Year 6: The Koalas: Blog items
Fantastic Friday, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 21st Sep 2018 @ 2:33pm
We have had a lovely day finishing off baking cakes just like red riding hood, playing in the listening area, writing phonemes from this week and having cakes in the relax shed outside.
How the elephant got his colours, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 20th Sep 2018 @ 3:31pm
Today we watched a story about how the elephant got his trunk. We then had to make our own class story about how the elephant got his colours
Amazing outdoor and indoor activities, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 20th Sep 2018 @ 3:25pm
We have had a great day baking, using the whiteboard, going in the computer suite and playing in the dinosaur wash and water area.
Second week done , by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 14th Sep 2018 @ 4:15pm
We have had a great two weeks in school and everyone is settling in really well. Today we have been into a whole school assembly.
WW1 soldier visited the Koalas, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 13th Sep 2018 @ 8:57pm
On Thursday afternoon a soldier from WW1 came into school. He visited reception and told us about his stripes on his uniform and made us all stand to attention!
First day of fun, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 3rd Sep 2018 @ 10:55am
Hi all,
Hope your morning is going well. All the children have settled in really well this morning and have been enjoying their first day of school. Take a look at some of the things we have been up to. I will try and blog again later and throughout the week. They are all fine I promise x x x x
Mrs Hothersall x
Picture News - British Values - w/c 16th July, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 13th Jul 2018 @ 7:00am
Here is this week Picture News at home.
Thursday assembly blog, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 8th Jul 2018 @ 9:26am
In today's assembly we were talking about what people have in common. There were three people. We thought reasons of why they are in common: they were old, they were famous and are all humans. They were all 70 and that is how long the NHS has been open. The NHS has helped all of us in the past, but unfortunately not everyone uses it right. People can have a small problem (a problem that could be solved by a doctor) and go to the A and E department; this makes the NHS hospital waits very long and makes people angry. We are all very lucky that we have the NHS in this country. We watched a very old video - 70 years old- which informed us about the opening of the national health service. It was very interesting. We decided that it was very important to say thank you to the hard-workers of the NHS, they save lives and make us well. They look after and help us. We should appreciate the amazing work they do!
Gracie and Abigail
NSPCC Thank you Assembly , by Mrs Catterall
Date: 4th Jul 2018 @ 3:11pm
This morning Jo from the NSPCC came to school to thank us for all our fundraising efforts.
I am pleased to tell you that almost 50% of the children returned their forms with class 2 and class 6 being the biggest returners. Well done Penguins and Bears.
I am very proud to let you know that Longton Primary School have raised an amazing
A massive thankyou to you all, Jo was quite overwhelmed. The money raised means that we have funded the ability for 260 phone calls to be taken by Childline. That means we have helped support more children than we have in our school. THANKYOU.
Dont worry if you still have your forms and money at home, bring it in and we will send it off to the NSPCC at the end of the school year.
Thank you again,
Mrs Catterall, Sara and Gracie.
Mondays assembly blog, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 3rd Jul 2018 @ 11:01pm
Today's assembly was about who chooses what we eat! Many of us said that it is usually our parents and maybe us. In the news this week they were talking about: increasing healthy eating; banning adverts that advertise foods that aren't good for us and not allowing children under 1618 to buy energy drinks. We then had a vote if we think they should do this or if we think they shouldn't do this. We had four pupils from different classes saying their opinion on why they should do this, they all said that it is unhealthy to be able to buy energy drinks and buy takeaways not knowing how many calories we are intaking. We then heard the opposition. We had lots of different reasons like: it is unfair to children because they aren't allowed what adults do, a lot of people would lose their jobs as big companies/restaurants that sell those type of things might not do as well because not as many people would buy and someone thought that it was our choice and we should choose what we want to buy. We all decided that if we have the choice to do something it should always be the most sensible one.
Gracie and Abigail
Picture News - British Values - w/c 2nd July, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 1st Jul 2018 @ 6:27pm
Water play 2, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 28th Jun 2018 @ 2:43pm
Water play, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 28th Jun 2018 @ 2:41pm
We've had a fun time in the sun playing with water, putting up a tent.
NSPCC Sponsor money, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 26th Jun 2018 @ 6:11pm
Please can all NSPCC sponsor forms and money be returned tomorrow.
Thankyou for your support
Sara and Gracie
Monday Assembly Blog, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 25th Jun 2018 @ 8:34pm
In today's assembly we talked about what we like doing in our spare time. We had lots of different ideas going to the cinema, football and playing on the trampoline with siblings. We looked at a question, which was: Are computer games damaging our health? We were then discussing about a boy who couldn't go to school for over a year because he just wanted to play video games. After that we looked at lots of opinions ( none of them were wrong, we all have lots of different opinions ) some were FOR video/computer games and some were AGAINST them. We then listened to a story about a girl who loved video games and she got a special parcel in the post. When putting them on she realised that people were losing their minds for video games. She became sad when she noticed how much time she had lost with her friends. We were then talking about things that people did and if it was healthy or not. We decided that 2/3 activities were healthy.
Gracie and Abigail
Blackpool Zoo, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 25th Jun 2018 @ 7:11pm
We had a fabulous day at Blackpool Zoo. The sun shone, the animals came out to see us and we were all really well behaved.
Picture News - British Values - w/c 25th June, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 24th Jun 2018 @ 6:33pm
Please find attached the Picture News resource we will be exploring in assembly this week.
Parts of the body, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 22nd Jun 2018 @ 2:55pm
In our JIGSAW lesson we were learning parts of the body both outside and inside the body. We had a go at making a pair of lungs, making a stomach and adding food and enzymes, listening to our heart and having brain breaks.
Library Visit, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 18th Jun 2018 @ 11:34am
This morning we have visited Longton Library. Everyone in Reception is now a member. We had two stories read by Tom. We mad an owl headband, we chose books to read at the library and we just had a really great time.
Picture News - British Values - w/c 18th June, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 18th Jun 2018 @ 6:36am
Please find attached the Picture News at home resource.
This lets you know what we will be looking at in our British Values assembly this week.
Thursday Assembly Blog, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 15th Jun 2018 @ 8:11am
Today in assembly we talked about how we have three words that are important every year: CARE, GROW and SHINE! We talked how this term we are going to shine.We were then talking about a celebration which people will be celebrating this on Friday or Saturday. This celebration is held by Muslims. We talked about how Muslims fast, they fast because it is to teach them to focus on god and be generous, once fasting ends they have the celebration called Eid al-fitr.The celebration goes on for one,two or maybe even three days. How they celebrate is a bit like Christmas, they send Eid al-fitr cards out and dress formally, they also have big feasts and they wish each other a happy celebration!
We were also reminded about some special events that are coming up! If you want to be in the talent show you need to fill in the form, which is at the bottom of a parent mail that has been sent out, by tomorrow, you will need to print off the form and give it in. We are also have a own clothes day tomorrow, to be able to wear your own clothes you need to bring in some chocolates or a bottle of wine or a yummy beverage.
by Gracie and Abigail
Walking Bus, brake charity awareness, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 13th Jun 2018 @ 1:45pm
Thank you very much to all the children and parents/grandparents who joined us on our walking bus this morning, it was lovely to see you all there. We certainly made a long bus this morning.
It was a lovely start to the day, the opportunity to chat with a friend, enjoy the lovely weather as well as a bit of exercise. Remember we walk every day from booths, leaving at 8:30.
Here are a few photos.
Fathers day, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 12th Jun 2018 @ 9:41pm