Our blogs

Fantastic Giraffes, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 4:14pm

First of all a big well done to the Giraffes who were fantastic in their class assembly on Thursday - definitely all shining!

We enjoyed sharing our Science learning with parents this week. We were describing the properies of different materials. We learnt lots of new science words eg transparent, opaque, fragile.

Today we had fun creating equal groups outside, first with stones, groups of 5's, 10's and 2's. We had to count in 2's or 5's or 10's to work out how many altogether.

Next we shook dice and got a point if our numbers matched and were equal. Last of all we had 12 counters and had to work out how many different ways we could make equal groups with them.

Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the extra day - dont forget we're off to the seaside on Thursday! Fingers crossed the sunshines!!


Mini beasts everywhere!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 2:46pm

Lots and lots to share from this week.

Two of our class caterpillars have now transformed into chrysalis. They have kept us amused with their wriggling and we now eagerly wait for the other three to change also. Please ask your child about them, they will tell you all about the grumpy caterpillar pushing and pulling the others!

We enjoyed having our parents in class this week. Learning about forces has kept us busy  and the children have enjoyed exploring and testing just like scientists. 

We also explored and observed when we carefully took one of our mini beast hotels apart on a large white sheet. Wow! The mini beasts of Longton are certainly enjoying our hotels! Slugs, snails, woodlice, spiders and ladybirds all came out to see us. The children used magnifying glasses to look closely at the creatures and looked in books to find out about the mini beasts. We found out that Woodlice curl up small when they are frightened. The penguins were careful and gentle - our woodlice did not need to curl up. After investigating, we rebuilt the hotels and carefully put them back in the hedges so that new visitors could come and stay.

In maths we have been looking at numbers ten to twenty. We have been putting the numbers in order, counting out the correct number of items carefully and also looking at what numbers can be used to make our new numbers (10 and 3 can make 13, 5 and 5 and 3 make 13) Perhaps your penguin could teach you one of our number games?

We have a lovely new work bench in our playground which was bought for us by the PTFA. We have had lots of fun by using it for musical instruments this week. The children have put on plays and musical performances in the sunshine.

Friday started with the penguins being musical once again. We had a beautiful solo performance of 'A million dreams'. We then had a full class perfomance of the same song. A fantastic way to start the day! Miss. Derby did say that five minutes of singing a day can help you feel happy and she was right. Everyone was smiling and happy.


Thnak you for your help and support with reading and phonics. Pip penguin will be back and busy visiting someone for the weekend next week.


Year 6 Are Amazing, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 12:11pm

What a week! The children have worked so hard, they are truly amazing. As well as putting 100% into their learning as we apprach SATs the class have enjoyed watching the Year 1 class assembly - they were really proud of their buddies and siblings. They have also enjoyed a French lesson this morning and this afternoon we will be taking part in a live science lesson about Antarctica in readiness for arts week later this month. 



Which digestive is the best dunker?, by Mrs Simpson

Date: 30th Apr 2024 @ 7:07pm

Our favourite Science lesson so far this year was investigating which digestive biscuit was the best dunker. We found out the dark chocolate digestive was the best for dunking with a cup of tea. This is because it has a protective layer which slowed down the rate it dissolved and was more absorbent. It was a very messy investigation but we really enjoyed it! So if you are wondering which biscuit to eat with your brew, a dark chocolate digestive is the best choice. 

Learning about the parts of a flower, by Mrs Simpson

Date: 30th Apr 2024 @ 6:58pm

We have been learning about the different parts of a flower. We dissected a tulip so we could identify the different parts. We then presented our knowledge to the class. It was really fun!  

Fun with Micro Bits, by Mrs Simpson

Date: 30th Apr 2024 @ 6:52pm

We programmed Micro Bits to create high visibility safety bands for vulnerable road users in Design Technology. We learnt how to code the Micro Bit to give signals such as left, right and slow down. 

Light Investigations, by Mrs Simpson

Date: 30th Apr 2024 @ 6:46pm

Year 3 have lots of fun in Science. We have been investigating light and shadows. 

We found out the closer an object is to a light source the larger the shadow becomes. 

