Our blogs
Magnificent measuring, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 4:30pm
In maths this week we have been busy measuring. We used paper,clips, rubbers and cubes to measure objects and then learnt about centimetres, and why this is a more accurate way to measure.
We have loved exploring mass, finding out how heavy or light things are. We used cubes and measuring scales to measure the mass of different objects. We also explored heavy and light and realised that large objects can be light and small objects can be heavy.
Tomorrow we are looking forward to our class compliment treat, we voted time at the park and time on scooters and outside play back at school. Fingers crossed the sun shines!
Sorry not letting me post photos will try again tomorrow!
A great start to the week!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 16th Apr 2024 @ 9:59pm
The penguins like to be busy and we have had an amazing start to our new half term. A wonderful theatre production of Alice in Wonderland, new art work to try, 3D shapes to explore and a naughty bus!
We have revisited odd and even numbers also this week. If you have a basket of socks that need pairing please ask your penguin to see if the amount is odd or even. The children are enjoying creating odd Bob aliens and even Steven aliens.
Theatre Production, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 15th Apr 2024 @ 8:38pm
We have had a lovely first day back. To welcome in the Summer term we enjoyed watching a theatre production of Alice in Wonderland. It was fantastic and was a lovely start to week.
Welcome Back - Summer Term, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 15th Apr 2024 @ 1:05am
I hope you have all had a lovely Easter Break. Does anyone have any chocolate eggs left?
Lets keep our fingers crossed for some warmer weather this term.
Please find below and also on our main class page the subject organiser for this half term.
Any questions or queries please pop in and see us.
Easter Bonnets, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 15th Apr 2024 @ 1:00am
WOW Lions, I love your creativity. Thank you for making such amazing hats and sharing them with us. I hope you all enjoyed your Easter Eggs.
DT - Making Healthy Wraps, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 15th Apr 2024 @ 12:57am
We designed and made our own healthy wraps.
DT - Food Tasting, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 15th Apr 2024 @ 12:53am
We had plenty of keen volunteers for some food tasting.
Mini beast hotels!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 8th Apr 2024 @ 7:56pm
A few pictures to share from our amazing day spent creating mini beast hotels and also from the Easter bonnet parade.
After the holidays we will investigate our hotels to see if we have any mini beast visitors. We have our fingers crossed!
Easter Celebrations, by Mr Pearson
Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 4:17pm
Today the Easter Bunny came to visit school, Easter bonnet parade and egg decoration competitions were the main events of the day. The Easter bonnet parade was first up and the competitors were most of KS1, the Judges were Y6 parliament and the sports leaders. The judge of the Easter egg decorating competition was Mrs Danson and for both competitions the Easter Bunny selected a few winners also. The Easter bunny handed out the chocolate eggs, although she would rather have eaten them!
Egg...cellent. Easter bonnets, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 4:13pm
Well done Giraffes for creating some amazing Easter bonnets and hats, they all looked fabulous, hope you all had fun making them.
Have an egg...citing Easter break, fingers crossed for sun and bit of warmth :)
See you all on April 15th ,have fun
Mrs Pratten π£πΈβοΈ
Wonderful Elephants, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 8:30pm
Elephants you have reached the en of another term and what a busy one it has been. An amazing residential, World Book Day, Science Week, your leavers hoodies and your well earned Year 6 role model shield.
As well as all of the above you have continued to work hard and strive to be the best versions of yourselves.
This afternoon was fantastic, watching you carry out the science investigations you had planned using the new Electro Snaps kits , the tests were all fair and some excellent conclusions have been reached.
Eater Fun!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 1:25pm
This week the penguins have had some Easter Fun. On Monday we shared the Easter story and then did an Easter hunt outside. Unfortunately I forgot to order lovely sunny weather but the penguins didnt seem to mind!
On Tuesday we spent the day outside creating mini beast hotels. Fantastic team work! We have hidden our hotels underneath the hedges and we will investigate them after the school holidays. We included leaves, grass, bamboo and sticks. Your penguin will enjoy telling you why we chose these things and explain how they made the hotels.
We have spent a lot of time talking about keeping ourselves healthy. Over the holidays if you have a spare minute I would love a photo of your penguin cleaning their teeth for a new class display. These can be sent back in the school book bag. Thank you!
Holiday Homework - Reading, reading, reading! Super amazing bedtime reading if your days get busy or every morning before your day gets started. It is really important to continue reading and looking at our sound cards everyday.
The 'All about Me' book has been returned - please add one or two pictures, tickets or leaflets from your school break.
Thank you for your help and support,
Mrs. Thomson
Friday fun, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 1:53pm
Today we enjoyed exploring instruments in music, scanning QR codes in computing and mixing cold colours in art.
Have a great weekend :)
Spring Time., by Mrs Thomson
Date: 20th Mar 2024 @ 1:57pm
This week the penguins have continued their work on Spring time. We have planted herbs and also sunflowers which will link in with our maths work on length and height.
