Our blogs

World Book Day Rocks!, by Mrs Simpson

Date: 9th Mar 2024 @ 2:04pm

Multiplying Menace, The Revenge of Rumpelstiltskin by Pam Calvert was our inspiration for World Book Day. We had great fun dressing up as Rock Stars and writing our own story in the same style. 

The Rocking Panda Tribe!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 10:11am

Thank you for making World Book Day 2024 such a lovely experience for the children, we had loads of fun! 


We entered WBD National Competition for next years tokens, we explored a range of authors, enjoyed a good book, world book day themed maths & added to the whole school write; The Battle of The Odd and Even Numbers


Y6 Rock Stars, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 8:29pm

Year 6 have had a lovely day celebrating their last World Book Day at Longton.

The day began with an assembly where the class listened to a wonderful story called Multiplying Menace, The Revenge of Rumpelstiltskin. This was a maths themed story involving multiplication of integers and fractions. 

Following the assembly half of the class went to the library with their Year 1 buddies. They had a great time and came back with beautiful handmade bookmarks. The children who staued in school worked as a team to write the opening to the whole school story The Battle of the Odd and Even Numbers. They then began to write their own books. The children chose to write stories about rockstars or a maths theme. In the afternoon the children swapped what they were doing meaning that the remainder of the class were able to visit the library with their buddies. As well as writing their stories and making the most amazing book covers the children had the opportunity to complete a book themed code busting puzzle.

As the children worked they listened to and sang along to a range of pop and rock music. 

The day finished with another assembly to share the finshed wholes school assesmbly which was fabulous.

Thank you for all your efforts with the costumes, the children all looked fantastic.


Reception Rocking!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 7:37pm

What a great class of rock stars!

Thank you for your help with the amazing outfits! The children rocked all day!!

We enjoyed some new books today and a firm favourite was Pete the cat rocking in his school shoes! The children made reading dens and book marks before hearing another new story linked to our mini beast theme. Creepy Crawlies in a band!

We had a school assembly this morning and Mrs. Fletcher introduced a new story. However just as we were getting settled to hear it all, the story was stopped! The story went to year six who added another part of the story and visited every class before it headed our way late in the afternoon. The penguins had amazing ideas of how to end the story, their imaginations going wild! Please read the story on the blog. Our part starts after the sentence about the sneaky eky odd numbers hiding. The story was read in the afternoon assembly. The penguins were very proud of their ending to the story. I think they will enjoy sharing this with you and they will definitely know which part was from our class.


I have also added a short video of our days of the week song. We didn’t perform this at our assembly as we thought it may make it a little bit too long. 



Sharing our favourite books, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 4:43pm

We enjoyed talking about our favourite books and sharing  them with our friends.

The Battle of the Odd and Even Numbers, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 3:53pm

Today as part of our World Book Day celebrations the whole school have been involved in a writing project. This morning the children were read the introduction to out story The Battle of the Odd and Even Numbers. Once back in class each class added more to the story before emailing it to the next class for their part. Eventually the story was finished and we enjoyed sharing it in an assembly at the end of the day . We all hope you enjoy reading our incredible story. 

Year Five is rocking, by Mr Pearson

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 2:04pm

As part of our Wold Book Day celebrationshe Koala's dressed up fo the ocassion. the theme was Rock Stars and as you can see fom the photos below learning and enjoyment prevailed in Y5. 

Year 1 rocking it!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 11:34am

Year 1 you all looked amazing!

Library visit, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 11:10am

Year 1 enjoyed their story session at the library with their buddies, they took part in a scavenger hunt and made a book mark. A great start to world book day,

Class assembly, life cycles and celebration assembly in church, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 4:53pm

What a busy week! The super proud penguins just took it all in their stride! 

We have been looking at how things follow in a sequence this week - our day, our week, life cycles and even how we make fruit kebabs. The penguins thoroughly enjoyed the blue berries, mango, banana and apple fruit kebabs they made for their afternoon snack.

The penguins were amazing during their first class assembly and they received two class compliments for amazing team work.

Learning about plants, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 26th Feb 2024 @ 4:59pm

This afternoon the Giraffes enjoyed exploring and learning about how plants create seeds , which then grow in to new plants. We also looked at how some plants grow from bulbs. We enjoyed using magnifying glasses to really look closely at the different seeds, bulbs and plants.

We have all planted a sunflower seed, we are going to observe how it grows and changes.

Retelling stories, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 4:04pm

The children have enjoyed listening to some traditional tales in English, Dragon Dinosaur and The House that Jack built. They really enjoyed acting out all the different characters in The house that Jack built and were great at remembering the order.

In maths we have been exploring doubles and near doubles, we liked shaking dice and trying to roll a double, we won a point every time we shook one!

Have a great weekend, don’t forget Celebration  Assembly on Tuesday afternoon. :)

Class projects, by Mr Pearson

Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 9:49am

An excellent range of class projects. 

Fun with our buddies, by Mr Pearson

Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 9:04am

The Penguins and Koalas spent an hour together developing bonds on Thursday. 

3D Printer, by Mr Pearson

Date: 22nd Feb 2024 @ 2:13pm

The final products from our 3D Projects 


Welcome back!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 21st Feb 2024 @ 9:30pm

It has been lovely to see the penguins back in school this week. We have started our new class topic ‘Round and round the garden’

We had a visit from the Penwortham fire and rescue crew on Tuesday morning. The children had some fantastic questions to ask and each had a challenge to remember three interesting facts. The children got to see lots of equipment stored on the fire engine and also got to sit in the cab before each having a turn with the fire hose. 

