Week ending 13 March
Date: 13th Mar 2020 @ 1:15pm
In maths, we learnt what mixed fractions are e.g 2 ¾ and improper fractions like 9/7. We had questions like 2/3=? /6 and on Friday we had questions that had adds in them like 5/7 + 6/8 = 82/56.
In English, we wrote a bit more on our focus story The Lost Thing we wrote a bit that we could just copy for the ending. On Friday we wrote the story again however in our own words.
In French, we had a quiz on different animal games on a game called kazoot.
In music, we played a game where you say `I went to the market and I bought` and we composed our own song.
In art, marked other peoples work from last week and finished off our mosaic paintings.
We had an amazing trip to Chester on Tuesday, thank you to Mr Walker and Mr Dunbar who came with us on our trip.
Fantastic weather today for another excellent game of cricket. The Green and Yellow team won.
By Oliver and Luice 😊😊