We also investigated different materials to find out if they were transparent, translucent or opaque. 

Friday fun learning, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 3:54pm

Today the Giraffes enjoyed combining their reading skills with programming in their computer lesson - good fun and a class compliment earned!

In maths this afternoon we finished our unit on volume and capacity by comparing containers and capacity. They had to estimate which would have the greatest capacity and which would have the least... to check they used cupfuls of cubes and marbles. (we know these are not the most accurate because of the gaps but were the least messy in the classroom!)

Have a lovely weekend :)

The empty battery box, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 10:09am

The tribe have done a great job last half term collecting old batteries to be safely recycled! Just an update that our box has been emptied so if you do have any batteries that need to be recycled, please bring them into class and we can refill our box.


Have a lovely and safe weekend.


Mr Kennedy

Mathematicians at work, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 24th Apr 2024 @ 10:24pm

Today the class have been busy classifying, measuring and calculating angles in maths as well as doing some arithmetic and reasoning. We also enjoyed some time outside in the sunshine this afternoon.


Bring Yer Wellies!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 24th Apr 2024 @ 2:46pm

What an amazing day the penguins had yesterday! 

What do plants need to grow? Why is horse poo good for our grass?  Why are worms important in our gardens? What is compost? How do we recycle? How can we work together to build a den?  What makes great teamwork? What are herbs?

These are just a few of the questions that were asked yesterday. Nigel and Melissa were delighted that the children could listen so well and that they also had lots of their own questions to ask.

The penguins all planted their own lavender plant. They kept the soil fluffy and protected the roots. When they come to water the plant please remind them that plant needs just 'enough' water. Not too much and not too little. 

I hope you enjoy sharing these pictures. 

I have also included a picture from our RE session. We enjoyed a story called 'The Swirling Hijab'. 

Cricket Crazy, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 24th Apr 2024 @ 1:55pm

Great start to the weeks for the Panda Tribe, they have gone cricket crazy! Developing their throwing and catching skills to support their bowling and they even had a visit from Coach Stuart from Lancashire Cricket to develop their skills further. Great work Panda tribe! 

The tribe also went out onto the play ground to role play some scenes from Henry's Freedom Box, we used their role play to write direct speech and explored the position of reporting clauses in a sentence, ensuring their punctuation was perfect!

Busy Elephants, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 23rd Apr 2024 @ 8:48pm

It has been another busy day for Year 6. The day started with the morning task , a GPS quiz activity. Next was arithmetic, followed by maths where we consolidataed yesterday's learning about coordinates learning how to translate shapes. After play was reading response and spelling. The morning finished with revision of coordinating and subordinate conjunctions and noun phrases. 

The afternoon was split into 2 sessions. The first session started with 3  maths reasoning questions followed by a lesson on reflections. At 2 o'clock the class ventured outside for a cricket lesson with Stuart a Lancashire coach.


outside maths, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 23rd Apr 2024 @ 4:26pm

Today the Giraffes enjoyed exploing volume and capacity outside in the sunshine!

They had to work in small groups to fill up cups so they were, full, nearly full or nearly empty. They took it in turns and had  to use the right vocabulary to decribe thier cups.

They are starting to learn the difference betwen volume and capcity and had to work out how may cups would fill different sized containers. They then  had to answer the question: Can different sized containers hae the same capacity?

They had a lovely afternoon with Mrs Jackson doing Relax Kids, building dens and mini bug hotels in the Forest school area.

LPS +, by Mr Pearson

Date: 23rd Apr 2024 @ 3:10pm

In LPS+ this week the children have been investigating board games and jigsaws to evaluate what makes a good game. IN the following weeks the children will be designing and making their own game. 

Cricket with Lancashire County Coach, by Mr Pearson

Date: 23rd Apr 2024 @ 3:07pm

Today KS2 have had the pleasure of Stuart a coach from Lancashire County Coach into school to give us hints to improve the Koalas cricketing skills. 

All the children enjoyed themselves. 


