Our blogs

Fantastic Giraffes, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 28th Jun 2023 @ 8:10am

Thank you Giraffes for a lovely afternoon yesterday.

They enjoyed looking around the classroom, telling us what they like to do and making a start on a giraffe! We talked about what will be the same in Year 1 and what might be a little different.

We are looking forward to seeing them all again next week! ?

Fantastic Lion learning, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 4:55pm

This week, in Science, the children have continued to learn all about other minibeast that live in ponds and rock pools. In Geography we are being to learn the 4 countries that make up the UK and their capitals.

In English we have continued with our Fairytales, describing settings, villains and hero’s.Next week we will be rewriting a fairytae, adding in our own characters and changing the setting.

We loved using Scratch junior on the iPads, further developing our programming skills.

Next weeek we are looking forward to performing our Eurovision song, we are UK,  singing Making your mind up by Bucks Fizz....if you get a spare minutes and fancy a boogie and helping the children with the words,,,,you can find it on Utube!,

Stratford Upon Avon, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 10:38am

Here are the photographs from our amazing residential. I hope they bring back lots of memories as you share them with your families. 

Mighty mathematicians., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 21st Jun 2023 @ 4:58pm

The giraffes have been busy learning how to estimathe in maths this week. They have been working hard at writing their numbers and have been ordering larger numbers too. They have worked very hard with their partner and have been super mathematicians exploring, solving problems as well as revisiting their number bonds and doubles.

Ahoy there!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 21st Jun 2023 @ 4:41pm

Here are some lovely pictures to share of our time exploring over the last two weeks. During this time the children have been leading the life of a pirate. They have created maps, left secret notes in bottles, learnt some new language and have even adopted a new class parrot! 

They have been amazing mathematicians looking at odd and even numbers as well estimating and looking at the patterns of larger numbers.

Our phonics work has kept the children busy as they have been given new sounds by the naughtifier! The sounds are ie (igh) ea (ee) and ay (ai) Please help your child to spot these sounds in their school books and your story books at home.

Please remember to send in sun hats and cream but also a light coat if possible just in case the showers come. 

Thank you

Feeling hot, hot , hot!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 3:45pm

This week we have been hot on our learning!

In maths learning about quarters, in English acting out Fairytales, Cinderella, sequencing stories and using story language.

We also enjoyed dance form the heart and meeting Elsa,

Enjoy your weekend ?

A sunny first week back!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 7:49am

Welcome back!


We have had such a lovely first week back and although it's been a very warm first week back, the children have kickstarted their final term of year 4 with a bang! 

The tribe have kickstarted most of their final topics for year 4, including a comparison study of Italy in Geography alongside exploring a range of habitats in science and the living things that may live there. We danced with some Disney passion in Dance With The Heart.

They have shown resillience to working on time in maths, reading clock faces and converting to 12-hour and 24-hour, please keep practicing this at home! Reading clocks, both digital and analogue. 

Thank you for a lovely first week back and have a lovely weekend.


Mr Kennedy & Mrs Jackson

Dance From the Heart, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 15th Jun 2023 @ 11:37am

The Meerkats have taken part in their last Dance from the Heart event and had a thoroughly fantastic time dancing and singing thier hearts out. This years theme was celebrating 100 years of Disney.


Class compliment, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 4:00pm

We enjoyed our well deserved class compliment today. An extra play on the scooters and bikes, an ice lolly and Tom and Jerry and a visit to the park, we loved it!!


Hope you all have a fabulous 2 weeks whatever your plans, enjoy this lovely weather ....but don’t forget reading, holiday passports ( if you can’t find do it on a piece of paper?) and a little bit of maths and grammar!

Have fun, stay safe ,see you all soon ?

Timetable competition!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 2:53pm


Over the break, Mr Kennedy has set up a healthy competitive tournament on Timetables Rockstar. 

The children are very excited to explore TTRS even more and push their multiplications futher. 

The winning tribe will be awarded a class compliment & 10 minutes extra break! 

The tournament will also track effort - which a small prize will also be awarded.

Linked HERE is a video explaining TTRS. 

Please be mindful of screen time with your child, I have limited the tournament to a maximum of 90 minutes per day, anything more than 90 minutes will not contribute to the overall competition. 

Mr Kennedy.

The end of art week & the end of half term, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 2:48pm

What a lovely end to the week, the children have worked incredibly hard this week and this term. I hope you all have a lovely break. Let's also hope we are blessed with the continued lovely weather. 


Have a look at some of the images from the end of arts week below! You can also have a look at even more arts day photos HERE.

