Our blogs

Christmas Party Fun, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 10:18pm

Shape - maths, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 10:15pm

Christmas dinner, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 10:10pm

parliament week, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 10:06pm

Spelling, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 10:00pm

Dance, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 9:57pm

History, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 9:53pm

This half term we have been learning all about World War Two.

Party Time!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 9:47pm

The giraffes had a great time at the Christmas party this afternoon and they were delighted to see Father Christmas. 

They all got to play games, sing and dance. The giraffes seem to be enjoying singing and dancing - have you been told about our class disco corner? The children requested music to dance to and a microphone so that they can sing their favourite songs.

Our home corner has been up for sale and the children are getting ready to move house this week in our classroom.

All busy busy!

Remembrance Day, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 9:46pm

Party party, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 3:36pm

We had a fabulous party this afternoon.Lots of dancing, singing and games and of course...a visit from Father Christmas. A big thank you to the Y6 DJ’s they were fantastic ?

The week before Christmas, by Mr Pearson

Date: 12th Dec 2022 @ 9:22am

On Monday, we started off by doing a spelling test of last week’s words which were tolerable, toleration, irreplaceable, salvageable, changeable, noticeable, forcible, possible, incredible and probable.Afterwards we practised our new words for the week. After break, we did Maths and learnt how to make equal fractions by changing the denominator and numerator, we did it with our trainee teacher called Miss McGowan. After lunch, we completed our History and our adverts for Baghdad and London. In assembly, the Heads Team announced the certificates and team points and attendance were also announced.


On Tuesday, we started the day by doing times table rockstars to help us learn our times tables. After playtime we did Maths with Ms McGowen and then after lunch we went to the pantomime, Jack and The Beanstalk. It was great and so funny, we also got to join in with it.


On Wednesday, we started off with Times Table rockstars. After break,  we did Maths and learnt how to add fractions within 1. After lunch, we sang along to the Christmas carols for the service and then we watched a film as it was Christmas dinner and jumper day. 


On Thursday, we started off with practising our spellings which are afterwards, immediately, earlier, eventually previously, finally, recently, yesterday, tomorrow and whilst. After lunch, we learnt how to add 3 or more fractions. We went on times table rockstars as some people went to sing at Church for the over 50’s.


On Friday, we started off with French and learnt how to write about our families and learnt some new connectives. After break we did computing and learnt how to edit and film our videos which was lots of fun. Next, we did Music and practised the Christmas Carols for the service.Then we did a few tests for what lesson we like the most, computing and then we did a Science test so Mr Pearson can see if we need to  go over a few things again.

Christmas is coming, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 9th Dec 2022 @ 2:59pm

It has certainly begun to feel very Christmassy this week. The classroom tree is up and  the advent calendar is being emptied. A large number of the  class enjoyed their Christmas dinner on Wednesday.

The highlight of he week was the trip to Bolton to see the panto. The Meerkats all had fun joining in with the shouting, singing and dancing. 

Learning has continued with us finishing off our work on Shakespeare and fractions in English and maths. 

Lots more Christmas activities to look forward to next week with our party, breakfast with Santa, the carol service and card and calendar making. Oh and ofcourse lots of learning in all of our other subjects too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. 

Christmas lunch., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 7th Dec 2022 @ 9:17pm

Today started with a walk on the field to crunch on the frosty grass. We also revisited our work on shadows by creating shapes and shadows on the field.

We have been working very hard on our phonics and we will keep revisiting our sounds in class and also in our new reading books.

Just a reminder that the book listed first in your record book is linked to the phonics we are learning. It will seem a little tricky so it may help to use the book with the new sound cards which will come home tomorrow. This way your child can be a detective looking out for our sounds the first time they visit their new book. 

The second book is a book your child has chosen. It is closely linked to their stage of reading but may have unfamiliar names in. 

Please continue using your sound cards at home. Over the last few weeks the children have learnt that two letters can make one sound. 

Christmas lunch was a lovely treat today. The children enjoyed their dinner, the crackers and the music in the hall.

Christmas dinner!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 7th Dec 2022 @ 4:27pm

Baaarmy Bethlehem!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 9:54pm

We hope that you enjoyed the Christmas Play. The children enjoyed their rehearsals and worked so hard on their singing and dancing.

