Our blogs

Comparing toys, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 8:07am

Thank you so much for sending in the lovely toys for us to look at. It really did bring our learning alive as we were really able to compare old with new.

We loved using our last sense, the sense of touch, our skin, in our science  lesson.

Thank you too for all the wonderful projects that came in, the children loved sharing them and we loved looking at them.

Have a fabulous break, enjoy time with your fabulous children, 

Mrs Pratten and Mrs Regan

Fabulous learning, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 4:06pm

This week we have been comparing numbers using signs and  language eg greater than, less than and equal to. 
We have been doing lots of writing about our robots and in the style of Knuffle bunny.

In science we had fun on a listening walk and quiz.

We loved looking at Mrs Pratten's old toys and comparing old teddies with new ones in History.

Please bring in old toys on Thursday that you played with or grandparents. We would love to see them and we will be careful with them!

In RE we were thinking about the qualities needed to create the world, choosing the ones we thought best.

 We are off to the Brickcroft on Tuesday looking for signs of Autumn, 🫰for good weather

Have a great weekend :)

Using our senses., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 1:54pm

This week the kangaroos have had fun using their senss to explore. They went on a sensory walk around the inside and outside of our school, they made scented and prickly play dough, listened to a sounds story, used their senses on our class herbs and also explored our feely boxes and scented pots. They used their super power listening ears in the library when Helen read stories to the children and followed her instructions on hot to make a giant peach.

The librarian from Longton library has invited us back for a Christmas story and craft session later in the year. She was very impressed at how all the children listened and behaved in the library.

Thank you for your amazing support with reading and phonics. It is a delight to see the kangaroos feeling so proud of themselves when they sound and blend the new words I give them in phonics each day. Mrs. Morrison and I really do appreciate the daily reading that you are doing at home as the children are beaming with confidence in phonics each morning. I hope you spot their excitement at seeing a new sound each morning on the washing line!

Don't forget that you are more than welcome to call into our 'Bookworm Bistro' after school on a Wednesday if you have any reading or phonics questions! 

Next week I would be very grateful if you could send one baby photograph into school with your child. We will be sharing our memories, looking at how we have chnaged and talking about our amazing bodies.

Friday fun, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 4:41pm

Today we enjoyed using the chrome books in computing, we learnt how to log in by ourselves. 
In music we used the glockenspiels trying to follow Mrs Darby's instructions, it was fun but noisy!

This afternoon we enjoyed learning about how some  Hindus believe the world was created. We compared this to the creation story that some Cristians and Jewish people believe in. We liked the Hindu gods!

Have a lovely weekend, don't forget to get creative with projects! 😄

Harvest Celebration!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 2:02pm

We hope you enjoyed the Harvest Celebration this week. The kangaroos had a lovely time listening to each class and their performance was a real treat!

Did you manage to get a story massage this week? Mrs. Morrison and I encouraged all of the children to help you unwind after a busy day. They are getting very good at using their kind hands to remember all of the different moves to the stories and rhymes.

A little reminder that projects need to come into school on the 10th October. If you need any help on ideas or further information please pop and see us next week.


Autumn is here!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 2:56pm

What a week! Wonderful kangaroos! Lots of learning and lots of fun!

This week we having been learning about Harvest and spotting signs of Autumn. After talking about farmers and harvest we had fun baking bread with Mrs. Morrison. One of our kangaroos has already asked Mrs. Morrison if she can make chicken and vegetable pie with them next time! Sounds like a great plan!

We have been counting in maths with Henry hedgehog and we have had four new sounds to learn (new cards added to your wallet) I wonder if your kangaroo can teach you the action to g, o, c and k.

We have enjoyed dough disco, story massage and PE. We had lots of fun learning to put on our puddle suits in preparation of the Autumn and winter weather.

We are working hard with scissors and writing our name.

The children had fun with Mr. Sumner today and did lots of acting before making musical instruments with Miss. Darby.

Thank you for your support with reading. The children are so proud to tell us about their reading and what new words they can sound out! Fantastic!