This week our homework will be to spot signs of spring. Can you please have a look in your garden or go for a walk and see if you can see signs of new life. Baby lambs, plants, buds, frog spawn or blossom. The children will have opportunities all next week to share their findings. Some children have asked if they can draw what they see or make a list. These ideas are perfect and we always try to include the penguins fantastic ideas.
Thank you for your wonderful support with reading. The penguins are also blooming! They are very proud and enjoy reading to us and our amazing parent helpers. Please continue with ten minutes reading each day.
This week we have had a couple of blips with school lunches! The children all choose their lunch as they arrive in class in the morning and this order is sent to the kitchen. We try to keep our lunch line organised but a couple of times the children have changed their mind at the kitchen hatch which has meant that other children have not got their chosen lunch. Please could you share the menu at home the night before so that the children have plenty of time to choose what they would like before the order is sent to the kitchen. Thank you.
I hope you enjoy some of the pictures from our week so far. The art work was completed after learning about a piece of art called 'Painting with scissors' by Henri Matisse. The penguins had wonderful patience with this task.
Something to work on - over arm throwing, looking at different ways of making 9 and 10.
Smashing smoothies Part 2, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 18th Mar 2024 @ 4:02pm
We then got to taste the different fruits we could use, pineapple, strawberries, avocados or bananas.
Next to design our smoothie!! We chose 2 fruits and one juice, they were delicious, most of us thought they were nicer than the shop bought ones.
Last of all we designed a container to our smoothies in, it had to catch the eye and also tell people what was in it.
A great smoothie day... the children are keen to experiment at home... have fun!!!!
Smashing smoothies Part 1, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 18th Mar 2024 @ 3:55pm
What a great day today completing our DT task of designing and making a smoothie.
We started off sorting fruit and vegetables, we learnt all fruit have seeds , so there were some surprises!!
Next we discussed where fruit and vegetables grow, on trees, vines, on the ground or under the ground.
Then we had a go at chopping and juicing, juicing took a lot of effort!
Super Scientists, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 9:00pm
This week has been science week.
We have all taken part in a biscuit themed investigation.
Our question was: Which biscuit is best for Miss Harrison to use to dunk in her tea?
We made predictions, disucssed how we were going to make it a fair test and recorded our results in a tally.
We used the biscuits - custard cream, digestive, bournon, nice and shortcake. What would your predction be?
Different groups had different winners (the biscuit with the most dunks before droppin into the cup) but the majority of groups had the shortcake biscuit as the winner.
Jack and the Beanstalk, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 8:48pm
The Lion and the Zebra tribe performed their production of Jack and the Beanstalk to the school and their families this week. There were all outstanding. I'm sure you will agree, if you came to watch, the children shone brightly, from amazing acting and character voices to the fabulous singing. Their enthusiasm was fantastic. We are all very proud of them.
Primary Engineer Celebration event, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 8:44pm
Our tippers were finished, we held our in school competition. The winning tipper went to Preston College to the Primary Engineer Celebration event to complete against the tippers from other schools.
The children were amazing, they spoke confidently and proudly about their tipper to the engineers.
Scientists at Work!, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 4:49pm
Science week saw the Elephants taking part in a whole school investigation where each class looked at the different factors that affect how many times a biscuit can be dunked. Our question was does the amount of sugar in a biscuit affect how many times it can be dunked before it breaks. Each child wrote a prediction, joined in the investigation which was great fun. They recorded their results on carefully drawn tables, calculated averages, created scatter graph and then wrote conclusions.
We shared this work with Year 6 at New Longton via Zoom.
On Thursday lots of investigations were carried out using Electro Snaps kits to craeate a range of different circuits. The circuits then had to be drawn using the correct symbols.
New Longton Year 6 shared some of their science work with us on Thursday afternoon.
Brilliant public speaking, by Mr Pearson
Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 11:44am
All of the Koala tribe wrote a speech to describe why they thought a sports person, who they chose, was the best Olympian ever.
They then performed their speech in front of the tribe.
Two children were chosen as the winners.
Emma and Stanley then went to Hutton Grammar School and had their presentation judged by local MP.
Only one winner was chosen out of 15 entries. Both Emma and Stanley did brilliantly, however a child from Broakoak Primary School was chosen as the overall winner.
Link to the Stanley and Emma's speeches.
Super scientists, by Mr Pearson
Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 10:47am
As part of science week, the Koalas investigated if the thickness of biscuits affected the amount of times they could be dunked until the biscuit dissolved.
The winner was..... a bourbon biscuit.
Improve your child's reading. Watching TV with subtitles, by Mr Pearson
Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 10:29am
Did you know that turning on the subtitles on your TV at home is the easiest way to get your child reading? |
Super Scientists!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 13th Mar 2024 @ 10:02pm
Today was a great day at Imagine That! The penguins and the giraffes had a very busy and exciting time. Bath bombs, slime, magnets, dry ice and snow! Role play, treasure bags and lots of fun! Pizzas, hair cuts, building and shopping! Putting on a show, reading the news and delivering the weather!
The penguins worked hard and played together all day. They had their science hats on and asked lots of questions showing their curiosity. We had lots of sad faces when we said it was time to leave.
The staff asked the children to come back and visit them soon.