Our blogs
Amazing Artists, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 31st May 2024 @ 11:55am
We have had a fabulous Arts week. Our Continent was Africa and we explored a range of artists who are of African hertitage or take their inspiration from African culture.
We have covered many types of art: paper and craft, painting, oil pastels, line drawing and printing.
We had an amazing dance workshop - there were some amazing movers and groovers in our street dance routine. We worked together in pairs to have a go at learning the Waltz box step. We had to use a lot of brain power.
D-Day Lamplighter, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 31st May 2024 @ 11:48am
The 6th of June 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day, when Allied forces mounted the largest amphibious invasion the world has ever witnessed. In 1944 Operation Overlord saw over 5,000 ships and landing craft set down more than 130,000 troops on five Normandy beaches.
The bravery and sacrifice of those people in securing the peace and freedom we enjoy today will be observed by the lighting of beacons around the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories
The light from the flame will represent the ‘light of peace’ that emerged from the darkness of war.
We will not be in school on this important day so we have been passing around our own D Day lamp to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
English - Anthony Browne Stories, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 31st May 2024 @ 11:37am
We have enjoyed reading and listenign to lots of stories written by Anthony Browne. We made a human graph when we voted for out favourite story.
Most of us enjoyed the story Willy the Champ.
MAD SCIENCE Assembly, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 31st May 2024 @ 11:33am
We enjoyed our visit from Mad Science. Lots of fun and learning. I'm sure we will all be trying the balloon and hair experiment!
Forms have gone home if you would like to be a part of the Mad Science after school club.
Enterprise, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 31st May 2024 @ 11:30am
We enjoyed making our Marshmallow and chocolate kebabs to sell in the quad for our Enterprise.
arts exhibition, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 24th May 2024 @ 4:11pm
Today the Giraffes had a great time this afternoon making "chatterboxes" and decorating them in the style of pop artist Romero Britto.
If you missed the exhibition this is our South America art work which alongsdie with all the other classes looked amazing.
The Giraffes have loved arts week and have all produced some fantatsic art work , well done!!
Have a fabulous break, dont forget to keep reading, readng through the phonics words and send us a postcard if you have a day out or or are off on holiday.Enjoy, keep safe, see you soon,
Mrs Pratten and Mrs Regan
Arts Week 2024, by Mr Kennedy
Date: 24th May 2024 @ 2:44pm
What a fantastic week our tribe has had! We have shown resilience, kindness, creativity, inspirational thinking and some outstanding artwork. The children have created work that has been inspired by European artists such as; Bridget Riley, Sonia Delauney, Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali and they even had a visit from Faith Bebbington.
Thankyou for a lovely week, more so a lovely half-term. Have a fantastic break.
Don't forget, timetables!
Arts Week Day 4, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 9:48pm
This morning started with the children choosing the materials they wanted to use to bring their Climate change art to life. They mage great choices and worked carefully right up to playtime. After play we joined Mrs Skinner in the Art Studio where the children created beautiful pieces of work using masking tape to create areas in which they would later add water colours. The outcomes are wonderful. They then learnt how to draw penguins and each drew a penguin to add to their painting.
After lunch there was an assembly about dance. We then took our turn to take the D-Day lantern around the track.
Back in class the climate change art was finished and the chidren finished the day singing some of the songs from our production Darwin Rocks.
Sports Day 2024, by Mr Pearson
Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 9:42am
A successful Sports Day took place on Tuesday, teamwork and fun was had by all.
Blue team 5 were the overall team winners and Blue team was the overall winners of the event.
Congratulations to all of the children that took part and a huge thanks to the support from all of the parents and relatives that attended.
Arts Week Day 3, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 22nd May 2024 @ 9:06pm
Today has been National Numeracy Day and thiis morning the children took pat in a very special maths session with Mrs Simpson and Steve Spensley, Marketing Director at London Stock Exchange. Mrs Simpson was super impressed with the way in which the children tackled the group tasks they were set and their contribution to the session. Infact she was so impressed that she gave the class a class compliment.
This afternoon there was a music themed assembly where the choir performed. The children then painted their amazing coil pots and sketched out their climate change pictures. Tomorrow they will bring these to life in ways they have chosen.
Our Australian Arts Adventure., by Mrs Thomson
Date: 22nd May 2024 @ 6:07pm
For a change I am going to do very little talking!
I am sharing lots of pictures from our amazing week so far for you to enjoy with your penguin. I hope that they will explain to you what the pictures show.
Super brave adevnturous penguins - Everyone was very proud yesterday of the penguins. It was a busy and very new day for them but they worked so hard and had some fun along the way. I hope you agree that the older children looked after the penguins and encouraged them well.
