Our blogs
First days back, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 3:45pm
Welcome back, hope everyone had a great break and made the most of the sunny days we had. We have been busy starting our new science topic which is looking at materials. We walked around school and took photos of objects we could see and talked about what they were made out of.
Today we enjoyed our visit to the library where we listened to some superhero stories and made an octopus.
Happy Easter, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 4:19pm
We loved using the apparatus in our gymnastic lesson, we travelled in different ways, practised our jumping, rolling and balancing.
In Maths we were measuring using a ruler and learning about cm
In computing we used all our digital art skills to create our own pictures in the style of the different artists. They looked great!
Well done everyone who made a fabulous Easter bonnet... glad I didn’t have to choose a winner...they were all fantastic.
Hope you all have a lovely Easter break and hopefully enjoy some warmer weather and some sunshine!
See you soon ??
Happy Easter!, by Mr Kennedy
Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 9:30am
It's the end of another term!
Thank you for joining us at the school Easter service yesterday, it was a lovely service. Also a huge congratulation to all the choir who achieved their medals and certificates, you did Longton very proud.
This week, we have been completing out DT projects (due to drying time, some children may not bring their projects home today and they may bring them home the holidays).
We have had a lovely term and I hope you and your families have a lovely break.
Please don't forget to complete your holiday passports, so we can share our adventures when we return for Summer term.
Happy Easter,
Mr Kennedy & Mrs Jackson.
Easter, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 11:11pm
We have had a lovely week with lots of Easter activities.
The children have made cards, we have had our Easter bonnet parade, Easter bingo and our Easter service in church.
You are all very talented designers, the bonnets were amazing. Well done.
Easter fun!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 9:15pm
Such a busy week!
Some wonderful work in PE this week with great throwing and catching, pencil rolls, egg rolls and weaving in and out of obstacles.
We went on a spring hunt around the school grounds with our year five buddies. We had a list of things we had to find - buds, bugs, daffodils, a nest, seedlings, birds and blossom. The children investigated the field, the orchard, the bog garden and forest school.
The children had great fun at the Easter Bonnet Parade. They even got an extra special visit from the Easter Bunny in class.
We have been working hard in maths. We have been using cards which turn over and try to find pairs that make ten. A great game for over the holidays!
We have enjoyed the story of the very hungry caterpillar this half term. The children had fun building cosy dark dens. Just like the cocoon the caterpillar made. Even in the rain the giraffes wanted to keep on den building! They even suggested having a quick snooze in their cosy den!
Hickory's Brunch, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 9:12pm
Today 10 children from Year 2 to Year 6 had an amazing time at Hickory's. The group all earned the reward by reading every day. Names were drawn in each class from a lucky dip of all the children who have read every day . The children had an amazing time, making milkshakes, eating popcorn and pancakes. They also spent some time in the cinema, read their books, chatted, laughed and had fun.
Will you be in the next group of children who go for brunch? Read every day each week and yoyr name will get entered into the draw.
The Great Fire of London, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 28th Mar 2023 @ 9:17pm
The zebras thoroughly enjoyed their history visitor learning even more about the great fire of London.
It linked to our science learning about flammable materials and fire safety as part of our PSHE curriculum.
Measuring fun, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 28th Mar 2023 @ 6:23pm
We have enjoyed measuring in maths this week. Comparing heights and length and measuring using cubes and paper clips.
Guess who is the tallest and shortest in our class?
Today we had fun making our Easter cards, they look great !
A big thank you to those children who bought in christening photos and objects, we loved looking at them ...not too late to share if you have some at home!
The beginning of our last week of Spring 2, by Mr Kennedy
Date: 28th Mar 2023 @ 3:44pm
A great beginning to the start of our last week of Spring 2. The tribe have wrote their own Kenning poems, as well as rehearsing and performing unseen poetry!
In tennis we have been in the hall and had a few healthy compeitions and giving each other constructive feedback to help develop each others skills.
Elephant musicians, by Mr Pearson
Date: 27th Mar 2023 @ 4:33pm
The elephants today went across to the social club and performed for the Chatty Latte group.
Solos, groups and whole class singing.
Class Compliment Treat, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 27th Mar 2023 @ 4:26pm
This afternoon the Meerkats made their way along to the park for their well-earned class compliment treat. Great fun ws had playing on the equipment, playing cricket and football.
Working Hard!, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 3:21pm
The Meerkats continue to shine as they continue to work hard in all subjects.
This week they have been busy creating the 3D bases for their steady hand electric circuit games which they will complete next week.The waistcoats are all finally finished, the last stitch beng sewn this morning. Watch out for the photos next week.
On Monday we will be enjoying our class compliment treat with a visit to the park with a foody snack treat.
Poems, Poems, Poems!, by Mr Kennedy
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 9:48am
This week we have been putting a lot of focus on poetry, as it was world poetry day on Tuesday. We have explored List Poems and Kenning Poems and will be writing our own poem on Friday!
