Week ending 17 Jan

Date: 19th Jan 2020 @ 5:22pm

This week has been check up week and we have competed tests in maths, reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling.

This week in English we learnt all about complex sentences on Monday, we have also been looking at inverted commas. We then used a short film based on the Romans to write our story.

We have studied how the Romans built their roads and the reasons why.

We have been learning our lines and songs for our class assembly.

In this week’s maths lesson, we have been learning a lot about fractions of amounts for example 7/10 of 60 = 42. We keep learning and practising our times tables this week we are focusing on 8’s

Moving on to French, we learnt all about the 8 rooms in the house learnt in French.

Instead of P.E maths we did drama and retold the story of snow white, then did our own story to not talk to strangers.


On Friday we presented our class assembly based on our topic the Romans. Everyone agreed it was great acting and singing and we shared our knowledge with parents and the rest of the school.