Week Beginning Monday 9th October 2017
Date: 8th Oct 2017 @ 11:38am
Hello all :)
I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.
This is what we are doing this week:
English |
We are writing and performing poetry. |
Maths |
We are working on addition and subtraction. We are solving missing number sentences, solving number stories and making addition sentences that balance using Numicon. |
Phonics |
Miss Adamson's phonics group has completed phase 3 and 4 review. We are focusing on ay (e.g. may I play), ou (e.g. shout it out), ea (e.g. a cup of tea) and oy (e.g. toy for a boy). Mrs Thomson's group are focusing on oa (e.g. goat in a boat), oo (e.g. poo at the zoo), and ar (e.g. start the car). |
Handwriting |
We are practising cursive letter formation in our special handwriting books and ensuring we are writing using the tripod grip. |
Jigsaw |
We are making freeze frames in groups that show us making good choices. |
Design and Technology |
We are designing, making and evaluating superhero hand puppets. |
PE |
We are learning about balancing and running. |
A note about spellings |
With your children's spellings, do not worry about getting a new set every week. We are also reviewing their old spellings on a Friday as we find that otherwise we remember the most recent and forget the old. Some of the lists are very tricky so it will take longer than one week of practise to ensure that children are confident in spelling them. Thank you for all your effort. We have been pleasantly surprised by how well the children are doing in the weekly check! |
I look forward to seeing you all in the week.
Many thanks,
Miss Adamson