Our blogs

Baking Hero!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 15th Mar 2023 @ 5:32pm

The year 4 tribe have been super busy so far this week. 

They have done their big write, which is based on the adventure story of Aladdin by Phillip Pullman. 

We have built on tennis skills, ready for some healthy competition next week. 

We have been hunting down equivalent fractions in maths.

We have done all of this whilst becoming a baking hero ready for our enterprise on Thursday.

Spring is nearly here!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 14th Mar 2023 @ 11:08pm

Today was started by talking about Spring. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at the signs of spring as well as animals, mini beasts, planting and growing.

The children followed instructions to draw baby chicks this morning.

We had an amazing afternoon when Holly came to visit with two baby lambs. We all loved them and we were quite sad when they had to go back to their farm. Please ask the children if they can remember how the lambs were feeding, where the lambs sleep and how old they were. 

Computer whizzes!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 14th Mar 2023 @ 5:32pm

We enjoyed our computer lesson again this week, learning about another artist Matisse. We used a paint programme to draw and fill our shapes  to create artwork in the style of “The Snail”. We think we did a good job! 

In maths we have been working out where numbers go on a number line by estimating, science work this week, we started to think about every green trees and deciduous trees.

Our sunflowers have grown not so much but are getting stronger.

More lovely lions learning, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 4:12pm

The Lions have been looking after our sunflowers with a spot of watering. They are growing really well!

In Maths we have been learning about tens and ones, how many tens, how many ones and partitioning into 2 parts. Some children investigated what numbers they could make and what they couldn’t with the tens and ones they had.

In English we have planned our own stories based on Handas Hen.We were excited today to start writing them in our special books.

Class Assembly slideshows., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 4:02pm

Please find the slides that were shown at the class assembly.

Thank you.

Friendly Friday., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 3:49pm

The morning started with us snow hunting! Luckily we found just a little bit left! It was a good job we had our wellies on as the field was quite muddy. We had a good run and some snow fun!

When we arrived back at school we were given a super special treat from Mr. Brown. He had enjoyed our assembly and was very proud of the giraffes. They all got a home made cookie as a treat!

This afternoon the children had lots of fun with Mr. sumner in drama, they continued programming in IT with the cats and dogs and then did some fruit tasting with Mrs. Morrison.

Next week we have a super week ahead! We will start our story ‘ The very hungry caterpillar’. Our herbs are starting to grow and we will be planing more next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Tennis Skills, by Mrs Barnes

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 3:44pm

Another great week in Year3!  

We have been busy rehearsing for our school play but have also had time to develop our tennis skills.  Here are some of our photos.


The end of the week in the Koala tribe, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 2:41pm

Another great week in the year 4 classroom! 

We have worked very hard at gaining a deeper understanding of fractions to ensure we have key knowledge for next week. Next week we will be learning about equivalent fractions and adding fractions! 

We finished the week learning about character traits in My Happy Mind and also started our next DT project, Pavillions! 

Our class sign off this week is from Georgie! 

"I've had a great week this week and I hope you have as well!"


Science Explorers, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 8th Mar 2023 @ 8:22pm

At lunchtime 31 children and 4 adults left school and headed by coach to Widnes. The reason for the trip was for a group of science explorers made up of scientists from Years 3,4,5,6 to visit the Catalyst Science and Discovery Centre in Widnes. Jacob one of our Year 6 Science Ambassadors has been working hard to organise the trip and he did a great job making the booking, checking us in and leading us on and off the coach.

On arrival at the centre we dropped our bags off and went to explore the museum. The first gallery visited was an interactive one where everyne had an enormous amount of fun learning through practical hands on science. At half past two we did a soap making worksop where we learnt about the history of soap and the chemisrty involved in making the product. The best bit was getting to make soap, colour it and add a fragrance. The finished products looked great and smelt fantastic.

Next we had a look at the other galleries, including the observation gallery on the top floor- more about that one later.

Fresh air was then needed so outside we went to spend some time on the playground and zipwire. After a while it started to get cold so we headed back inside the museum. However instead of getting ready to head back to Longton we headed to the cafe for our tea. Following a feast we went to collect our bags and started the long climb to the top floor where the observation gallery was to become our bedroom for the night. The views from the room were spectacular, especially as the lights came on across Widnes and on the bridges spanning the Mersey. It was made even better by the fact that it as a clear night and a full moon.

Once sleep areas had been set up , pyjamas were popped on and we settled down to watch a movie accompanied by a range of snacks.

Following a good sleep the scientists were all up and ready for action this morning. Breakfast of cereal and toast was enjoyed before an amazing workshop in the theatre about the universe, infra red light, magnetism and many other things.

The next part of the adventure took us outside to see the sapling presented to the museum in January which has grown from a seed from Isac Newtons tree. The seed had been to space with British astronaut Tim Peake.

Once back insode the children headed back into the interactive gallery to further enjoy the science on offer.

The trip was a huge success, the children were fantastic ambassadors for the school and all had a wonderful time. Memories for life have definitely been created and we all thank Jacob for organising this wonderful opportunity . 


NSPCC Workshop, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 8th Mar 2023 @ 8:03pm

On Monday afternoon we welcomed Anne from the NSPCC into our classroom. We learnt about the work of the NSPCCC and Childline. 

Mid-week notice., by Mr Kennedy

Date: 8th Mar 2023 @ 7:35am

A great start to this week. 