Last week saw more creative skills with the children creating their own ‘Kandinsky’ piece of art using squares and circles. They are beautiful and will be coming home soon. 

On Thursday and Friday we made puppets to use in our shadow play. We have been learning about light and dark which also links to our maths and science work.

On a Friday afternoon the children have drama with Mr. Sumner. I am sure they have told you lots about the acting and games they enjoy doing. 

Congratulations to our star readers from last week! Children who are able to read each day have their names put in a box for taking Dash bear home for the weekend. Please do not feel you have to complete eaxtra work by writing in the diary. The children asked for a book so they could draw a picture of Dash to show on the Monday morning. 

Whoever left the elf today could you please make sure you take it home tomorrow! When everyone had gone home I left the room for two minutes to come back to chaos with our genius gems!! 

Nativity fun, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 3rd Dec 2022 @ 10:58am

A very proud teacher would like to say a massive well done to the fabulous Lions. The performance on Thursday was f a n t a s t i c ! The speaking, acting, singing and dancing were amazing - well done!

W/B 28th November, by Mr Pearson

Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 1:56pm

Monday started off with phonics and we learnt the sound ure so we had to write down 10 words that had the sound ure in them.Next we did spelling and tested on last week's spellings which are adorable, adorably, adoration, applicable, application, considerable, considerably and consideration. After playtime we did maths. In maths we did improper fractions to mixed numbers. We practised on how to use our times tables to our advantage. Next we did English and highlighted key information in Mowgli’s Brothers-Extract 3 then wrote it down in our books.In the afternoon, we compared London and Baghdad and saw that Baghdad had much better living conditions than London. For the assembly we had a certificate assembly where team points were announced, attendance was announced and people were congratulated for their accomplishments.


On Tuesday morning, we practised improper fractions to mixed numbers and how to find equal fractions accurately. Before lunch, we did english and converted drama into direct speech from an extract, that wasn’t punctuated correctly, from the jungle book.After lunch. We collected facts from various videos about the planets in science,next we did about the 8 phases of the moon and drew them on a diagram.


On Wednesday we spent before playtime watching the reception and year one's nativity and enjoyed it lots.Next we did maths and we focused on improper fractions and their equal fractions, after we read a text on the board, it was about the jungle book and found lots of new information. In the afternoon we decorated and designed calendars for 2023 either on computers or by hand. It was the singing assembly and practised Away In A Manger and the sign language to it,we also practised starry night and its actions.


On Thursday morning we practised the er sound and wrote lots of words containing er for example: counter, teacher, butter, caterpillar, permission and toleration.After break, we looked at number patterns and how to tell which out of fractions is the largest. Next we did English and answered three sets of questions about Rikki Tikki Tavi the mongoose and his adventures. Straight after lunch we did DT and learnt what ingredients are needed for a spaghetti bolognese and wrote them down in our books as well as how to cook it. We had a special assembly about The Grinch and how you can give gifts that don’t cost anything for Christmas.


To start off Friday we did French and learnt some new words like She is =elle est and he is = il est. Next we did  computing and filmed some fabulous videos about online safety. After that, we did Music and learnt how to improvise on the glockenspiel and even made our own.In the afternoon we finished some that we started last week, wonderful writing about the invisible man in a green hoodie.


Evie and Eve (Elephant bloggers)

Shakespeare continues to impress, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 9:40pm

Enthusiasm for the works of Mr Shakespeare continue to go down well with the children. Great fun has been had this week looking at words we use today that first appeared in Shakespeares plays. Idioms, figurative speech has also proved to be lots of fun.

In maths the children are getting to grips with fractions- they have worked so hard this term, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. Knowing theur multiplication tables has really helped. 

DT work saw glue guns and lollipop sticks being used this afternoon as the class started to build elements of their mini play grounds. 

Christmas has also arrived as we have started to learn somngs forr the carol service.

Thinking ahead we have also started to learn the songs for our end of yeear show !



Enterprise success, by Mr Pearson

Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 2:25pm

The Elephant tribe held a successful enterprise event in November. The children chose a space themed biscuit sale linked to our science topic.
Chocolate was melted and biscuits dipped and decorated. 
A design team made posters and the accounting team worked out how much to sell them while making a profit. 
We actually sold out of biscuits and had to make a second batch. 
A profit of £80 was made. 
Big thank you to Mrs Doherty and her daughter Ella who made the prototype biscuits. 