Unfortunately our fun day at Lostock Hall Primary School has been cancelled tomorrow. Therefore, we have planned a morning of musical instruments, singing and dance. We will also be completing our rain makers. Last Friday the penguins achieved their final class compliment. We had chatted earlier in the week about ideas and today we held a class vote. The ideas were flowing - a visit to the park, a water fight, a disco, a trip to spar, a classroom ice cream factory, a picnic, a pyjama party, another sports day, a baking day and a full play day.
The winning vote (by far!) was the pyjama party! We have decided that we will have a picnic lunch, a pyjama play afternoon and a classroom ice cream factory!
Thank you
Enjoying Arts Week, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 22nd May 2024 @ 4:40pm
We are having fun in Arts week, so far we have .....made clay coil pots, learnt about a Mexican artist Frida Kahlo,taken part in a dance class, singing, learnt a little about South America our continent, and really enjoyed making some Amazon Rainforest animals. Busy busy!
Some children took part in a water colour class and others created some lovely art with Mrs Skinner.
Dont forget to come and look at our art after school on Friday.
Arts Week Day 2, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 21st May 2024 @ 3:48pm
Today has been a very busy day. 6 children went to New Longton Bowling Club to take part in a crown green bowling competition- they played well and had lots of fun.
In class the children did some transition based art with Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Doherty. They then researched wildlife in Antarctica and chose animals they want to add to their iceberg sculptures and to use in a pinting later in the week.
This afternoon has been the last sports day for Year 6 and they did an amazing job leading thier teams around the activities. I have had lots of very lovely comments from staff . Well done.
Art Week Day 1, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 20th May 2024 @ 8:35pm
We began day 1 by creating coil pots- we learnt how to create bases for our pots and how to make the coils. We also looked at how the clay needs to be scored and made wet inorder for it to stick. After making a few layers of plain coils we added spheres, prisms and curved pieces of clay to depict the snow, ice and sea of our chosen continent Antarctica.
Next we became sculptors creating icebergs out of clay to be used in a piece of work about the impact climate change is having on Antarctica.
Well done!, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 19th May 2024 @ 6:09pm
Well done Year 6 !
You have tackled your SATs with great determination this week and shown everyone in school how hard you have worked to be ready to dot the tests. You were all confident and so proud of yourselves.
The whole school are proud of you and we know that each and every one of you has tried your very best.
It was great to see the enjoyment you all had on Friday with your wonderful specialist teachres and to hear from them how impressed they were with your mature behavior.
Next week is Arts week so we will definetly be having lots of fun.
Excited for Arts Week!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 17th May 2024 @ 4:18pm
What an eventful week!
Earlier on in the week the penguins started their work on road safety. They were amazing listeners and although they didnt cross the road this week they identified the traffic, kerb, pavement and road.
We have been working hard in maths this week. We have revisited finding different ways of making 9 and 10. We have also been doing additions and subtractions. Wow the penguins have been mathematicians! They had another go at our super fun challenge! They all had record scores in their additions! Perhaps try some additions at home.
We had three butterflies to release this week. Two couldnt wait to explore but one decided it wanted to stay with us a little longer. The next day the last two emerged from their cocoons. We said goodbye to them today but not before one decided to stay on the penguins hands and even a school shoe! An amazing experience with some very caring and gentle penguins!
We talked about D day during the week and we went outside with our school lamp of peace. We started off the journey of the lamp travelling to each class in school.
Next we decided to continue our topic on transport and do some vehicle spotting outside school. Some penguins wore their amazing binoculars and we did a tally to see which vehicle we saw the most and which we saw the least of. I am sure the penguins will tell you more about our findings!
On Thursday we had our class enterprise. What a success! We sold out within minutes! Before we finish for the summer we will make them again but on a much smaller scale! One each for the penguins as they are working so hard and really deserve a chill out with a smoothie ice pop!
This morning we did some work on friendships. We have been learning ways of being a kind friend and we saw what happened when Mrs. Thomson used unkind words to Mrs. Morrison (it was planned!) The penguins were not impressed with me!
For next week I would be very grateful if you could save your empty kitchen roll tubes. We will be using them for an art project. We have an exciting week planned with singing, dancing, painting and model making. We have a special visitor who is an artist coming to work with us and we also have Miss. Skinner who will work with children in our amazing school art room.
