Our blogs

What a great week!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 5:38pm

Year 4 has had a great week this week, with lots of new learning and applying previous learning. We have concluded our class story of The Treasures of Loch Ness, which had the children hooked! We even had some children present our Nessie fact box.


Looking forward to another week of fun and even more learning.

Library Visit, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 3:01pm

We enjoyed out visit to the library.  Helen read us 3 stries about aliens.  We voted for out favourite which was   then we made our own alien before sitting and ejpying reading books from the library.  We found the book 'The Koala who Could'.  It is written by the Rachel Bright who has also written 'The Way home for Wolf' which we have been reading in class. 


Science, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 2:53pm

We have been trying to solve a problem for the Three Little Pigs.  What material would be best to use for the roof or their house.  We decided it would need to be strong and waterproof so they wouldn't get wet.


Art, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 2:48pm

The children have enjoyed developing their drawing skills.  They have been working on character illustrations. 


Exploring old toys, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 5:33pm

A big thank you for sending in the old toys for us to look at.The Giraffes loved talking about them and showing them to the class. We talked about how some toys are the same but look a bit different and how  the materials they are made from have changed. Some were definitely well loved!

Busy Elephants, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 7:39pm

Year 6 have been busy this week showing what amazing learners they are. There has been a real imrovemnet in the presentation of work this week and the class are rising to every challenge they are are faced with.

In LPS+ the children looked at the new Blue Peter Badge for reading and discussed how important reading ie, reaching the conclusion that it really is the key that opens doors of opportunity.


In maths we are getting ready to tackle long division, it would be great if over the coming weeks the children could spend some time on Times Tables Rockstars refreshing their knowledge - it will really help !

Don't forget that projects are in soon - we can't wait to see them. 



Apple picking, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 5:33pm

Thank you Eco team and Mrs Jackson who stayed behind after school to help pick the apples and pears. There are a lot ...so bring a bag and help yourself after school tomorrow by the tuck shop, donations welcome!

Wellie Walk Wednesday!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 4th Oct 2023 @ 9:30pm

This week the children welcomed a new penguin into their class. They have been friendly and kind and have enjoyed helping our new penguin feel part of the family!

We have been busy with our phonics this week. A huge thank you for your support. The penguins are enjoying spotting their new sound each day and they are very proud in class of the new words we read each day. Please continue to read and revisit the phonics wallet each day. 

We have been working on taller, shorter, bigger, smaller, heavy and light this week. The children have been human balances, have experimented with different scales and had to work out what size of paper they needed to wrap the gifts at the wrapping station. I have been very impressed with their wrapping up skills, however we have gone through a lot of sticky tape!

Tomorrow is our library visit. We are very excited. As the weather is quite unpredictable at the moment please send your child to school with a coat. If it is very wet the penguins can wear their wellies on the walk.

Special teddies come to school!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 2nd Oct 2023 @ 6:39pm

Today the Giraffes really enjoyed having their special teddies in school. They enjoyed talking about them, drew pictures and wrote sentences and shared stories with them.

In science this afternoon we learnt all about Braille,  we wrote in Braille and learnt aabout Louis Braillle. We went on a colour walk , of course our teddies came too! We had to look for all the colours of the rainbow!

Baking day!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 9:59pm

This week seems to have flown by!

The penguins have carried on exploring their senses this week. They have been weaving with pine cones, making their own class dough (with no help! Things got a little sticky!) and today they have been kneading and baking their own bread! The smell from school was amazing!

Baking the bread was very exciting and helped us to learn more about Harvest. We hope you enjoyed the Harvest Celebration in church. The penguins enjoyed their afternoon in church, especially the walk there and back with the year five buddies.

Reading - please remember to add a little comment in the white record book each time your child reads their school reading book at home. Please aim for 10/15mins reading each night. The reading pack should come to school each day in the blue book bag.  

Phonics - please return your plastic wallet to school on a Thursday when new sounds will always be added each week. Please send this wallet in the blue book back. The children are really enjoying their phonics - please practice these sounds with their reading books each night. They are looking forward to teaching you the new actions!

Homework - this will come home on a Thursday and should be returned on the following Tuesday. Homework is the only thing sent home in the red book bag. Homework is always linked to our class work.

Next week we will be walking to Longton Library. I have sent a form home in your book bag from the library. Please complete it and return it to school (at the latest Tuesday morning) in the blue book bag. The librarians will check that your child is enrolled in the village library. If you are not yet members of the library, your child will be issued a ticket. 

