Our blogs

Meeting our year five buddies!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 9:24pm

This week the Penguins met their year five buddies. They had lots of fun together. The penguins taught their buddies the penguin dance and our favourite dance - Banana Meatballs! We all enjoyed some outdoor play as well as showing year five around our class room.

Today was thoughtful Thursday which involved story massage. The massage today was baking a birthday cake. Mrs. Morrison and I have enjoyed working and playing with the children. They have lots of stories to share and even beat Mrs. Morrison today in our phonics game! Well done Penguins!

We have sent home a red folder today for homework. Please send this back on Tuesday. The task is to have a treasure hunt around your home to find objects which start with our four sounds. There is also an extra task on the back if your child would like to practise their letter formation. If you have any problems or questions please feel free to ask Mrs.Morrison or I at the start of the day.

I have also sent home a small wallet with our sounds in. Please keep this in your child’s blue book bag so that we can add new sounds to it each week.

Thank you for your help and support. 

Being Geographers!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 7:18pm

We enjoyed taking photographs this afternoon of the different features that make up our school. We talked about all the things we could see, we are going to do some sorting with them next week.

Story fun, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 7:29pm

This week we have enjoyed the story of The Little Red Hen, today we had fun working in groups to act out the story, each group carried the story on, we were fantastic!

Team work Tuesday, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 12th Sep 2023 @ 10:07pm

The Penguins have had a busy day today. We started with Squiggle and a wriggle. I am sure your child will show you what we do if you have a spare silky scarf, paper, crayons and some good music. Today we danced to Mama Mia. Lots of the penguins seemed very familiar with this music today. Next week we will be using a song by Queen.

Today I have been working with the children for short periods of time on a one to one basis. The children have been carrying out puzzles and practical tasks which they have enjoyed. This time has helped me get to know the children a little better and we have all realised that we enjoy a good chat!

The children went into the hall at the end of the day today for assembly. Our first whole school assembly! We were very proud of the penguins!

Tomorrow we have an exciting morning as we will be meeting our year five buddies. They will come into our class and spend time reading stories and sharing our 'All about me' books with us. We will plan special afternoons where we will see our buddies and we will walk to church with our buddies when we have celebration assemblies. A special friendship will develop over time - our year five pupils are so excitied!

First week super stars!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 5:18pm

The Penguins have been amazing this week! They have enjoyed working and playing with their friends. They have been chatty, friendly and super kind to each other.

Today we did some number games and the children were given ‘genius gems’ for their awesome work.

This afternoon the children had drama with Mr. Sumner followed by music and singing with Miss. Derby. 

I hope you have spotted the special certificate in your child’s book bag. Mrs. Morrison and I have had a lovely week and we will be looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday. 

Well done Super Penguins!

Excellent Start, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 7:36pm

Well done everyone, you have made an excellent start to Year 6. You have all settled into your new class really well and it wonderful to see such focussed learning. 

The class have now had a taste of every lesson on thier timetable,  making a great start to their work in History and Science.

This is going to be an amazing year Elephants! 

Thoughtful Thursday., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 4:08pm

Thoughtful Thursday started with the children going in their team colours on a guided tour of school with Mrs. Morrison. The children explored the school and also visited the orchard and forest school and our outdoor areas. Some groups got to see a guitar lesson in the music room and even a science experiment in the year five classroom. They explored the kitchen, library, visited Nicola and Linda in the office and even had a peep in the art studio.

We all did Dough Disco to warm up our hands and fingers before we all had a go at writing our name. Mrs.Thomson was very proud! 

Our shoe shop is almost ready in our outdoor shed so we had a sort out of the dressing up clothes we want to use in this area. As you can see in the pictures the children enjoyed sorting them out and trying them on!

Thoughtful Thursday ended with us doing story massage. Please ask your child to show you! You may get a little relaxing massage to Twinkle Twinkle. A perfect way to end the day!


Fantastic Giraffes, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 3:56pm

Well done Giraffes for a fantastic first week in Year1 :) 

We have been learning all about split digraphs in phonics, enjoyed the story of the cautious caterpillar in English, in Maths we have been wrting numbers and sorting objects. We had fun in science on Monday labelling our friends! We have met Jigsaw Jack and he is helping us learn how to be a good learner in Year1. In Geography we have started to think about what our school is like.

We have been busy, busy ,busy!!!

Welcome Penguins!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 4th Sep 2023 @ 7:54pm

What a special day we have had today! It was wonderful to welcome the penguins into school on such a lovely sunny morning.

