Traditional Tales
Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 9:34pm
This week the giraffes have carried on with their journey of traditional tales. The children have worked hard at making their own gingerbread stories as well as building boats to help the gingerbread man escape the fox. Everyone had to test their boat and most of them successfully floated carrying the gingerbread man to safety.
The giraffes have worked very hard on their tricky sounds this week. I have sent sheets to read through for homework. Two letters, one sound.
In maths we have been shape detectives. Everyone did a shape hunt around school. Please look for circles, triangles, squares and rectangles when you are out walking.
Thank you for your amazing hard work with daily reading, practising our sounds and the homework books.
We have a lovely week ahead with a new story to share, an exciting dance lesson to take part in, Jack and the Beanstalk PE and a class castle to create.