Our blogs

Remembrance Day, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 7:10pm

This morning we had our anual Remebrance Service in the hall. We were once again joined by Mr Turner from the Royal British Legion.

This year Thiomas played the Last Post on his trombone- he was magnificent. 

Remembrance Day, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 5:23pm

We had an interesting morning learning all about Remembrance Day, we talked about why we celebrate, looked at old photos of WW2 , took part in our special assembly and talked about we we had dressed up as.

The children all looked amazing, thank you for supporting, the sun was their eyes for the photos hence some are grimacing!!!

Enjoy your weekend. :) 

Fire Service Visit, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 5th Nov 2023 @ 7:30pm

We had a visitor to our classroom this week, Firefighter Josh.

He told us about his different roles; putting out fires, rescuing farm animals from ditches, carrying out fire safety checks, helping when there is a flood, cutting people out of cars in an accident and dealing with grass fires and chemical spills. One job he has never personally had to do was rescue a cat from a tree - an idea from the tribe. 

He talked about Stop, Drop and Roll. This is what you do if part of your clothing caught on fire.  Well done Oliver for an excellent demonstration. 

We listened to a fire alarm and discussed how we would get out of the house, checking door handles to see if they were hot and crawling along the floor to keep out of the rising smoke. 

Once out stay out, you must never go back in for anything. 

D.T. Structures, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 5th Nov 2023 @ 7:23pm

This week we began our DT topic by exploring the stability of different structures. 


A wonderful week for the Panda Tribe, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 5:38pm

What a great week we have had to kick start our second half-term of Autumn. The children have started their new science topic (State of Matter) through exploring, extending and engaging in investigations of matter, we gained knowledge of bees in reading response through information texts and finished the week with a playscript. We developed our atlas skills in our geography unit (Britain from the air) and began training with our new tennis coach, Joe.


A great week for the tribe, the even achieved three class compliments on the tracker! Well done Pandas! 

Class compliment, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 5:06pm

Today the Graffe enjoyed a well deserved class compliment treat.They voted to watch a film and have some popcorn. 

Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the fireworks , keep safe 🌟

Engineers and photographers!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 7:02am

Welcome back Penguins!

It is lovely to have everyone back with lots of stories to share and of course our ‘All about me’ books to talk about. We have had a lovely first week back.

The penguins would love to tell you about their Jack and the Beanstalk PE, the firework pictures they have made using their own paint ‘swisslers’, the parcel that was delivered to our class, the baby hedgehog on our playground and our work on the gingerbread man! Yesterday the penguins spent the day as engineers. They had to plan and build escape routes for the gingerbread man! Bridges and boats were made, tested, rebuilt, made stronger, then longer and when they finally thought they had the great escape they got to test our class gingerbread man on it. He did get quite soggy!

The penguins have been helping to take a picture of their number work this week using the iPad. They had a lot of fun and enjoyed the task. However 751 pictures has taken Mrs. Thomson a long time to work through!

The children have enjoyed their new sounds this week. They have learnt the name of our new two letter sounds - digraph (two letters that make only one sound). New sounds have been put in your book bag for you to add to your sound wallet.

Homework this week is letter formation. All of the letters on the sheet  start with the curly c. Once the children have mastered this letter the rest will seem a little less tricky. I always remind the children that my pencil shoots up like a rocket to start each curly c.

Thank you for your support over the holidays with reading. Please continue to read each night to help embed the new sounds that are taught each week. A big thank you from Mrs. Morrison for signing your record books or adding a comment to let us know your child has read at home. This is a great help.

Pip Penguin will be coming home each weekend with a child who has made a wonderful effort in their reading. He will be bringing a book to share with you over the weekend and a hot chocilate treat for your penguin to enjoy.


Eco Halloween, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 8:19am

A big thank you to some of the Eco team who helped Kelly create some funky Halloween decorations out of milk cartons They looked fab..and  the team enjoyed helping out!

Story session, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 31st Oct 2023 @ 3:29pm

We enjoyed a Halloween  themed story session at the library, some funny stories and we made a spooky ghost!

P.E. Games, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 26th Oct 2023 @ 2:48pm

Lots of Friday fun for the end of half term. The chidlren really enjoyed their parachute games. 

Projects, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 26th Oct 2023 @ 2:40pm

You are all so talented, we had so many fantastic projects about our leanring or a topic which is of interest to you.  Well done.



Science - Humpty Dumpty, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 26th Oct 2023 @ 2:35pm

Humpty Dumpty has a problem.  He getting hurt.  The children had to explore the different materisl to choose 1 which would protect Humpty, be comfortable to waer and not too heavy.

The children worked in groups to protect Humpty using different materials.  They then tested them out to see which material would be best for Humpty Dumpty.



History - Rosa Parks, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 26th Oct 2023 @ 2:32pm

We have enjoyed our histiry lesson on Rosa Parks, we listened to her story of how she stood up for what she beleived in.  We acted it out and thought about the feelings of the people involved. 