Hickory's Brunch for lucky readers!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 2:44pm

Big well done to all the children who attended Hickory's brunch today! The children won this lovely rewards from being in the lucky draw for reading every day. A big thank you to Hickorys Hutton for looking after us.

Art week Pandas, by Ms Gaskell

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 2:33pm

Year 3 Pandas have been using their amazing artistic skills to make some Stone Age, Iron Age, Roman and Bronze Age art. Well done Pandas!

Artistic Meerkats, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 4:07pm

Year 6 have been showing off their art skills during Arts Week.

Beautiful work has been produced using a variety of media and techniques. All of the work has been linked to aspects of our curriculum: British Values, Global Warming, the circulatory system and the architecture of Ancient Greece and the Romans. 

Perfect puppets, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 4:06pm

Today we enjoyed finishing off our puppets, they look amazing! We had to follow our designs and cut pieces to fit...it was quite tricky!!

Art week Elephants, by Mr Pearson

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 11:06am

An enjoyable week of creative in the Elephant Tribe

A great day out!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 24th May 2023 @ 6:32am

The giraffes ad a great day out at the Leyland Transport museum yesterday. We knew it was going to be a perfect day when the double decker bus arrived to pick us up! What a treat! A very noisy treat! Lots of singing excited children!

The giraffes did amazing listening all day and got to see horse drawn vehicles, army vehicles, old buses, a car which belonged to King George and they even got to wave like the pope. We also saw lots of new trucks which were enormous!

We all enjoyed our packed lunch before doing a quiz, a treasure hunt and even had a spot of driving! Can you see from the pictures where we went?

The helpers were very knowledgeable and praised the giraffes on their behaviour and listening at the end of the day. Super star giraffes!

Arts week Tuesday, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 6:19pm

We began today by looking at images of the Great Fire of London. These werecomputer illustrations as well as the art work and displays that other children have done.  

We discussed the different medium which had been used; paper collages, oil pastels, pencil crayon, wax crayon, tissue paper, felt tips and paint.

There were two main parts to the art work - the flames and the buildings.  We explored the different medium to create flames in our art books. We also work on our own or in teams to create 3D houses.  

Arts week Monday, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 6:13pm

Today we were focusing on the Coronation.  We talked about what happened during the weekend events in London and in our own families.

We focused on symbols which linked to King Charles III to produce some art work. 

Amazing artists!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 4:18pm

We are loving arts week! So far we have found out about King Charles and the Royal family, we learnt how to sketch features of the face and drew and painted some amazing portraits of him.

Today we added texture with collage materials to our seaside paintings. We decided if we were going to create a past or present picture and then drew and coloured appropriate pictures to stick on. They looked amazing!

This afternoon we started our DT work, we are designing a puppet of King Charles, we looked at how we could join them, gluing, stapling, pinning. Then we designed our puppets, ready to make them tomorrow.

All good fun!!

Arts week begins, by Ms Gaskell

Date: 22nd May 2023 @ 10:52am

Year 3 have started their Arts week with learning about King Charles III. We are completing a portrait of King Charles III in his royal attire, drawing a picture of the coronation room and painting it in watercolours and desiging a crown for our own coronation service.

Make friends, make friends!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 20th May 2023 @ 7:20am

Our lovely week ended with talking about our friends. We wrote a recipe for a special friend and then payed some games showing that we could play fair, take turns and even lose at games sometimes.

We are looking forward to our trip on Tuesday and have our fingers crossed that the sun will shine for sports day on Thursday afternoon.

Next week is Art Week! 

Monday - King Charles theme.

Tuesday - Class Trip.

Wednesday - Transport theme.

Thursday - Summer theme (Am) / Sports Day (Pm)

Friday - Summer theme (Am) Drama and Music (Pm)

We have art shirts in school but you are welcome to send an old adult sized T-shirt for your child to wear over their uniform whilst they are painting if you prefer.

I have lots of boxes but if you have an old shoe box or box that would be suitable for making a vehicle please send it in.

The children will also need a stick. Please don’t worry if you are busy this weekend and  can’t collect one. I will have spares. We don’t need a huge branch but also we don’t want a tiny twig. Anything inbetween that they can stick lots of things on would be great.

Thank you.


Amazing actors, by Mr Pearson

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 9:37pm

Congratulations to the children who performed brilliantly in the class play. 

Brilliant - beach time!!!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 4:21pm

Fantastic lions on the beach!!

Super Southport, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 4:18pm

We had a great time in Southport today, we sketched human and physical features  and compared it to Longton. We had lunch, an ice cream.....and finally.... an amazing time on the beach! We dug deep holes and found water, we made amazing sandcastles and generally had a fab time!!