Our blogs

Autumn walk, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 17th Nov 2022 @ 9:57pm

Tomorrow we will be walking to the Brickcroft Nature Reserve. We will follow the path around the Brickcroft looking at signs of Autumn and using our senses. We will stay on the path and the children will walk with a partner and adults at all times. We will leave after morning snack and be back at school in plenty of time for our lunch.

We have puddle suits and wellies ready! Please remember warm coats.

Thank you

Mrs. Thomson


Traditional Tales, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 9:34pm

This week the giraffes have carried on with their journey of traditional tales. The children have worked hard at making their own gingerbread stories as well as building boats to help the gingerbread man escape the fox. Everyone had to test their boat and most of them successfully floated carrying the gingerbread man to safety.

The giraffes have worked very hard on their tricky sounds this week. I have sent sheets to read through for homework. Two letters, one sound. 

In maths we have been shape detectives. Everyone did a shape hunt around school. Please look for circles, triangles, squares and rectangles when you are out walking.

Thank you for your amazing hard work with daily reading, practising our sounds and the homework books. 

We have a lovely week ahead with a new story to share, an exciting dance lesson to take part in, Jack and the Beanstalk PE and a class castle to create.

Remembrance day, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 3:17pm

We have enjoyed finding out more about Remembrance Day today  and joining in with our special service. The children all looked amazing!

Have a good weekend?

Remembrance, by Mr Pearson

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 2:25pm

Remembrance day 2022 

Special Visitors, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 9th Nov 2022 @ 8:34pm

Well it is only Wednesday and already we have welcomed three different groups of visitors to our classroom.

On Monday a fire officer called Matt from Penwortham Fire Station visited and spoke to us about fire safety and keping safe on the roads. The message for road safety really streesed the need for reflective strips on dark coats and the importance of wearing cycle helmets. 

On Tuesday we welcomed some of our lovely parents into class to see hiw we do guided reading and how we bring books to life in our English lessons.

Today we had 2 visitors Mrs Whyman and Mrs Wilson who are both magistrates. They spoke to us about so many things such as the difference between the magistarates court and the crown court, how people become magistrates, sentencing, types of crime, the importance of being good citizens and staying out of trouble, e-safety and so much more. We took part in a mock trial where some children took on roles. The trial was about cyber bulying which we now know is classed as the crime of harrassment.

Having listened to all of the evidence the children worked in groups to decide whether the defendant was guilty or not. The overwhelming majority verdict was that she was indeed guilty. Once the children had learnt more about sentencing they had to then discuss which type of sentence she would receive.

The mornin finished with the ladies sharing funny stories of cases they had been involved in.

It was truly a wonderful morning and we all learnt alot and some of the class are now interested in careers in law.

Our next visitor will be a professional journalist who is going to help us to write newspaper stories. Watch this space for the results. 


Fire service visit, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 8th Nov 2022 @ 7:25am

We had a great afternoon with the fire fighters. We learnt all about how we can safely leave our house in the event of the fire alarm going off and how we can reduce the risk of a fire by turning off sockets, keeping their room tidy and making sure doors are closed.  

We learnt STOP DROP and ROLL if our clothes caught fire.

The children have been set the challenge of designing a fire plan at home of how they would  get out of their house in the event of a fire as well as learning their address in case they ever had to ring the fire brigade. 

Because we answered all the questions correctly, we got to dress up and act out escaping our house (Mrs Catterall’s cupboard) the fire fighters putting the fire out and then rescuing the dog (played by our class zebra). 

Yogi Day, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 8th Nov 2022 @ 7:16am

Run, run as fast as you can!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 7:14pm

It has been a great week in the giraffes classroom this week! We have started our new topic ‘Traditional Tales’. We have been looking at the Gingerbread Man.  The children have had escape bridges to make, the story to retell with toy characters, ginger spiced play dough to use and lots of opportunities to create their own gingerbread man. We have been discussing language from the story - mocking, accelerate, cunning and block. We created actions to help us remember their meanings. 

In maths we have been working on how to make the number three in different ways. We also created a graph to show which part of the gingerbread mans body we ate first! Of course we all needed to have a gingerbread man for this! Yummy maths!

We learnt about Diwali and enjoyed painting fireworks for the celebration. We used kitchen rolls for painting and then listened to the noises that fireworks make. We mad a word bank of words to describe the noises. The children also got busy outside creating beautiful Rangoli patterns. I am sure they will be able to tell you what these beautiful patterns are.

PE this week was Squiggle and a wriggle and also a wonderful stretch / yogi session by a yogi teacher. We had a great time! Everyone enjoyed the session and we even had a lovely relaxation time at the end! Perfect!

In forest school the children created wonderful dens and houses for the gingerbread man to hide out in! The children are hoping some fairies visit the dens this weekend.

