Our blogs
Summer at the Brickcroft!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 1:14pm
The giraffes completed the last of their seasonal walks to the Brickcroft. A bit wet but not cold...we carried out a litter pick too.We didn't find much which was good!
In maths we enjoyed some place value work, comparing numbers with the same number of tens.
Have a lovely weekend...Come on England!!!,
Trip to Story Homes, by Mr Pearson
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 11:46am
The Koalas enjoyed a fascinating trip to a building site on Thursday. Donning hardhats and high visibility jackets, not forgetting our wellies, we were shown around the development. We learnt that it takes 3 years to complete your training to operate a fork lift truck, that motor is made on site from dry materials and then mixed with water. We explored a semi-built house and learnt about how it is made. Do you know that to build a house there is approximately, 21 different trades involved and over 60 people are involved in the process in total?
Malham 2024, by Mr Pearson
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 9:56am
A fantstic experience had by the Year 5 children at Malham
Year 6 awards, by Mr Pearson
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 9:20am
An amazing event was held at Longotn to recognise the amazing achievements the Year 6 children have made over their time here.
A message from Mrs.Regan, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 7:48am
Mrs.Regan is excited to see your sunflowers. Over the weekend please can you measure your sunflower and if possible send a picture of your penguin stood next to it. Mrs.Regan will announce the winner of the tallest sunflower towards the end of the week.
Thank you
Takeover day!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 9:16pm
On Monday it was a very special day. The year six pupils took over the school and the penguins had three new teachers for the day. The maths, phonics, topic time and show and tell was planned to perfection and the penguins had a truly amazing day.
On Tuesday the penguins enjoyed going to church for the celebration assembly. They enjoyed spending some time with their buddies.
On Wednesday work began in our outdoor play area. An aeroplane, check in desk, tunnel to the aeroplane and airport cafe was opened by our very creative penguins. (If you are buying new suitcases this year and have a small suitcase that is no longer used please let us know)
Today a representative came into class from the 'Story Homes' building site. He gave us a talk about being safe near building sites and how builders stay safe in their work. We then had a surprise visit from the 'build a bear' The penguins enjoyed wearing the hard hats and high visibility jackets. In their back packs that the children were given today is information about a poster competition. Please take a look.
We enjoyed our assembly today by learning about the summer reading challenge at Longton library. The penguins were very excited about this.
Next week we will be talking about how we can look after our world. We will spend one morning in the community, litter picking. Please make sure coats (and summer caps) are sent each day.
Happy homework - the children have been given a summer scavenger hunt. If you are able to go for a short walk or spend some time in the garden to complete this I would be very grateful as this links with an activity planned for next week. (A huge thank you for the homework sent in from last week! It was so interesting and the children enjoyed sharing their information with the class. We had our globe and map out to spot the different countries).
Come rain or shine!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 7th Jul 2024 @ 11:53am
This week the penguins received a message in a bottle. It was from Pirate Polly. She wrote to tell us that she had arrived in China. We have been finding out lots of information about China and some penguins have had a go at writing their name in Chinese whilst others created a huge outdoor 'Great Wall of China'.
We had a visitor from the HSBC and she talked to us about our money and how to look after it. She told us a story about Cinderella who worked hard at her job designing trainers to earn her money.
The penguins enjoyed their own Wimbledon this week.
Our Andy Warhol pop art project is now finished. We are now ready for some DT work and art using food!
We are looking forward to visiting our Y1 classroom again next week.
Superstars, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 4:00pm
This week the children have been busy with end of year checkups but in Science we still managed to find time to sort minibeasts using a venn diagram. In Geography, learn more about the UK, capitals and seas. In maths we have continued with our position work, finding out about different turns, half, quarter , three quarter and full. Yesterday trying to learn left and right...tricky tricky ! Today forwards and backwards, we enjoyed giving our partner directions to move,
We definitely deserved our treat in the sun on Wednesday during storytime outside in the shade .
Have a great weekend😄
The sun has got his hat on!, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 26th Jun 2024 @ 11:46pm
It has been a lovely week so far. Please make sure children come to school with a water bottle and a hat to keep the sun off their head would be great.
We have enjoyed using our outside area today.
Science - Microhabitats, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 26th Jun 2024 @ 11:41pm
Our science work has led us outside to explore the mircohabitas in our school grounds. The plants around the shed, the wooden sculptures in the bog garden, under tree stumps in our forest school area and the trunk of a tree.
