Year 6: The Koalas: Blog items

St Oswald visit, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 3:23pm

As part of our RE work we had a walk down to St Oswalds Catholic Church and met Father Michael. He told us all about the lovely church, how old it was, the stained glass windows, the different statues and lots more.It was very interesting and we learnt a lot .

World book day , by Mrs Pratten

Date: 6th Mar 2020 @ 12:40pm

The Koalas have had a great time today .They bought in their favourite books to share with their friends and then with their Y6 buddies. We then looked at non fiction books and then they worked in small  groups to produce their  own fact book all about animals. They all looked amazing and have had a great world book day.



World Book Day 2020 science and space, by Mrs Masterson

Date: 6th Mar 2020 @ 11:21am

This world book day most people came in and science or space themed outfits to fit with our whole school year theme of moon landings.   We loved the fact that most people went with the principle of it is the thought that counts not the cost of the outfits - very eco!   Luckily, our school is very creative and we have seen some amazing ideas for the theme. Today we have also included another whole school write,starting in year six all the way to reception and seeing what wonderful story writing can be comprehended into it! At the end of the day we will have a big assembly and read through the excellent work we have created.

by Eddie and Emily J 

Magnificent Myerscough, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 2nd Mar 2020 @ 5:30pm

We had a great day of learning at Plant world today. We explored the grounds looking for different trees and Spring flowers. Found out that plants need different conditions to grow like cactus,  looked in the tropical and temperate houses and saw terrapins (we found a frog outside too!) Stroked rabbits,guinea pigs, hens and even saw a tarantula! Smelt herbs and lovely leaves ,planted a sunflower seed and sat on a tractor. no wonder we were tired on the way back!

An amazing day!

Doubling and plants!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 28th Feb 2020 @ 6:24pm

A great week back for the Koalas, starting to learn about plants ( don’t forget our trip on Monday to Myerscough, wrap up warm and definitely wear wellies!!) doubling and enjoying the story of Jack and the beanstalk. Lots of great language used to describe the giant - Well done Koalas!


A busy week of learning!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 7th Feb 2020 @ 3:56pm

This week we have carried on with our story , No Way Home, we are really enjoying it and doing some fantastic writing , we are all impressing Mrs PrattenπŸ‘πŸŒŸπŸ˜†

In Maths we have been learning about weighing,comparing weights and using scales and cubes to measure.

We have been artists too, finding out all about primary colours. We created pictures in the style of Piet Mondrian using torn paper.This afternoon we have used primary colour paints to mix all the other colours.A tricky challenge but we were awesome at it and were very proud of our finished pictures

Class compliment treat, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 3rd Feb 2020 @ 3:49pm

The Koalas had a great afternoon watching their film and munching on popcorn and cookies - a very well deserved treat!

We do have some mix ups with school iniform so please could you check you have the correct T-shirt, jumper etc- thank you!!

This weeks learning, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 30th Jan 2020 @ 5:02pm

This week the Koalas have been building on their understanding of place value using  bundles of straws to help.Lots of partner work, making numbers and counting to work them out.

We have also carried on with our animal topic learning all about fish, having to to sorting different animals  to find the fish, Mrs Pratten tried to trick us but we were too smart!

We had fun today with our football skills, kicking, dribbling  and trapping different sized balls and kicking though a target.

We have really enjoyed looking at all the  fantastic projects , lovely to see how proud the children are and they are amazing so a big thank you for all your support.

Dint forget our treat afternoon tomorrow πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸ˜œπŸŒŸπŸ™ƒπŸ˜πŸ˜†

Charity - Australia fundraising, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 24th Jan 2020 @ 7:50pm

Thankyou to everyone who donated their loose change to our Australian fire campaign.  This afternoon the children covered a map of Australia and the words adopt a koala.  The coins covered it all perfectly.

Linda will be adding it all up next week and then I’ll let you know the total. 

Thank you again. 

Foody fractions, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 3:51pm

Today we enjoyed a foody fractions session. We chopped up cakes into halves and quarters and saw how the pieces became smaller as we chopped it up, especially into thirtieths! We got into groups of 4 to divide a whole kitkat into halves and then quarters, of course the best part was eating the kitkatπŸ‘πŸ™ƒπŸ˜œπŸ™‚

A fantastic first week back!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 10th Jan 2020 @ 3:45pm

The Koalas have settled back really well and have been fantastic learners this week. 

