The week of days!

Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 12:01pm

What a wonderful week!

Pancake day, world book day and baby lambs coming to visit us day!

Monday - The kangaroos started their week with a show and tell session. We are encouraging the children to ask one another questions to find out more information. This is the day children can bring a picture, ticket or something that they would like to share with their friends (nothing valuable or breakable please)

Pancake day was fun. The children followed the method to make the pancakes, had a try at flipping them and then ate the pancakes after they had chosen their toppings. Following this, the kangaroos then wrote out the method for our class recipe book. Super writing kangaroos!

Our afternoon with the baby lambs was a treat! We found out a lot of information about lambs, feeding and the busy life of a farmer. Eleven children have decided that they would like to become a farmer!

World book day was a special day. We contributed to our school story about flying frogs! We had special stories to share with our year five buddies and we also went on a mini beast hunt.

NSPCC Pantosaurus - we had a circle time for this session. We talked about looking after our bodies, saying No and which adults we can always talk to. The kangaroos enjoyed the song and next week they will be creating a pair of pants for our NSPCC washing line. We will revisit our learning from the first session also.

Thank you for your support with daily reading.