Trip Information, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 22nd Apr 2024 @ 8:21pm

What to wear - 

School polo shirt and school sweatshirt / cardigan

PE kit joggers / leggings

Wellies will be taken off the wellie wagon and your child will change into wellies as soon as they arrive in school


(Waterproof puddle suits will be provided by school if needed)


What to bring - 

The children have all ordered sandwiches of their choice from the school kitchen. Packed lunches will be provided by school. Each packed lunch will contain a bottle of water, pudding and a piece of fruit. (Two children did say today that they were bringing in their own packed lunch. This is absolutely fine but please send it in a named plastic bag. Lunch bags and boxes cannot be taken)

Water will be offered throughout the day.

Book bags are not needed tomorrow.

The water bottles that are brought into school each day, can be brought into school tomorrow and the children can bring them on the trip or leave them at school for when they return.

It will be a fantastic day!

Thank you

Mrs. Thomson

Chewy and Mr.Waddles!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 22nd Apr 2024 @ 7:45pm

Today we had a lovely visit from Holly and her two lambs. One lamb was called Chewy and Holly asked for name suggestions for the second lamb. Mr. Waddles seemed to be the favourite which Jessica suggested.

The children had a feel of the wool and asked lots of questions to find out information about the lambs. Perhaps ask your penguin if they can remember what Holly told us about their oily wool. (Jumpers, carpets and soap!)

Tomorrow is our class trip. Packed lunches have been ordered. Please send your penguin into school in their polo shirt, jumper and PE kit joggers / leggings. They will all change into their wellies when they arrive at school. Please send a coat. No book bags are needed tomorrow. 

Thank you

Brilliant Start to the Term, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 22nd Apr 2024 @ 2:42pm

Year 6 have made a briiliant start to the summer term. As SATS approach they are working hard to make sure their knowledge and skills in reading, GPS and maths are where they want them to be. 

Throughout last week they showed huge amounts of grit and determination to work hard and use previous learning to aid their work.

On Friday GPS revision was done through a mystery solving game and maths through playing board games. Great fun was then had as the children planned and began to make their own games. When the games are finished the children will play each others creations. 

Super Scientists!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 4:25pm

The penguins have been investigating the forces ‘pushes and pulls’ this week. As scientists we have discovered that we need to do lots and lots of testing. Therefore we spent the whole day testing everything that we used inside and out to see if it needed help to move and if it needed  be pushed or pulled. We then made labels to show it had been tested.

We tested dominoes, bikes, prams, zips, doors, hair combs, Ker plunk, sweeping brushes, balls, bowling skittles and many more things.

Next week -

Monday - baby lambs visit to school.

Tuesay - Class Trip ( the children will change into their wellies once they come to school. If we do not have wellies in school for your child, please send them in on Monday so we have them ready for our trip the following day)

Please wear school polo shirt, school jumper and PE joggers for our trip as well as a coat.

Our theme of ‘Ticket to Ride’ started this week with a huge list of different vehicles and forms of transport. The penguins are creating a train in the construction shed and have completed some writing on ‘The naughty bus’. Next week we will be creating story maps for another story.

We now have new sounds starting in our phonics. Please, please continue to read each day so that the ‘old’ sounds and rainbow words are firmly embedded before the new ones are added.                                  Books have been changed this week. If your child is on a new colour level please write a message in the record book to let us know how your child got on with this book over the weekend. 

Thank you and happy weekend!

the park, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 4:13pm

... the fun continues...

Fun at the park - compliment treat, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 4:11pm

We had a lovely time at the park ..despite dodging the showers!!

Have a lovely weekend. :)

Measuring photos, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 4:05pm

Photos of measuring activities!

Alice in Wonderland Production, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 2:49pm

What a show! Longton children had the pleasure of enjoying a fantastic production of Alice in Wonderland on Monday. 

First week back for summer 1, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 2:42pm

What a fabulous start to our summer term, we have kick-started all of our new units for this half term! We started the week with a fantastic performance of Alice in Wonderland, we started cricket by developing our bowling, catching and accuracy. Science got us to gain an understanding of MRS GREN and we entered the Panda Court of Rule of Law which started our crime and punishment history unit. 


Have a look at the photos below to see some of our learning in action.