The penguins have had a lovely start to their school journey by exploring their classroom and the outside environment. As it was very warm the children only played out for short bursts and made time for lots of water bottle stops. (If this weather continues please feel free to send a cap into school - I did get the hat box out today to help keep the children cool). 

Today we have done some rainbow writing, painted a picture of ourselves and have also split into two groups for key worker time. During this time the children introduced themselves and all had the opportunity to tell the group something special about themselves. It has been lovely learning about the children.

Tomorrow morning starts with a great fun exercise session in the hall called squiggle and wriggle (all children in school uniform please). We will also be sharing our ‘All about me’ books. Thank you for all the books sent in so far.

Wednesday morning is PE. Each week on a Wednesday please send your child into school in their PE kit and black pumps.

Please can you send in your child’s final report from nursery. I would appreciate a copy of this. Please add a note if you would like me to copy it and return the original home to you.

Also if you have a photograph of your child ( this could be on holiday, with family or with a pet for example) please could we have it for our home corner. The children like to see and share a photograph of themselves which I will put in a frame - just like you have in your home.

Thank you, Mrs. Thomson.

Our Year 4 Classroom, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 31st Aug 2023 @ 4:09pm


I hope you have had a lovely summer break and I can't wait to hear all about it when we return tomorrow. 

Our classroom is all set ready for another year of fantastic learning and laughter, I have added some photos below.

See you all tomorrow!

Our Year 1 classroom, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 31st Aug 2023 @ 3:46pm

Hello and welcome to the Year 1 blog page!

I am excited to see everybody tomorrow morning and have just put some pictures of  the classroom on so youcan get a sneaky look before tomorrow.

See you soon


Mrs Pratten :)

Our Year 3 Classroom, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 31st Aug 2023 @ 1:24pm

I am looking forward to welcoming you all back to school tomorrow.  I am really excited to hear all about your summer holidays. 

Here are a few photos of our classroom. 

Mrs Simpson

Our Year 2 Classroom, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 31st Aug 2023 @ 1:13pm

Myself and Miss Harrison are looking forward to welcoming you back to school tomorrow.

Here are a few photos of our classroom. 

Last day in Year 1, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 21st Jul 2023 @ 1:00pm

A fun last day!!! Hope you all have a fantastic holiday, enjoy some family time.

Thank you so much for all our lovely cards and presents, you are very generous and it is much appreciated. X

Busy busy!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 18th Jul 2023 @ 10:27pm

The giraffes have been working hard this week. They have been busy each morning with phonics, guided reading and maths. In the afternoons they have embraced planning their own activities.

The pictures show their performances from Monday and their summer time ice cream parlour from today. They also created butterflies using coffee filter paper, wrote a story about a magic shell and created mazes in maths. They got to test out each other’s maze to see if they could reach the treasure.

Very proud giraffes!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 16th Jul 2023 @ 6:22pm

The giraffes had a great week which started with a visit to Longton library. Helen read us great  pirate stories and the children got to make their own parrot.

We received a postcard from Mr. Dunne in Mexico and also a postcard from Polly the pirate who has gone off to explore China.

The children will not be sent home any homework or school reading books for the summer. We have talked to the children about reading their own books at home and Helen from the library has started all the class off on the summer reading challenge. 

The giraffes have planned their afternoon sessions for their last week in Reception. On Monday they are having a performing afternoon. Dressing up, drama, puppet shows, dancing and singing.

On Tuesday they are having a summer themed afternoon. They will be building sandcastles, playing in water, playing outside games and then creating their own ice creams in our classoom ice cream parlour.

On Wednesday the children have planned a sports themed afternoon. We are hoping to have football, cricket, tennis, parachute games and a giant obstacle course which the children will be creating.

On Thursday we will be watching the year six dress rehearsal and on Friday the children will have drama and IT.

A busy week ahead!

The children have been feeling very proud in class. They are reading, writing, drawing, playing with their friends and sharing well. They enjoyed their art project which was recreating their own Andy Warhol piece of art.

We are talking a lot about year one and we have been bringing books and objects from their new classroom in September into class to talk about. We are having Mrs. Regan in class with us on Monday who will be the year one classroom assistant. I will pass on the ‘All about me’ books to Mrs. Pratten who will look at the books in September with your child. If you have any questions about year one or if you think your child is worrying please let us know so we can help.

Thank you

Brickcroft fun, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 13th Jul 2023 @ 3:52pm

We had a lovely morning at the Brickcroft, we enjoyed our minibeast hunt, we found lots of different ones hiding inside the wood chippping and under logs.We enjoyed our colour marching treasure hunt and last but not least our pond dipping. We nearly caught something a bit different as Xander managed to topple in ....all was good and dry clothes provided!!!