York 2024, by Mr Pearson

Date: 25th Sep 2024 @ 4:12pm

A fantastic trip to York

The Year 6 residential to York was enjoyed by all. 
Highlights included:

York Minster 

St Mary's Abbey

walking the City walls

visiting the shambles

 Visiting the Yorkshire Museum 

Visiting the Roman Baths

Learni g about the history of York

Making Roman bread

Making own stain glass window 

Making own mosaic design

Learning to be independent 

Super Reading!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 7:34pm

A huge thank you for attending our phonics and reading meeting. The kangaroos have embraced their reading books and are surprising themselves each day reading words during our phonics sessions. A huge thank you for hearing your child read each day - please remember to initial or leave a comment in the record book.

Please remember to drop into our 'Bookworm Bistro' on a Wednesday 3.45-4pm to ask any questions, read to your child, talk about phonics or just come and chat. You are always welcome!

During the week ahead we will be learning about Harvest and Autumn. If you go on a walk please look out for signs of Autumn and feel free to send in leaves, acorns, pine cones and conkers that you collect. We are going to create an Autumn display to encourage drawing, writing, weaving, observing and colour mixing.

A huge thank you to Joey who told us all about honey and even brought in a honeycomb to show us. Everyone listened and enjoyed learning about how the bees make the honey, how the smoke made the bees leave the hive and how to separate the wax from the honey. Great job Joey!

The kangaroos received their first two class compliments last week. Two members of staff spotted the whole class working as a team and following our golden rules. Well done Kangaroos!!

Please ask your child about our 'story massage'. Our song this week was 'Twinkle Twinkle'. Perhaps they will show you and you may enjoy a shoulder and back massage. The kangaroos were very relaxed, calm and quiet after the session!

Friday fun, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 20th Sep 2024 @ 3:51pm

The Penguins are loving their computer lessons, developing their programming skills well.

In music they enjoyed using the instruments to join in with different songs.

Have a lovely weekend...and a rest🙃

See you Monday 👍😄

Fabulous Penguins, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 4:44pm

The Penguins have continued to be amazing as they settle into Year 1.

We had fun in science labelling a body (our friend) using sticky notes. Lots of giggles as we stuck the labels on heads, chins, feet !!!!
Today we enjoyed some maths in the sunshine. We collected stones and leaves and had to count how many altogether. If we changed them around ...did we still have the same amount?

Have a lovely weekend..hope the sun keeps shining 😎

Mrs Pratten😊

Kind Kangaroos!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 3:41pm

What a wonderful week! Superstar children!!

Kind words, kind hands and kind feet! Our classroom has been cared for and the children have shown kindess to each other!

A lovely day of phonics, music, drama and dancing! I think your kangaroo may be ready for a rest over weekend!

Yesterday I sent home a plastic wallet of sounds. I hope your kangaroo taught you the actions and the sounds! They did say they were going to be Mrs.Thomson!

Please look at these sounds as often as you can because this will help when the reading books come home. Please send the wallet back to school in your book bag every Thursday morning. New cards and words will be added to the wallet each Thursday.

Highlights from our week -

  • The kangaroos met their year 5 buddy. They got to share their 'All about Me' books with their new year five friends
  • We started learning a song for our Harvest celebration. We will sing it and also sign it in Makaton.
  • We have started our phonics adventure! A new sound has appeared everyday!
  • We all found a new friend to play with by finding who had the missing piece to a heart.
  • We joined in with year one and year two singing practice.

Welcome to Year 6, by Mr Pearson

Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 9:43am

Year 6 have been busy this week completing the 2022 SAT's tests to allow Mr Pearson to get a baseline for the coming year ahead. 

We are looking to our residential to York in a couple of weeks time. 

An exciting day tomorrow!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 9th Sep 2024 @ 9:01pm

Tomorrow the kangaroos will meet their year five buddies. Both classes are so excitied! Our buddies will come and have story sessions with us, play afternoons and they will hold our hands when we walk to church for celebration assemblies. Tomorrow we will be sharing our 'All about me' books with them and have a story time together.

Today we started our phonics learning. The kangaroos did a sorting game finding objects which start with the 's' sound, we had a practise of writing the sound holding a pencil correctly. We did an activity on the scissor station and also set up our 'wow' washing line to hang up pictures, writing and crafts that we are proud of! Super busy kangaroos!

Lots of kangaroos had their name on one of our 'super stars' today. Our mission for this week is to 'use kind words'. Everytime we hear someone using kind words in class and around school the kangaroos find their name star and pop it on the board. 