We have enjoyed the story No Thank You! all about animals getting the wrong food. We had to order the animals and give them a name.Today we thought of our own animals and used our imaginations to feed them some funny food!

We have also been thinking about finding half and have learnt that half is 2 pieces which have to be the same. We even did chocolate fractions and had to try to half a twix with our partner, the best bit was eating the twix, unlucky if you had smaller piece and didn’t quite make it a half!

We have also been learning about mammals and other animals and where they live, we used a map of the world to help us. We know there are 7 continents I wonder if the Koalas can remember what they are...?

Reading Rocket, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 8th Jan 2020 @ 10:38am

Our Reading Rocket is now complete.

Well done to Year 3 and Mrs Atkinson and everyone who brought in egg boxes.


Christmas wishes, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 20th Dec 2019 @ 3:39pm

Well done Koalas for all being fantastic this half term.Mrs Thomson and I both wish you all a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Have a wonderful time this Christmas, thank you too for the lovely gifts, not expected but much appreciated. Enjoy the holidaysπŸŽ…πŸ‘



Christmas wishes, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 20th Dec 2019 @ 3:39pm

Well done Koalas for all being fantastic this half term.Mrs Thomson and I both wish you all a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Have a wonderful time this Christmas, thank you too for the lovely gifts, not expected but much appreciated. Enjoy the holidaysπŸŽ…πŸ‘



Christmas party fun, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 19th Dec 2019 @ 4:02pm

The Koalas had a great time at our party this afternoon, dancing, games and a story with Father Christmas, fabulous!

A 2D shape puzzle and designing and describing2D shape snowmen, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 19th Dec 2019 @ 3:59pm

We had fun today working together to make a 2D shape puzzle.We each had different pieces  and had to work out what shapes we thought we might have. Then we all helped to put it together, one group find 3 different ways! 

We also had fun creating crazy snowmen out of 2 D shapes , we gave them a name and had to name and describe the shapes we had used.

Christmas party for reception year 1 and year 2, by Mrs Hothersall

Date: 19th Dec 2019 @ 1:47pm

Christmas stories at the library, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 12th Dec 2019 @ 3:29pm

We had a lovely Christmas story session at the library today. We had some funny stories which made us laugh! Our favourite was There’s an elf in you book, an elf was trying to trick us off the nice list but he didn’t manage itπŸ™ƒ

Christmas dinner fun!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 11th Dec 2019 @ 12:23pm

We all enjoyed our Christmas dinner today! Thank you kitchen staffπŸ‘

Fabulous Koalas, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 6th Dec 2019 @ 3:39pm

We really enjoyed putting on our nativity play and think we were amazing! We all spoke our lines clearly and sang our songs fantastically.We hope you all enjoyed it!

Marvellous measuring, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 6th Dec 2019 @ 3:31pm

This week we have been finding out about height and length. We found out who the tallest and shortest were in our class.Next we measured each other using books, straws,whiteboards. Today we compared lengths using a ruler. We had to find things longer and shorter than a ruler.Then we went outside and measured the ball cage using strides.

Rockets launches , by Mr Pearson

Date: 26th Nov 2019 @ 8:14pm

Film of the end of school rocket launches 

Roaring rockets!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 26th Nov 2019 @ 5:13pm

What a fabulous day! The Koalas really enjoyed seeing the rocket come to school and reinforcing our super knowledge on rockets from last half term. We loved looking at the special artefacts,the space food, meteorites and lots more. The rocket launch after school was amazing and we even spied on our buddies launching their rockets in the ball cage.We were really impressed they went very high! A great day creating lots of fantastic memories,thank you Mrs Catterall for organising πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸŒŸ 

Well done the boys in the after school club who were inspired to create these great rocket pictures, good job boys.πŸ€ͺ

Repeating patterns, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 22nd Nov 2019 @ 3:49pm

This week the Koalas have been busy being pattern detectives .They have created their own repeating patterns and have been amazing at spotting the rules for lots of different patterns.πŸ‘

Brilliant Booths!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 2:16pm

We had a really interesting visit to Booths this morning. We were allowed into the back to see where all the food is kept, we went in the fridges and the freezer, ask the children how cold it was!  We saw the whole store from the managers office. The best bit was having a ride  on the scissor lift used for deliveries. 

Some children helped Mrs Thomson get some shopping for school and were allowed to put it through the checkouts  - a great trip thank you Booths!