Projects Autumn 1, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 23rd Oct 2023 @ 1:48pm

Thank you for all your hard work on your projects, they were all delightful! 

Friday fun!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 4:53pm

Today we enjoyed our computer lesson and created some fab pictures.

This afternoon we had time with our buddies and played some playground games with them. We had fun!

Have a lovely break , don’t forget to let us know what you get  up to in your holiday passports!


Keep safe and enjoy!🙂

Well done Elephants, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 10:50am

We have reached the end of our first half term together , it has flown by. This week has been so good, getting to talk to parents about how hard everyone is working and looking through your books to see how much progress has been made. 

Over half term make sure you have lots of fun, go on Times Tables Rockstars, read a book and pop something in your holday passport. Oh and look at your words for the assembly on the Wednesday that we come back to school.


Autumn Week, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 10:16pm

This week the Penguins have been enjoying Autumn Week. They all helped to plan this week and so far we have been collecting Autumn leaves to make an Autumn reef and we have had a lovely afternoon with our buddies. We enjoyed hot chocolate as we have definitely felt the weather a little colder this week. The penguins created a pumpkin soup using Autumn colours and lots of scooping! The smell of the pumpkin certainly split the group! Some loved it whilst others really didn’ t like it at all.

Our phonics work has introduced j and v so far. 

The children have enjoyed their maths work this week. They have been looking at number patterns and learning to recognise the patterns without counting. Please ask about the ladder game the children played and drew out on the playground.

In our Jigsaw (PSED) lesson this week we are focusing on ‘Gentle Hands’. We will be talking about the wonderful, kind and useful things that we do with our hands.

Autumn walk, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 4:36pm

We had a lovely Autumn walk to the Brickcroft, spotted signs of Autumn and also used our senses to see a lot and hear a lot.

As they have had such a fantastic start to Year 1 , even time for a sneaky play on the park!

oiadhfojkah, by Mr Pearson

Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 3:42pm


KS1 event, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 3:58pm

Well done to Kit, Issac, Molly P and Lydia in Year 2 who went to Priory and took part in a multi sport event with other local schools. Theye were amazing and loved all the different activities!

Time to catch up!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 10th Oct 2023 @ 9:20pm

Last week we enjoyed a class walk to the library. We have borrowed some books for our classroom which we are enjoying. The penguins carried out a craft activity and the lady at the library said we were welcome anytime! The penguins really shone! We will visit again before Christmas for a story and Christmas craft session.

Today the children met PC Dave. He visited school and talked to us all about being safe on our bikes especially as winter time is coming. He told the children to always wear a helmet and wear bright colours when the days start getting darker.

This week is ‘Our body’ week in our topic ‘Marvellous Me’. We are learning facts about our bodies and talking about keeping healthy and safe. We have read the story of ‘Funny bones’ which helped us to talk about our bones and even look at x ray pictures.

Our mathematicians have been working hard! We have been looking at patterns. We have been copying and making patterns. The children will be able to talk about AB patterns and may show you how to do an ABC pattern. Please try and spot patterns at home or even when you are out and about.

Projects will be displayed on Monday. Please send them into school as soon as they are ready as we will share them in class together.

Thank you for your help and support with reading. The children are super proud of themselves and so are we. Everyday we look at new words in phonics and the children are delighted when they blend the sounds to create new words. 


Visit from P.C Dave!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 10th Oct 2023 @ 4:57pm

Longton Primary School were visited by P.C Dave who educated us about some laws of cycling and how we keep safe while cycling around our community!

PE Basketball, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 10:38pm

Today we enjoyed a visit from one of the South Ribble sports coaches. 

We practised our ball control skills. 

We had to use our hands to roll a ball around our feet, to make a figure of eight rolling the ball between our feet.  To roll the ball around our bodies with our eyes shut!

We practised bouncing and catching, bouncing it several times before holding the ball.  Walking and bouncing.  Throwing and catching. Throwing, clapping and catching.  

The Lions were amazing, great focus and control. Why not ask them to demonstrate their skills at home.


Year 3 Enterprise, by Mrs Simpson

Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 8:35pm

This week is Year 3 Enterprise.

We have been working hard making Rice Krispy Pumpkins.

We will be selling our yummy Krispy Pumpkins on Wednesday 11th October after school in the Quad.

Only 50p each!

So come along and grab a tasty treat.  

Using our sense of touch, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 7:50pm

This afternoon we continued exploring our senses having fun using our sense of touch. We know our skin helps us touch things not just our hands. 

We loved feeling jelly, cornflour gloop and shaving foam, we came up with some great words to describe them, gloopy, sticky, smooth, soft, squelchy.

We also had to find objects from a selection that felt smooth, rough, hard  and soft, we sketched them in our books and labelled them.

We loved it!!