Thank you
busy, busy..., by Mrs Pratten
Date: 16th May 2024 @ 4:17pm
This week the children have been busy finishing off topic work. We tested different materials in Science to find which would make the best umbrella. We compared old and new swimming costumes in History. In Maths we have been trying to make equal groups from different numbers, we learnt some will and some won't! We have been enjoying the story Dear Greenpeace, in Engish all about Emily and the whale in her pond.
Today it was our turn to have the torch as part of our D day, 80th anniverasry celebrations. We enjoyed running round the field with it and pasing it on, just like the one going around the UK. Harper S and Phoebe S have taken the torch home tonight and will return it tomorow to pass on to Y2.
English Day 2 blog - The box & the bus., by Mr Kennedy
Date: 16th May 2024 @ 11:34am
Wow! The year 4 class have worked super hard in their English today. They were asked to read two biographies about Henry Box Brown and Rosa Parks. They had to find the key features of the biographies and they had to identify what information they wanted to include in their blogs tomorrow.
Here are some highlights that the tribe found out!
Speaking of highlights, I liked that we were able to use the highlighters to find names, titles, time connectives, dates, speech and past tense verbs!
I can't believe that the boycott of the buses was on the 5th December. Rosa Parks was sent to jail for one day and she changed the world by being brave.
In the text, there were so many past tense verbs. In Henry Box Brown's biography there was so many we didn't know if we were going to miss out any or if we would have had time, but we did!
I found out that they Rosa had to use a different door on the bus because of the colour of her skin. Reading her biography was shocking because it seems unreal that the world once lived this way but she was a brave inspiration and so was Henry.
I was shocked that the world lived in segregation, how awful!
I felt it was extremely mean how people did not have the same rights. The colour of their skin has nothing to do with who they are as people, I am shocked at how people behaved and treat people in history. Henry and Rosa changed the world.
Tomorrow, expect blogs from our tribe!
Fantastic week and our first tribe blog together., by Mr Kennedy
Date: 15th May 2024 @ 12:15pm
This blog entry comes from the Panda Tribe who are exploring how to write a blog for their English unit, focusing on Rosa Parks.
Finn told us that this week has been fun and his highlight was PE, he said it's the best part of the week.
Harper worked hard on completing her Rosa Parks biography and got us thinking about using apostrophes.
Harriet loved learning about 'time' in maths and thinks she will become a wizard of time!
Lots of learning and fun in the sun!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 12th May 2024 @ 7:26pm
This week we have been talking about being a good friend. We have been partners with different friends for lots of activities this week and the children have worked hard to share, take turns and use kind words.
We have created a bike wash and have had lots of fun cleaning our school bikes. We have been looking at money and the value of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. It costs 8p to have your bike washed!
We have created a stage in our playground and the penguins have been singing, dancing and putting on shows all week.
In maths we have been doing simple additions. We have found that by adding we always make our number bigger. We had fun carrying out 'Big Maths'
Next week we will be starting our road safety work. We will do this learning in the classroom, in our playground and we will also go onto School Lane in small groups.
Please continue to read the school reading book at home each day. New sounds are now being introduced in phonics so it is very important that the children have the opportunity to practise these in their reading books to help them to master and remember the new sounds.
We are still collecting batteries in school - please send them in the school book bag.
On Thursday it is our class enterprise. The penguins are making smoothie ice pops. They will sell them after school in the quad area. Please collect your penguin from the quad area (picnic benches) after school. If possible the penguins will stay for 5/10 mins after the hometime bell to sell their ice pops.
Reading books are always changed on a Tuesday and Wednesday morning. However, this week reading books will be changed on Friday morning. Please continue to send reading books and the reading record book in each day so we can monitor progress or any problems.
Thank you
The beach!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 9th May 2024 @ 4:25pm
We finally made it to the beach, we had a great time! We dug big holes, built sandcastles,found a few shells and Jessica B blew bubbles at us!!
A lovely , lovely day!! (think we'll all sleep well tonight....)
Carousel and ice creams!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 9th May 2024 @ 4:19pm
Next a surprise.. we were able to go on the carousel.. it was great!
We also had our ice creams - yummy!
Southport in the sun!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 9th May 2024 @ 4:14pm
We had a fabulous time in Southport today, perfect weather for a day at the seaside!
We started off as Geographers looking at the different features of Southport. Then we discussed how Southport has changed and what people would do in Southport today compared with the past, if they came for a day out or on holiday. We sketched our ideas and labelled them.
Next we had our lunch..we were starvin!!!!
Star Warts, by Mr Pearson
Date: 7th May 2024 @ 7:37pm
The dress rehearsal was a resounding success today.
The children are looking forward to the next performance on Wednesday evening and the final performace of Star Warts on Thursday.