Well done Giraffes

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 11:46am

Well done to every single member of the Giraffe tribe for working so hard this week. They have completed check up week with confidence and smiley  faces😀. Mrs Woolley and I are (as we always are) very proud of them. 

No homework this weekend, just reading books.

Holiday passports will come home next week ready for the holidays. If yours is still at home please pop it in book bags on Monday so I can look at it.

Today we have had a relaxing day choosing activities linked to two of our favourite book. Bob MAn on the Moon and Dougal, Diary of a Deep Sea Diver.

We have watched a video clip of a chapter from out class story The Faraway Tree and later on we will be playing cricket.

Today has also been Jessica's first day as a Giraffe and we welcome her to Longton.