Our blogs

Pancakes for our brain break!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 22nd Feb 2023 @ 7:29pm

It has been lovely to have the giraffes back! They have had lots of news to tell us along with their wonderful ‘All about me’ books to share with their friends. Thank you for helping with these books. The children are very proud of these very special books.

Please send your book back if it has not already come back this week.

We are working hard with our cursive writing and everyday we are practising different letters to ensure they all ‘swoosh up and have a flick at the end’.

Our number work has been great fun. We have been adding, counting in 2’s and counting in 10’ s this week. We have also been using our clocks to show o clock. The giraffes are experts at spotting 12 o clock - lunch time!

On Tuesday after our number work we decided to have a brain break and make pancakes. 

Thank you for your support with reading. We are doing lots of reading in class, talking about the story, predicting the ending and talking about the characters and also the setting. Please continue to do this at home to ensure the children are understanding their stories as well as reading the words.

P.E., by Mrs Catterall

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 7:33pm

Today we started our football unit of work.

To warm up we played the bean game.  Can you tell what type of bean we are acting out?

We had to practice kicking a ball straight using the inside of our foot. We practised dribbling a ball between cones trying to keep it close to our feet so we had control of the ball.  

Measuring length, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 7:30pm

This week our maths lessons are all about length.  Here we are using metre rulers to find things longer and shorter than a metre.

Why don’t you practise at home.  Find objects, write them down then use a ruler or tape measure to find out how long they are. Remember to put the units of measure. cm or m.

Do you know how many cm are in a metre?

Sewing our waistcoats, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 10:07pm

The children have started to sew their waistcoats today.

They are doing a great job.

Spring 2nd half term Subject organiser, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 19th Feb 2023 @ 4:13pm

Welcome back to the 2nd half of the spring term.

Please see the document below which will tell you all about what we will be learning about this half term. 

Mrs Catterall 

Eco team swap shop, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 19th Feb 2023 @ 1:50pm

A big thank you to the Eco team for organising the swap shop, hope you are enjoying your new swaps, thank you for supporting and we are going to arrange another one in the summer term :)

Brickcroft winter walk, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 19th Feb 2023 @ 1:39pm

Apologies for the delay - the website has been down - we had a great walk to the Brickcroft at the end of last half term, spotting lots of signs of winter. We enjoyed our hot chocolate to warm us up!

Projects, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 19th Feb 2023 @ 1:03pm

We have had some amazing projects this half term.  Thank you.



PE Gymnastics, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 19th Feb 2023 @ 1:00pm

RE - Hinduism, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 19th Feb 2023 @ 12:57pm

Our RE topic this half term has focused on Hinduism.  We have disucssed how Hindus show their devotion to god through worshipping different deities.  We learnt about Puja and read Hindu stories. 

PE Paralympic event, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 19th Feb 2023 @ 12:53pm

The zebras had a fantastic time learning all about how people with disabilities can compete in sporting activities. 

Science -, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 19th Feb 2023 @ 12:26pm

In science we have been learning about life cycles. We read through statements and matched them to the correct stage of the life cycle. 

 We have explored how exercise affects our bodies. Inreasing our rate of breathing and our heart rate/pulse.

We have looked at what makes a healthy diet and the different food groups we should be eating.

DT chairs for Baby bear / zebra, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 19th Feb 2023 @ 12:22pm

We have used our research into structures to work as a team to create a stable chair for our class zebra to sit on. 

3D Shape, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 19th Feb 2023 @ 12:19pm

We have been exploring the properties of 3D shape to identify the number of vertices, edges and faces they each have. 

Winter walks., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 2:41pm

A busy Week where we have enjoyed several morning winter walks.

A picture below shows the children couldn’t wait to get started on one of their challenges and got busy before they had taken their coats off!

We have enjoyed learning about the Chinese New Year celebrations and traditions. We had a lovely lunch to help celebrate. We have practised writing our numbers in Chinese and had good fun making our own class dragon to use in our dancing.

The giraffes have made kites this week after one of our giraffes made one at home to show everyone. 

We are learning about different people who help us and we had a visit from PC Paul and Sergeant Joanne who came with their police van. The children asked super questions, enjoyed using the equipment and dressed up whilst being outside in the snow! A great morning with lots of learning.

Next Friday morning we will be watching the short film and interactive game called ‘Pantosaurus’ which is on the NSPCC website. This will be part of our PSED learning. On the website there is more information and guidance for parents. If you have any questions please feel free to come and speak to Mrs. Morrison or myself next week.

Projects, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Jan 2023 @ 12:31pm

Children can choose to make a project linked to something which are are lensring about in class or something they are interested about.


These will be put on display in the hall for everyone to have a look at during our parent''s evenings.


Reminder of topics we are currently leanring about

Science - Healthy Eating, how to be healthy in general - exercise, drinking water, good night sleep, having fun with friends etc.