The books chosen next week will be for our classroom only. We will have a story session, followed by an art and craft session. We will return to school in time for hometime.

Tasty learning, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 25th Sep 2023 @ 6:05pm

Today ,as scientists, we enjoyed using our sense of taste, we tasted salty, sour and sweet. We had to guess and choose our favourite flavour. We made  a block graph to record our results. We loved the crisps and chocolate...some liked the lemon...some did not!

Fantastic Giraffes, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 4:43pm

This week the Giraffes enjoyed testing their smelling skills by smelling different pots and guessing what was in them. They had to record their guesses and if they liked the smell or not...some good detectives!

In maths this afternoon we used tens frames to help,us work out one more.

Get ready for Autumn., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 1:17pm

The penguins are really starting to blossom. They are sharing funny stories, playing with new friends and confidently walking around school speaking to staff and children from other classes.

The penguins were excited to take their new reading books home this week. They have enjoyed teaching you our new sounds. I hope you are also learning the actions!

We are looking forward to celebrating Harvest next week in church and walking down School  Lane holding hands with our buddies.

We have enjoyed exploring with our senses this week with spicy writing, exploring lemons and limes and reading in our classroom den with torches. The children really enjoyed making sandwiches with their friends this week so we have planned to have a baking day soon.


Class list, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 19th Sep 2023 @ 9:53pm

Class list - 

Henry, Oliver, India, Rudy, Molly, Izzy, Phoebe, Robin, Sophia-Rose, Rose F, Edward, Tobias, Spencer, Hugo, Jessica, Isaac J, Rose M, Daisy, Isaac P, Rupert, Louie, Iylah, William, Sophie, Lewis, Isobel, Lois, Evie, Millie.

Wet welly Tuesday!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 19th Sep 2023 @ 9:39pm

What a wet and soggy day! However this didn’t stop the super penguins from having a great day.

I have lots to share and it’s only Tuesday! This week we continue with our topic Marvellous Me.

In maths we have been playing lots of matching games, match and memory, snap and dominoes. The penguins have been brilliant at spotting when Mrs. Thomson makes a mistake with her matching. We have had a class washing line for matching the clean - not stinky socks! We have played matching exercise games and we even had a huge follow my leader in the rain around the playground where the children had to match each action.

We are exploring our senses this week. We have some class herbs that we are looking after. Please ask the children which senses they use to smell the herbs (touch to rub the leaves and smell) Also please ask them which they like the best. Chocolate mint and lemon are strong favourites! 

Yesterday the children made a sandwich friend. The children took a patterned piece of a heart. They then had to find who had the matching piece. The children buttered their bread and chose a filling of jam or ham. They made a heart shaped sandwich each and then went outside to sit with their new friend to enjoy an afternoon treat. The children enjoyed using their sense of taste.

This afternoon I visited our shoe shop. I was looked after and fortunately the shop sold slippers in adults sizes. What a treat! The children are enjoying being the shop assistants and the customers. My favourite comment that I heard today was from one busy shop assistant who was measuring feet. He stood up, took a deep breath and said “it’s a long day selling shoes”.

I hope you enjoy these pictures. Most of them have been taken by the children!


Fun in Science, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 6:33pm

The children enjoyed learning about Charles Darwin in science and had great fun playing The Game of Survival. 

Geography, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 1:09pm

Fantastic research. The children went around the room finding out facts about the different oceans. They remembered or wrote notes on whiteboards so they could fill in their fact flip books. 

P.E., by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 1:01pm

Music, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 12:59pm

Art, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 12:58pm

We have been exploring charcoal in art.  How can we use it to make thin and thick lines?


History, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 12:56pm

Do you know who these famous Queens are?

The lions were great at trying to work out which queen came first. They did think it was the black and white one as they knew photos used to be black and white before colour. They also knew that if there were no cameras then the pictures of the queens must have been painted. 

Great thinking and discussions. 



Jujitsu taster, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 12:51pm

We have lots of Lions who take part in Jujitsu after school, I’m sure there may be a few more new recruits after our amazing taster session.  

Geography, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 12:49pm

We have been using maps, atlases and globes to locate the 5 oceans of the world.

Science Materials, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 12:48pm

What material are objects made from?

Can they be made from more than one material?

English, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 12:46pm

Great teamwork, working together to choose the 10 adjectives which best describe a wolf.