We will be doing some special writing about the fire engine tomorrow as well as making a thank you card for the fire fighters.

Please remember to send your ‘all about me’ books back to school as soon as possible. The penguins are so excited to share these books with their friends but we have quite a lot to be returned.

Homework - this week the children will be bringing home a short writing task linked to our phonics. Please continue to read each day along with this.

Thank you

Maths - Division, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 21st Feb 2024 @ 7:01am

We are working on our 2 times table and dividing by 2 this week.


The children have been hands on with their counters; making arrays, grouping and sharing.


Tipper trucks update, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 21st Feb 2024 @ 6:59am

We are another step closer to completing our tipper trucks. 

Just a bit of velcro then we are all assembled.

Now the exciting part.  You have to design a way of stopping the table tennis balls from falling out when you go down the rmap but will allow them to fall out when you inflate the balloon to tip.

Come up with some ideas ready to share in class on Thursday. 



Brickcroft walk, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 20th Feb 2024 @ 3:36pm

We had a lovely walk to the Brickcroft this morning, we identified different flowers, mainly snowdrops, daffodils and primroses.We also talked about evergreen and deciduous trees.

We enjoyed our hot chocolate and biscuit too!

In maths we had fun outside with number bonds to 20.

Cooking up a healthy lunch!, by Mrs Simpson

Date: 19th Feb 2024 @ 6:35pm

In Science we have been learning about healthy eating and seasonal fruits and vegetables.  As part of our DT topic we used our Scientific knowledge to design, make and of course eat a healthy vegetable tart. They were very yummy! 

Design Technology, by Mrs Simpson

Date: 19th Feb 2024 @ 6:31pm

So far in Design Technology we have made some very creative items. We started off the year improving our sewing skills and made some bright, decorative cushions. We learnt how to use a range of different stitching techniques. 

Our next project was to learn a range of joining skills to create a castle using 3D nets. We then learnt how to make a facade to mask the inside structure.  

Wonderful windmills, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 4:09pm

This week we had a challenge in  DT , we had to design a windmill.It had to be stable and the sails move.

We used paper cups for the structure but had to make them heavier with plasticine so they didn’t fall over.

Next  we used another paper cup to make the sails by cutting into it, we had to try to make them even and had fun decorating them.

Finally we attached the parts together using a straw and cocktail sticks. We had to adapt our designs to try to make our windmills more stable and to help the sails work better. Overall we did a pretty good job!

In Science we enjoyed voting for our favourite pets, we recorded using a chart and created a block graph showing our results. The favourite pets in the Giraffes were cats and dogs.

Have a fabulous half term, just a reminder, we are off on our  walk to the Brickcroft the first Tuesday back. 🙂

Another Busy Week !, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 10:45am

Year 6 have had another very busy week of learning and fun. The children did an amazing job this week researching and presenting the route they may take into future careers. We backed this activity up watching children with physical and learning differences talk about thier aspirations.

The Elephants have been flying in maths this week showing a real enjoyment and understanding of algebra.

Our learning about famous scientisist and innovators has come to an end and to finish the unit I challenged the children to become innovators and they have come up with some stunning ideas.

In DT I was very impressed with the way in which every single member of the class has cut out their pattern then attached it to fabric of their choice and then cut the pieces out. The sewing process has started and the finished garments are fantastic.

We have now reached the end of this half term and as a team we are so proud of the progress the children have made. 

Thank you to the families who attended last night's SATs meeting, I have uploaded the PowerPoint and a copy of the Year 6 SATs word document to the class page of the website.

I will also put a copy of the activities we are doing at High Adventure on the class page , the document has another copy of the suggested kit list at the bottom. Please remember the children will need a packed lunch in a reusable contatiner and a drinks bottle for the first day. 

Wishing you all a great half term

Mrs Fletcher 



Chinese New Year, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 9:41pm

In the reception class we encourage the children to be involved in their learning. Last week we all enjoyed sharing our projects and the penguins were very interested in the Chinese dragon made by Evie. Therefore we have been looking at how Chinese New Year is celebrated and we have enjoyed learning facts about the celebration. Tomorrow we will be dancing to traditional music with our class dragon.

This afternoon we took part in a quiz to check our knowledge on Chinese New Year. We got top marks! Earlier in the week we enjoyed food tasting. We had hot spring rolls, sticky noodles and prawn crackers. Everyone voted for their favourite. Prawn crackers won closely followed by the sticky noodles. You will see from the pictures that many of the children enjoyed the spring rolls. 

Welcome to our new penguin!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 6th Feb 2024 @ 7:43pm

The children had a lovely day welcoming a new penguin into their tribe! Everyone had a lovely time showing Harry around our classroom, our school and our play grounds. Even Tiboo the triceratops was super friendly and happy to see the penguins being so caring and kind to Harry.

We have been busy preparing for Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year and also following in the footsteps of Mary Anning. The children enjoyed making salt dough fossils.

If you have any socks just washed please ask your penguin to see if they can match them all up in pairs. They have been busy doing this today. I wonder if you have an odd one? The children have enjoyed looking at odd and even.