings (Head Teacher)