Our blogs

Learning in the sun, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 6th May 2016 @ 1:19pm

This afternoon some children chose to do their group work outside in the sunshine .

French food tasting, by Mrs Hothersall

Date: 5th May 2016 @ 7:30pm

We tried French cheese and baguette, creme caramel and brioche. They were all delicious.

Dangerous Deforestation, by Mr Monckton

Date: 5th May 2016 @ 4:55pm

As part of our topic work, we have been looking at the Amazon Rainforest. 

 In our topic work, we wrote a speech with a partner relating to deforestation. 

We recorded these outside as though we were actually in the rainforest. 

Have a look at our highlights video!

Celebration Assembly , by Mr Pearson

Date: 27th Nov 2015 @ 9:10am

On 26th November in St Andrew's Church the school held the Autumn term Celebration Assembly.

This terms winning tribe were the Bongos, congratulations.

Maths afternoon, by Mr Pearson

Date: 13th Nov 2015 @ 2:58pm

An amazing maths calculation afternoon.

Farmer Ted photos, by Mrs Ainsworth

Date: 22nd Oct 2015 @ 4:14pm

Farmer Ted photos

Knowsley Safari Park, by Mrs Masterson

Date: 21st Oct 2015 @ 3:02pm

The Hippos are expected back shortly after 3.30pm. They have had a great day.

Our First Week, by Mr Monckton

Date: 10th Sep 2015 @ 10:01pm

The Kangaroos have settled into Year 5 really well and are starting to take more responsibility. A huge welcome to our two new class members Tom and Nathan, it definitely doesn't feel like you have only been here a week! This week we have launched straight back into Year 5 work beavering away at place value in Maths and have started to look at the story of Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo in English as we start looking at our topic of 'A Kingdom United.'

It has been lovely seeing the Kangaroos looking very smart. Please make sure that we continue with our high standard of uniform by making sure that we wear no nail polish, grey socks for the boys, plain red bobbles and hair slides, sensible hair styles with no gel or hair braides and keep our shirts tucked in!

We also had our jujitsu taster session today! Here are some of the pictures.



Manchester Airport, by Mrs Robinson

Date: 26th Jun 2015 @ 2:55pm

The bears have had a fabulous day an Manchester Airport. We have sat in the flight deck on a DC10. Learnt all about different jobs in the airport. Had a look at Concorde & much, much more.

Fashion week in the Bongos, by Mrs Cowburn

Date: 25th Jun 2015 @ 1:53pm

What a great time we have had designing clothes with fabric.

Lunch outside , by Mrs Cowburn

Date: 25th Jun 2015 @ 12:19pm

We have all really enjoyed having our lunch outside today. Have a look at our pictures and you can see for yourself.

Outside take away lunch, by Mr Pearson

Date: 25th Jun 2015 @ 12:11pm

Special lunch outside today

Art in the style of, by Mrs Cowburn

Date: 23rd Jun 2015 @ 9:40pm

Have a look at our art in the style of Gillian Ayre. Gillian is an abstract artist who works with vibrant colours.

Dance from the Heart event 2015, by Mr Pearson

Date: 19th Jun 2015 @ 7:35pm

Dance from the heart event

Today the whole school has successfully taken part in the Dance of the heart event. We were visited by Sian and her team including two ex pupils Annie Hargreaves and Daisy Ashby.

The children had fun and completed the dance successfull

Creating 3D shape models, by Mrs Robinson

Date: 12th Jun 2015 @ 7:23pm

Today the bears have been revising the names of 3d shapes. We created our own models using nets of shapes and then straws and plastercine. We really had to think about the properties of each shape to recreate them. How many vertices( corners) does it have to work out how many blobs of plastercine they needed! Tricky but fun!!!!

Cricket, by Mrs Robinson

Date: 12th Jun 2015 @ 7:19pm

We really enjoyed learning cricket skills of bowling catching and batting.

Week beginning 14th July, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 18th Jul 2014 @ 4:14pm

Our last full week! This week we have enjoyed the story of Handas Surprise , we acted it out, sequenced pictures and wrote about them. We also tasted some of the fruits that were in Handas basket- we're not that keen on passion fruit!

We also built models with 3D shapes and had fun finishing off our paper mâché and then starting to paint our minibeasts bodies.

Message from Miss Stevenson, the postcard sheet is from her and should be completed over the holidays and bought back in September. If you have already done it - don't worry!

Have a great weekend!

Awards Night Videos, by Mr Coxhead

Date: 15th Jul 2014 @ 5:44pm


Date: 11th Jul 2014 @ 5:09pm

Click the PDF file below to see all of the lyrics for the songs!

Sports super hero day, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 11th Jul 2014 @ 2:49pm

This morning we had lots of fun in the sun doing our sporting challenges 

A busy week!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 11th Jul 2014 @ 2:04pm

This week we have enjoyed take over day, we shared our books, did a phonic lesson and wrote minibeasts facts, we enjoyed our new teachers!

We  started paper mâché insects and have designed one that we would like to make. 

We have also been measuring with cubes finding things  that were the same length as the different towers we made. We enjoyed our super hero athletics this morning ,don''t forget to send sponsor money in to school next week.

Please find the parent slip to fill in acknowledging  you have recieved the report, in the children's book bags sorry I  forgot to enclose it in the report!

Popcorn time!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 11th Jul 2014 @ 1:39pm

We enjoyed a "movie time" with our buddies!