Geography.  Different human and physical features of the UK.

RE - Devotion - Hindu deities.

PSHE - Goals and Dreams

PE - Gymnastics


We can't wait to see what you do. 

Lots of splashing in puddles!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 15th Jan 2023 @ 9:28pm

We have had a wet week but this hasn’t stopped us from bike riding, creating boats to hold our penguins, doing our number work in the outdoor shed and having a great time at forest school with Mrs.Jackson on Friday.

At our creation station we have been making winter colours and experimenting using white and black paint to make our colours lighter and darker. 

We have started new morning challenges in our teams. The children have embraced these new activities and some pictures below show the giraffes being busy. On Friday morning we didn’t have a challenge but did dancing to start our day. We did a penguin dance, the morning wake up shake up and our favourite banana meatball dance. A great way to start a Friday!

The children looked at the South Pole on the map during the week and we talked about animals, the weather and explorers. The giraffes had a go at building their own sled using the bricks and crates in the outdoor building area.



Busy, busy!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 4:26pm

This week the lions enjoyed working with a friend to design a wellie boot. They had to talk to each other, share ideas  and take turns.

In maths we have been using the tens and ones to help us to understand place value. We had to make numbers from 11 - 20 with the tens and ones and record what number we had  made. 

In Geography we learnt about the Equator and it affects how hot and cold places are, as well as reminding ourselves of the 7 continents.

Have a lovely weekend, don’t forget projects and badges , especially if it is a wet weekend!

Trait of the week, by Mr Pearson

Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 11:28am

Each week the pupil's of Longton Primary School will discuss a positive quality or characteristic trait.

Please share as a family.  


Week beginning 16th Jan


Trait 1: Be honest. Don’t lie. Be a person people can depend upon. Think of the people we admire in books, movies and real life. Don’t they act with honesty and integrity? Aren’t they generous with others? Doesn’t everyone look up to them?

Subject organiser Spring term, by Mr Pearson

Date: 11th Jan 2023 @ 1:52pm

Please find beolw this 1/2 terms subject organiser 

Happy new year!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 8th Jan 2023 @ 10:23pm

Happy new year!

It has been lovely to see all the children back together and Mrs. Morrison and I both commented that they have all grown so much over the break.

The giraffes have had lots of talking and listening time this week as they had a lot of news they wanted to share. We have celebrated our first birthday this year.

Our new class topic is ‘Amazing Animals’. We listened to a story about a lonely penguin and then looked on maps at where many penguins live. We did an experiment with water and talked about their habitats.

We have used paint, charcoal, chalks and pastels this week to create penguins. Next week we will be mixing paints and colours to create cold, winter colours.

The children have been revisiting their phonics this week. I would be very grateful if you could also do the same at home. Your wallets should have all of the sounds in to do this.

Thank you for your ongoing support with reading. 

Please send in any small cardboard or plastic containers that you have finished with. We will be using them in our water play.

Thank you

First week back, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 8th Jan 2023 @ 4:56pm

The Lions settled back to school really well and enjoyed starting their new topcs, science -describing animals and Geography - learning about the world and the 7 continents.

We also recapped our shape work, naming, describing and sorting 3D shapes.

Dont forget to complete a project which will be shared on parents evenings, coming up later this half term. They can be last half terms learning, the seasons, Longton or this half terms learning,outlined on the attached subject organiser for Spring 1. 

I have attached some badges for you to complete at home too,  book worm, bake off and scientist. Complete the tasks and return to school for me to check and tick off. You can then order your badge at the office.

A big thank you from myself and Mrs Regan for our lovely Christmas gifts, we both feel very spoilt and it is not expected but much appreciated, so thank you very much.

As always please do speak to us about any queries / concerns you may have.

Hope everyone has a Happy and Healthy 2023.?




Spring 1

Amazing DT, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 4th Jan 2023 @ 8:58pm

After many hours planning and building the children have completed theuir DT task to design and build a playground. There are some amazing structures showing great design and build skills. Well done Meerkats. 

Christmas Week., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 22nd Dec 2022 @ 6:13pm

A great final week in school! Christmas parties, visits from Santa, Christmas story massage, the carol service in church and even a visit from the Grinch.

The giraffes still managed to fit in time to learn new sounds, make a huge paper chain decorated with reasons why they are all special and unique as well as unpacking our home corner when it ‘moved house’.

I wish all the giraffes and their families a very happy Christmas. See you all in 2023!

One last message - a huge thank you for all the beautiful cards and gifts which were sent to Mrs. Morrison and I. They were a lovely surprise.

Christmas Fun, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 8:41pm

The Meerkats have been having a lot of Christmas fun over the last couple of days. It was lovely to see so many of the tribe join us for Breakfast with Santa.

This afternoon the Christmas Party was great fun. Smiling faces all round and spectacular dance moves from so many Meerkats who have been hididng their talents !