We have started a new text in guided reading - Escape From Pompeii. We have explore vocabulary and infered how an ancient poem would have been performed. We have also continue developing our tennis skills in PE.

Tuesday news., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 7th Mar 2023 @ 4:57pm

We have had some lovely news news today. A letter from Tiboo the triceratops! We are all happy to hear he has settled in his new home and we are going to write to him this week.

We have enjoyed the sunshine today by practicing our throwing and catching, skipping, balancing and bike skills.

We have been reading stories that have fruit and vegetables in them. We have been creating fruit faces and bowls of fruit with play dough. 

World Book Day 2023, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 5th Mar 2023 @ 6:38pm

Where’s Wally theme was a huge success.  The children looked fantastic, they have written some amazing postcards all about what Wally saw on one of his adventures. 

The children have brought home their very own Where’s Wally activity book, as a gift from us, so they can continue to enjoy reading for pleasure at home as well as school. 

A lovely week!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 4:49pm

What a week we have had! The Koala tribe should be so incredibly proud each other, they have been troopers!


This week started with a bang with spellings, new fractions and problem solving all whilst exploring the climate in the North West. The following day, we ventured down to our local library, we shared stories and selected a new favourite book. A reminder that books pupils have got from the local library are due to be returned on the 14th March 2023. 

Of course, we celebrated each other in celebration assembly and we continued our learning on Wednesday. Yesterday we have a fantastic world book day! 

I have to say year 4, that how fast you all found Wally blew our minds! Incredible. 

We finished the week with a science investigation of sound through a sound walk through school. 

Well done for a fab week year 4, enjoy your weekend.


Enjoy some of our photos from this week below! 

A wonderful week!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 3:05pm

What a great week! 

World book day, IT with the Beebots, a visit to the library and making sandwiches with the cress we grew in class.

A big thank you for your help and support. The children all looked fantastic on world book day and enjoyed themselves at the library in the afternoon. We have some amazing new books in our classroom.

The children are doing great with their reading and we will continue to send Dash bear home every weekend if the children are able to read each day for 10mins.

We are busy getting ready for our class assembly next week. I will send a note home on Monday if an items of clothing are required. (This only applies to several of the children and it will clothing linked to their hobbies)

Have a lovely weekend.

WELL DONE!, by Ms Gaskell

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 2:23pm

Congratulations to these girls who were awarded for their dancing in a competition in Bury. They worked incredibly hard and gained 1st and 2nd place.  Well done!

World Book Day 2023, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 8:02am

The Meerkats have had a great day celebrating World Book Day.

Our day started with visit to the library. Helen the librarian read the class a poem called Twas the  Night Before World Book Day which was a re write of the famous Christmas poem Twas the Night Before Christmas - we all enjoyed it. Next the class learnt about the sevices Longton Library and Lancashir Library services offer. Great fun was then had as the children, in teams of four, took part in a book themed scavenger challenge. Book mark making was next and then with new character badges we wandered happily back to school.

The whole school assembly follwed where we thiught about the joy of reading before a much deserved late playtime.

Back in class the children created mini Where's Wally scenes and then wrote postcards to describe the setting without actually naming it.

Art was next where the children ahave created unique Where's Wally pictures using their interests and hidden a Wally in them. They will look stunning when we put them on display.

Thank you mums and dads for the costumes the whole class looked great. 

World book day, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 3:32pm

We have had a wonderful world book today. The children all looked fabulous and loved sharing their favourite books with their friends.

We wrote a postcard from a cold where’s Wally  location and managed to spot him too! We made a book mark and enjoyed an eye spy activity. A lovely day!

Where, by Mr Pearson

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 12:03pm

World Book Day in the Elephant tribe we have Wally, Odlaw, Wizard Whitebeard, Wenda and some explores (including Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Dent)

History, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 8:47pm

We have started a new topic on The Great Fire of London.  We looked at some pictures of London now and then, we found similarities and differences. 

Spelling, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 8:44pm

We are learning about how root words change when we add suffixes to them.  We have been playing some games to help us. 

Investigating the affect of voltage on the brightness of bulbs, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 2:01pm

The Meerkats are busy investigating the affect voltage has on the brightness of bulbs. They are making a variety of circuits which include varying numbers of componenets from 1 bulb, 2 wires and 1 battery up to 3 bulbs, 6 wires and 3 batteries.

A busy first week, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 12:41pm

This week we have been busy starting our new topics. In science this half term we are finding out all about plants. We looked at different seeds, talked about where seeds come from and planted some sunflower seeds . We are going to observe how they grow each week and what they need to help them.

In History we looked at different bridges and thought about which was the oldest and which was the newest.We matched up who we thought had designed each bridge.

In computing we learnt how to use a paint programme and created some fun pictures!

Week 1 of Spring 2, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 10:56am

Welcome back to another fantastic half term.


We have kicked off this half term with a bang! Getting right into all of our topics and starting our new unit of Aladdin in English! 


Below are some images of exploring our key qestions in science - which is all about sound. 

Thank you for a fantastic first week back year 4 - I look forward to next week. 

Next week we will be having a celebration assembly at church and visiting the library as well.

Also, don't forget to check out our gallary for some up to date images of the Koala tribe.

Have a great weekend! 

Investigating Bridges, by Mr Pearson

Date: 23rd Feb 2023 @ 2:33pm

Today we have learnt about beam and arch bridges