We found a collection of worms, slugs, woodlice and beetles. We have also gently collected some woodlice to find out what conditions they like to live in. We places them in a container which was divided inot 4 different conditions, dark and dry, dark and damp, bright and dry, bright and damp. The woodlice quickly moved into the dark area, there were more woodlice in the damp area than the dry area.
Library Visit, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 26th Jun 2024 @ 11:32pm
We have enjoyed a lovely visit to the library to see Helen. She read us 3 stories all about the environment. We made flowers using recycled paper from old books and magazines. We then were able to enjoy sharing books from the library with our friends.
Keeping cool!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 26th Jun 2024 @ 8:39pm
The penguins have been trying to keep cool this week. We have been working and playing in the shade. We have been talking about staying safe in the sun and the penguins have been wearing their own hats or one of our spare caps from class. They have been drinking lots of water and some children have refilled their water bottle three times! Great job!
(Please send in a sun hat and suncream in your child's book bag - no aerosols please)
On Tuesday we had a class trip to the library. We had new stories about looking after our world and looking after our wildlife. The penguins then completed an art activity using recycled books. Super star penguins! Great listening, lovely manners and super sharing of the resources!
Today the penguins visited Father Sam at St. Andrew's church. They had a wonderful tour of the church where they carried out a scavenger hunt. Father Sam talked to the children about the church, the services and they even got to sing new songs.
As you can see from the pictures we even got time for a little cool down!
Homework - this week our focus for homework is our reading. Please revisit the tricky words stuck in the record book and encourage your child to read their first book listed by Mrs. Morrison this week which is linked to our phonics work.
Some ideas - read by torchlight, make a reading den, read your book to your favourite teddy, ready with your sunglasses on, read in a pirate voice or do five star jumps at the end of every page!
Feeling hot!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 23rd Jun 2024 @ 8:34pm
What a sunny few days!
This week the penguins have been creating their own pirate ships. They have been built with rigging, a crows nest, a mast, sails, a ships wheel, cannons and even a plank to walk across. The children then had to test them out in our water tray to see if they would float. Some ships needed materials changing as they became soggy or broke off in the water. Great problem solving and resilience!
In maths we have been learning about grouping and sharing.
In our phonics we have been looking at ue and ew words. The penguins have been amazing us with their writing and super effort.
The penguins have now finished their road safety work. They have used their amazing listening skills to remember to stop, listen and look before crossing the road whilst holding hands with an adult. They talked about how electric cars and push bikes are very quiet and that it is very important to stop talking and look and listen several times before crossing. Good work penguins!
Later in the week we looked at the life or a pirate and listened to some sea shanties. The penguins then worked in small teams to make up their own pirate sea shanty. They had lots of fun performing them!
This next week is a week full of adventures.
On Tuesday we are walking to the library for a story session followed by a craft workshop. Later that day, in the afternoon the penguins will be visiting their year one classroom. We had a circle time and thought of lots of questions to ask Mrs. Pratten and we also made a list of all the things the children would like to see in the classroom.
On Wednesday afternoon we are visiting St. Andrew's church as part of our RE work.
We will try our hardest to change all reading books on Tuesday and Wednesday this week but due to our library and church visits they may take a little longer. All books definitely be changed before the end of the week.
Thank you
Scientific Elephants, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 23rd Jun 2024 @ 4:20pm
It has been a very scientific week in Year 6 . Thclass have learnt about the human circulatory system and they had great fun taking tier own pulse rates to investigate the effect of exercise on thir heart/pulse rate and to calculate recovery times. They did brilliantly with the maths. They aslo rvsied the digestive system to learn how water and nutrients are carried around the body.
Rehearsals for our end of year show continue and nearly all of the children are off script already. Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Doherty have been busy organising props and costumes. It is going to be greeat.
Fantastic fractions!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 4:05pm
We have been busy this week continuing our work on fractions, learning how to find a quarter of a shape or quantity.
We enjoyed exploring maps to learn all about countries that make up the UK in Geography.
In PHSE we had fun looking at photos of how Mrs Pratten has changed from a baby to now! The children can bring in photos of themselves as a baby or toddlers and we can see how the giraffes have changed too.