Perfect start for the Penguins, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 6th Sep 2024 @ 3:45pm

The lovely Penguins have settled in really well to Year 1 and have enjoyed being back together as a tribe, becoming familiar with routines and finding their way around the classroom. 
This morning they enjoyed, computing - programming coding pets,music  - finding the pulse and drama - fun games - all superstars!!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine😎

A first week review, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 5th Sep 2024 @ 7:47pm

I have enjoyed our maths work this week, we had fun matching up 2 digit numbers with their words and base 10 pictures. EQ

I’ve liked learning to join up my letters.  PS

I enjoyed designing cards ready for making our cauliflower cards next week. JB

I’ve liked learning the names of the 5 oceans. HS

I’ve enjoyed learning about nouns in grammar. LC

I have liked the start of our story, The way home for wolf.  I can’t wait to find out what happens next. HH

The Giraffes are amazing, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 4th Sep 2024 @ 9:47pm

We have made a fantastic start to the week in Year 2.  The children have come back to school shining brightly.  They have shown excellent manners and have already recived 3 class compliments from 3 different members of staff who have come into our classroom and seen them working hard. They have produced some lovely non fiction texts about wolves today and their knowledge and understanding of 2 digit numbers has been fantastic.  I can't wait to watch them grow, you are amazing Giraffes, keep up the amazing work. 

Wonderful Wednesday!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 4th Sep 2024 @ 7:01pm

The kangaroos have been superstars today!

Our day began with a PE lesson in the hall. We worked on moving safely, finding spaces, working on positions (next to, around, behind and in front of) and also our driving skills. Our hearts were beating very fast and we worked up an appetite for our toast and milk.

We have been using scissors, writing our name, painting a self portrait and exploring our classroom and outdoor area. We managed to get the bikes out today whilst the sun was shining.

Mrs.Morrison took groups of children on a Longton Primary School tour this afternoon. You can see from the pictures that they met lots of our staff and visited lots of classes today.

I am looking forward to chatting to you next week at our 'meet the teacher' afternoon. I have lots of exciting news to share with you!


Y4 classroom, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 30th Aug 2024 @ 12:15pm

We are looking forward to welcoming you back.

Y3 classroom, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 30th Aug 2024 @ 12:12pm

We are looking forward to welcoming you back.

Y2 classroom, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 30th Aug 2024 @ 12:10pm

We are looking forward to welcoming you back on Monday.

Y1 classroom, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 30th Aug 2024 @ 12:09pm

We are looking forward to welcoming you back on Monday 

A fantastic last day, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 22nd Jul 2024 @ 3:53pm

We've had a lovely last day today, good fun with the lovely giraffes as always. They have been a fabulous class to teach, with lovely supportive parents,so thank you too!

Mrs Regan and I have both been spoilt with lovely cards and gifts so thank you  (again) not expected but much appreciated.

Have a great holiday, let's hope we get a little sunshine!!

See you all in September ❤️

Last day enjoyment with our buddies, by Mr Pearson

Date: 22nd Jul 2024 @ 11:17am

First lesson t.oday the Penguin and Koala tribes came together for some challenges in the hall. Buddies had to build the highest towers, throw and catch different sized balls 20 times to each other.  Next challenge was to design an imaginary animal.

Finally we had team challenge using the giant parachute.


Last week fun!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 19th Jul 2024 @ 1:12pm

On Monday the giraffes loved DT day, learning all about wheels and axles. Their wheeled vehicles were fantastic and worked well.
They enjoyed pyjama day, the bog eyed jog and especially waving their flags!

In maths we have finished our place value work and enjoyed exploring coins. Learning the different values of coins and notes and how to combine them to make different amounts.

Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday! 😄😎

A fantastic day!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 17th Jul 2024 @ 10:16pm

Yesterday started in a perfect way! The children did a morning bog eyed jog around the school field. We ran, danced, sang and chatted all the way! We chatted so much that we had no idea how many laps we did! We then had breakfast outside with our school friends before setting off on a whole school walking bus around the village. 
The penguins loved playing the 50 pence slide! Evie was in the lead before Hugo just beat her with his last slide! I think this game will be played a lot over the summer on your shiny floors.

We had a very special singing afternoon before Mrs.Wooley and Mrs.Fletcher were awarded their final school reports. 

We are excited to go litter picking in Longton tomorrow and then we will be busy making our ice pops.