Week Beginning 21st November, by Mr Pearson

Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 1:51pm

On Monday we did some spelling in the morning and we got some new words which we practised every day. These words include: adorable, adorably, adoration, applicable, applicably, application, considerable, considerably and consideration. After playtime we did some maths and learnt 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication and lots of us found it quite difficult though some of us could do it. To finish off the morning we did English and learnt some amazing adverbs to describe our verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. We had lots of  fun confidently writing our own detailed sentences containing adverbs. In the afternoon we completed our history, which was to finish off drawing Baghdad and writing some I writing describing Baghdad’s distinctive features.


On Tuesday we practised our spelling word by doing the pyramid and box techniques, these spellings got stuck in our heads and we won’t forget them for a long time. After break, we learnt how to work out 3 digits by 2 digits. Our times table skills helped us a lot doing this method. In English we recapped adverbs because we weren’t using them enough in our writing. In the afternoon, we learnt some scientific facts about the 8 planets in our solar system, this was very fascinating especially when we pretended to be planets outside and which planets take longer to orbit the sun, we found out that Neptune takes longest to orbit the sun because it is furthest away from the sun. 


On Wednesday, we did  the same spelling as Tuesday, however in maths we did 3 digits by 3 digits, our multiplication skills are improving a lot. In english we wrote a story about being imprisoned on an island in the middle of nowhere and how we survived there. After lunch we went to the church for a celebration assembly. 


On Thursday we did spelling in the morning then in maths Mr Pearson demonstrated 264X232 and in English we wrote about Kipling’s style why things in the jungle book are how they are.


On Friday we did, before playtime, French and learnt  about our family. After playtime, we did computing and learnt about features about  an effective video and some of us filmed videos.

Then we did music and sang livin on a prayer. After lunch, we wrote a story, about an invisible man in a green hoodie, in our writing books.

Eve and Evie Y5

Traditional tales and lots of dancing!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 27th Nov 2022 @ 10:29pm

A busy week - castle building everywhere, Christmas dance rehearsals, porridge making and a special celebration in church!

We have welcomed lots of visitors into our classroom this week. The giraffes were extremely welcoming to everyone and enjoyed telling them about our school and the learning we have been doing.

Our traditional tales take us to the three bears cottage this week as well as a visit to the world of ‘ Wallace and Gromit’. Please feel free to send in any ‘Wallace and Gromit or Shaun the sheep’ books for us to share in class.


Week beginning 14th November, by Mr Pearson

Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 2:18pm

On Monday we did some P.E and learnt about counter balances and at the end we played a game called Mr Pearson Dodge ball.On Tuesday we did dancing and it was exciting, after we did science and learnt about the 8 planets - Mercury, venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and  Neptune. On Wednesday we had a south ribble active health sportsman come in and his name was Dave. we learnt a lot of new games and we created our own too. At the end of the day, we learnt a new christmas song. On Thursday we learnt some new times tables methods that helped us a lot. On Friday we did fun French and  computing ,we even earned a class compliment for it and to finish off the morning we did some marvellous music and sang Livin on a prayer. While doing some history about Baghdad then doing some fabulous work about parliament it was very interesting and super fun.

Windy Brickcroft!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 5:39pm

We had a great walk to the Brickcroft this morning looking for sons of Autumn and human and physical features of Longton. It was certainly Autumnal with gusts of winds and lots of leaves blowing! 

We saw lots of human and physical features f Longton, what do they remember?

We had a sneaky play on a human feature of Longton too.....

A very wet walk!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 20th Nov 2022 @ 5:13pm

On Friday we decided to cut short our walk as the rain just didn’t want to stop. We headed out whilst the weather was fine and managed to use our senses, spot signs of Autumn and even have a splash in the puddles. The giraffes didn’t moan or groan once about the weather but we decided to head back to school and plan another walk for a hopefully better day.


Week November 14th, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 5:12pm

On Tuesday we enjoyed a dance session, we learnt a short routine , it was fun!

In maths we have continued using ten frames to help us solve part part whole problems.

We have been busy learning songs for our Christmas production , keep reading through any lines you have , you are doing great! A letter has gone out with what you might need to provide, any questions please just ask.

Next week on Thursday we are walking down to the Brickcroft , you are welcome to join us?for OK weather.

Have a great weekend , don’t forget to read , read ,read??