Times table test website
Date: 23rd Jan 2020 @ 11:49am
Dear Parents
As you will be aware in June this year all Year 4 children will be assessed on their times tables knowledge. This means that your child will need to be fluent in all of the times tables up to 12 x 12.
To prepare for the assessment our maths homework for the immediate future will be to learn a focus times table each week. The children will need to know the answers in a random order and not just be able to count on, as in the test the children only have 6 seconds to answer each question. We will assess the children on a Tuesday in the back of their maths homework book to enable you to keep a check on how your child is progressing. We would hope all children would score full marks, however any child who makes several errors will keep that times tables focus for the following week. Your support in this matter is invaluable and will benefit your child greatly as they progress through school.
This is the website we will be using to practice for the test in June