This children have also continued to develop on tennis skills in our 'skill rotation' lesson, whilst developing our serving techniques.
In science, the tribe explored the school to answer the question:
"Where is the quietest place in school?"
They children had to plan their investigation and decide how they can make it a fair test. Using data loggers, the children were able to record and present their results.
Great week tribe!
Smoothie time!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 4:50pm
Today we finally made our smoothies! We had to peel, chop, grate our fruit and veg. Then into the blender and then tasting. Most of us thought they tasted yummy even if they looked a funny colour!
Bring yer wellies!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 22nd Mar 2023 @ 9:20pm
What a fantastic day! Fresh air, nature and adventures!
Nigel and Melissa took us to the greenhouse to plant some lavender and chives. The children listened to lots of advice on how to care for their plants which should live on a window sill until the weather is warmer. The children have all agreed to try and look after their plants just like the plants and trees help to look after us. They can be planted in the garden when they grow bigger and as they are perennials they will come back each year.
We then had a picnic outside before playing in the sand. Our next activity was learning about worms, soil and worm poo! The children were very interested and loved looking at the hundreds of worms in the wormery.
We then split into teams to watch our boats race in the brook followed by den building in the woodland.
The children were fantastic listeners and had great team spirit throughout the day.
Smoothie making!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 22nd Mar 2023 @ 4:04pm
This week so far the Lions Have enjoyed recording how their seeds have grown and changed.Creatiing more digital art in the style of Kandinsky, concentric circles.
In Maths we are investigating mass, heavy and light, and how we know , we have enjoyed comparing the weights of objects and using the balance scales
Today in gymnastics we created sequences , a balance, a roll and travelling.
We are enjoying our DT this week , making smoothies ( tomorrow!) first we explored fruit and vegetables and sorted them Is a cucumber a fruit or vegetable? Is rhubarb a fruit or vegetable? Ask your lion!!!!
Yesterday we looked at where they grow, trees and vines, on or underground.Today we tasted them so we could choose which smoothie we wanted to make.
DT healthy wraps, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 22nd Mar 2023 @ 4:03pm
A special thank you Mrs Reagan who has helped the children make their healthy wraps today. We practised our being healthy, by cleaning all the surfaces before hand, giving our hands a good wash and washing up afterwards.
Trip day tomorrow!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 9:16pm
Bring Yer Wellies Trip!
We are all very excited about our trip tomorrow. We will leave school tomorrow morning with our school packed lunches and our wellies on. Home time is as normal.
Things to remember -
warm coat
hat / gloves
warm trousers
thick socks for our wellies
school polo shirt and school jumper / cardigan
named water bottle ( which can be disposed of)
We are looking forward to a day of planting, den building, boat making and learning about mini beasts. I will post pictures tomorrow so the children can share their day with you.
Thank you for your help and support.
Red Nose Day, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 6:39pm
Congratulations to our Red Nose Day competition winners.
Their positive character trait Mr Men/Little Miss characters were put on a t.shirt for them to wear with pride.
Thank you to everyone who entered. Certificates are on there way to each of you.
The Bee Musical, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 6:25pm
Congratulations Zebras. You were amazing.
Friendly Friday!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 6:54pm
How fast has the week gone! Lots of learning about Spring! New growth, life cycles and signs of Spring.
The children have class caterpillars to look after and we have been getting our outdoor planters ready for some new plants for us to care for.
We are going to create some miniature gardens next week so if you have any small pebbles, twigs or anything we could use I would be very grateful if you could send them in.
Wednesday will be an exciting day as we will be going on our class trip. We will have wellies ready on the morning but please remember that warm trousers or joggers will be needed (with the school uniform polo shirt and jumper / cardigan) and a warm coat and hat. We will be outside all day.
School packed lunches have been ordered by the children for our trip. Please send a water bottle which can be left for recycling when it is finished with your child’s name on it.
Have a lovely weekend.
Busy Week, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 3:36pm
It has been a busy week in Year 6. The children have been working hard in all subjects.
They had a good time on Monday in Science conducting their own fair test investigations. In maths they have become proficient in caluculating the area of rectlinear shapes, triangles and parallelograms . The waistcoats they have been working on are almost finished- watch out for photos next week, they look great.
What a week!, by Mr Kennedy
Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 8:01am
As we said in our last blog post, the Koala tribe have been super busy. Thank you for supporting our Y4 Enterprise, we are very greatful! As we come to the end of this week, the Koala tribe are finishing off our whole class read of Icarus and Deadalus. We have also explored our science question "How can we change the volume of sound?" and built on our science skill: Present results and asking scientific questions.
See the video below which will show you a sneak peak into our science lesson, the video shows the children using an app to play with different volumes.
Attached is also some snapshots from our PE lesson.