A big thank you to Mrs Boyle and Jacqui ( and my lovely Georgia!!) who all helped make our enterprise a big success. The sun shone so a perfect day to sell ice lollies.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Pratten 😄
Helmshore Mill trip, by Mr Pearson
Date: 17th Jun 2024 @ 4:02pm
A fantastic day learning about the history of cotton and wool in Lancashire at Helmshore Mill. Thank you to the staff for their amazing teaching.
Penguins back together!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 2:40pm
It has been lovely to have our penguin family back together this week. They have had so much exciting news to tell and they are so proud of their 'All about me' books which have some lovely pictures and memories to share. (These books will go into the year one class for a short time so they can share them with the class teachers).
We have started our new topic - We are explorers! The penguins have been learning about pirates this week and they certainly have had fun making ships, dressing up and making Mrs. Morrison and I walk the plank! We are going to talk about maps next week and have a walk into Longton to create a map. We have a class map and the children have been reading the coordinates to plot the pirate pictures.
In maths we have been doing addition and subtractions up to 5. Some children have even been working up to the number 10.
In our phonics we have revisited the sound 'ue' and we have a funny feeling that next week the phonics fairy might deliver a new sound. We have made silly sentences using words such as statue, rescue and Tuesday. In our writing we are remembering to use our swooshes and flicks (the Longton Primary cursive script) and finger spaces between our words. Thank you for your help and support with writing - the children really have 'wowed' us this week!
Reading books were changed a little later this week but next week it will be back to two colour teams on Tuesday and two teams on Wednesday. Pip penguin is still coming home each week so please continue to read each day.
Next week we will continue with our road safety. Please send a coat each day as we plan to be outside as much as we can. We have our fingers crossed for some sunshine!
Have a lovely weekend.
First week back, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 12:24pm
This week we have been settling back into our learning. In English we have been adding in correct punctuation. Maths learning about fractions, finding half of shapes and quantities.We enjoyed our visit to the library for big green week.
We are excited for the Euros and all have a team to support, come on England ! (Mrs Regans team)
Eco Trip, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 13th Jun 2024 @ 8:06pm
Today Year 6 have enjoyed a visit to the Southport Eco Centre. They took part in quizzes, played giant board games, had fun in the immersive room, looked at the Clean Crew Website and completed activities about how poor air quality affects the body and made solar powered circuits.
A busy, busy Thursday, by Mr Kennedy
Date: 13th Jun 2024 @ 4:03pm
What an action packed day the tribe have had. We have been exploring climate change at our local library and understanding how we can work together to protect our planets. We applied our angles knowledge from yesterday to compare and order angles and we finished our day with a live STEM lesson with many schools across Lancashire. The children gained knowledge about the world we live in, some mind blowing facts about our world, how to protect our world and finally a live Q&A with Drew Steel, who works for the RAF. Three of our questions were asked directly!
Exploring bridges, by Mr Pearson
Date: 13th Jun 2024 @ 1:34pm
We have been investigating different types of bridges in DT, TODAY HAS BEEN ARCH AND BEAM BRIDGES
Exploring angles, by Mr Kennedy
Date: 11th Jun 2024 @ 10:55pm
The panda tribe have been exploring the three of the different types of angles today in lots of fun ways. They explored angles in the classroom, then using masking tape on their desk they had to identify obtuse, acute and right angles. Great job!
Cyber Escape Challenge, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 11th Jun 2024 @ 9:13pm
This morning the children became Cyber Crime Prevention Officers to work in teams to solve challenges, puzzlesand interrogate evidence . The challenge was based on the story of Hansel and Gretel and helped the children develop their STEM skills, critical thinking and problem solving. They also learnt about careers in computer science. The children worked really well and were the first class who have done this challenge snice it bgan in February where every team scored 100 or more points. Before today only 1 team had scored full marks, the Elephants had 2 teams who achieved this. The class were praised for their team work and their eye for detail. It was a fun filled morning and lots of the children daid the investigations had made their brains hurt.
Path to Paris - Olympics, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 1st Jun 2024 @ 10:18am
Dont forget to log on to https://www.getset.co.uk/pathtoparis
Select Log activity
Type our code 2675
Select Lions
We are currently 2nd in the competition. Can we win!
You can log all sorts of physical activity. Out on your bike, walking the dog, going to the playground, swimming, football in the garden.
Summer 2 Subject Organiser, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 31st May 2024 @ 12:17pm
Please find below, and on our main class page, the subject organiser for the 2nd half of the Summer Term.