Earth day, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 10th Jul 2023 @ 6:33pm

We managed to survive the day with limited technology! Thank you if you walked to school this morning...keep it up all week if you can!

The Eco team went out with Mrs Jackson to tackle the willow arches.. they did a good job..KS1 chopped and KS2 tidied ...good team work!

Tribe of the year!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 6th Jul 2023 @ 7:11pm

Well done Lions, awarded tribe of the year this afternoon at our last Celebration Assembly!?

Journalist Giraffes!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 5th Jul 2023 @ 9:44pm

Tomorrow homework will be coming out in the paper folders. I have included our new sounds to learn as well as a sheet to complete for Earth Day on Monday. The children should have some ideas from our class book - Clean Up, which I hope they will share with you. We have been talking about the importance of using bins and recycling. I would be very grateful if you could show your child how you recycle at home.

Mrs. Pratten was delighted with the children on Tuesday afternoon. They really are fantastic and are loving their new adventures in Year One already.

This morning was spent playing party games, having ice lollies and bunny rabbit crisps. We had lots of fun and the children felt very proud of achieveing all of their class compliments.

Our class story has been about a little girl visiting her grandparents in Jamaica. Unfortunately the beach and the sea were full of litter which hurt the animals and sea life. The giraffes also looked at newspapers this week and we decided to write an important article for a newspaper linked to our story. Our journalist giraffes did an amazing job. Some of the headlines read 'The clean up crew saves the day' and 'Clean up crew to the rescue'.

Photographs will follow of the children copying the clean up crew around our school grounds. They were superstars!


Another fantastic afternoon in Y1, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 4:02pm

Another lovely afternoon spent with the Giraffes. We finished off our fabulous stretchy giraffes, they will look amazing in our classroom in September. We also made birthday cards, again, ready to hand out on birthdays next year.

Our Eco team class representatives are Reuben and Lucia , well done on creating some amazing posters. Our school parliament representatives are Harper S and Arley.

Mrs Regan and I are very excited to be teaching the Giraffes next year, definitely a fantastic tribe!

Take over day!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 3:42pm

The Year 1 ‘s enjoyed some new Y6 teachers yesterday, they were amazing! They taught English , Maths, drama and PE. The Lions loved it!!!

Treat Week, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 9:53pm

Another week of fun and making lasting memories.

The week began with an Italian feast on Monday. Tuesday saw the children having fun at Leyland Leisure Centre taking part in a fun swim session. Wednesday involved a walk totalling around 2.5 miles to Hickory's in Hutton to fill ourselves with popcorn, milkshakes and pancakes. The children had so much fun, laughter filled the air when they took part in the whipped cream challange. It was hillarious and very, very messy. This afternoon was the traditional Year 6 water fight which resulted in more fun, laughter and very wet Meerkats. 

What shall we do with a grumpy pirate?, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 9:50pm

Another busy week for our giraffes! 

On Monday we started our new class story. However the children are still enjoying being pirates so we have plenty of role play, drama and singing opportunities for them all to enjoy.

A huge thank you for your wonderful maps which the children created for their homework. They all got to share their map and talk about it with their key worker group. They were very proud and so were we.

Tuesday was an exciting day with the afternoon spent in their new year one classroom. Mrs. Pratten had a lovely time with the giraffes and everyone came back with big smiles wanting to tell me all about it.

On Wednesday afternoon we performed our Tic Tac song on the stage in front of the whole school. The giraffes wore their bandanas ( recycled and painted blue, white and red for France) The children started by counting in French and then sang and danced confidently to everyone. It was a great performance. We loved watching all the amazing acts and we found it very difficult to vote at the end.

The children had their second road safety session today. After their class work, session last week and a session this morning the children crossed School Lane with their group leaders using the stop, look and listen rules. They were amazing listeners and remembered to look for a safe spot and to stand behind the kerb. They know to always hold hands with a grown up or hold onto a pram at all times on the footpaths. Well done giraffes!

The children have been voting this afternoon for their class compliment idea. Unfortunately I had to explain that I couldn’t hire a bouncy castle or take us all to the seaside but eventually we had a winner with 19 children voting for a dress up party (pirates, fancy dress or party clothes) party games and party food. I will confirm the date tomorrow. 

Tomorrow morning we are walking to church to have a tour of the church by Father Sam. This is part of our RE work this half term. Please send coats with your child.

Thank you for your help and support,



Enterprise fun!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 12:40pm

The Lions had fun today icing and decorating with sweeties, mini muffins, ready for our enterprise tomorrow. It was fun and they look yummy!!