I hope you enjoy some pictures from this week. I have also included a link for bonfire night safety.



Have a lovely weekend


Fantastic first week back, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 4:51pm

The Lions have settled well back into school routine and have been working hard, definitely some fantastic learning going on!

In Science we have started to think about what the different seasons are and how we know, it has definitely felt colder this week.

In history we discovered why we celebrate bonfire night, what can your child remember, remember about the 5 th November?

Have a good time celebrating but remember to keep safe.

Shakespeare is a hit!, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 3:13pm

Year 6 have started a new unit in English looking at the work of William Shakespeare and they are absolutely loving it! So far they have looked at the story of Romeo and Juliet and learnt about William's life. I n drama the children are working on MacBeth and had a lot of fun creating fight scenes with props. 

Autumn two, week one., by Mr Kennedy

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 2:30pm

This week our tribe have done lots of learning! We have started our new book for this term, which is called The Great Choloplot! We are very excited to find out where all the chocolate is going!

In science we kicked off our 'states of matter' topic by exploring, extending and engaging in many investigations. 

Maths had the tribe making sure their layouts and super neat and making sure we are proud of our working out. I am very proud of the tribe's hard work in maths. 

We have been improving our fantastic writing by including fronted adverbials and making sure we have used perfect punctuation. 

Our school were very lucky to have had an expert come into work with classes to experience a wonderful yoga session as well!

Have a flick through some of the images below to see some of our learning in action!

The last day before the half term break., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 30th Oct 2022 @ 7:33pm

Some amazing pictures to share with you! What a great day!

Lots of amazing learning at forest school and then a lovely time with our buddies. Hot chocolate and marshmallows went down a treat for the children and their buddies.

Phonics games, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 29th Oct 2022 @ 4:15pm

Science, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 29th Oct 2022 @ 4:13pm

Which team can make the longest curly whirly?

This week we focused on how materials can bend, stretch, rip, squash etc.


Last week of term, by Mr Pearson

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 2:19pm

On Monday we did Science and designed lots of brilliant boats.We were working on forces and water resistance. On Tuesday we had a science assembly that the science ambassadors led. They showed us excellent, exciting experiments. On Thursday a famous poet called Paul Cookson came in and held a whole school assembly.He told us hilarious poems that we could join in with, although afterwards he came round each classroom and we accidentally recreated one of his poems. He told us that out of mum’s,dad’s,grandpa's and grandma’s hats, that 90% of people would think that grandma’s hat sounded the funniest. On  Friday we did drama and created  marvellous masterpieces about the dracula spectacular show.In art we spent an hour doing halloween themed decorative pumpkins. After lunch, we played two intense cricket matches, the blue team against the red team and the yellow team against the green team. At the end of the day, we did Brush Ninja digital citizenship in computing. 

Written by Evie and Eve

Cricket, by Mr Pearson

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 2:07pm

The last session of cricket with Coach Adam 

Science ambassadors, by Mr Pearson

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 9:51am

Longton's Science ambassadors led a whole assembly conducting two amazing investigations. Well done 

Library visit, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 3:28pm

The Lions loved visiting the library today. We listened to some spooky stories and made dangling ghosts...getting us ready for the Halloween disco tonight!!!


Busy Giraffes!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 9:57pm

The giraffes have been very busy again this week.

In maths we have continued our work on patterns and size. We have had some tricky number puzzles this week that the children have enjoyed. Our maths work was carried out in the water area, in our autumn tray and also in our mark making area.

We have been learning about our bodies, our teeth and our bones. The children are keen to brush their teeth for two minutes and also learn the song attached below.

Because we have been talking about bones we have been reading the ‘Funnybones’ story. You will see from the pictures below that we made a story map. The children have enjoyed retelling the story to each other. Some of the children have created their own Funnybones stories. They were very proud of their stories and read them out to our class! Well done Giraffes!

Thank you for your hard work with reading and learning our sounds. We have changed the books ready for the half term. Please read the books several times and continue to use the sound cards to make very simple words such as ‘rat, cat, pull, rock’.

A homework book will be sent home tomorrow with tasks to be completed over the half term holiday. These tasks build on the skills the children have been developing. Please return the homework book on Tuesday 1st November.

Please continue to send the reading book and reading record book to school each day.

Thank you

Mrs. Thomson




Treat time!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 4:39pm

The Lions enjoyed their well earned class compliment. They watched Inside out, ate pop corn and chilled out with teddies and PJ’s , what more could you want!!!

Learning is fun, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 18th Oct 2022 @ 6:30pm

Yesterday we had an exciting Science lesson using our last sense of touch, we put our hands in jelly, cornflour goo and shaving foam, we came up with some great words to describe how it felt. The rest of the class were describing objects and guessing what they could be in a feely bag. We then swapped over.

In maths we have been learning about the part part whole model which helps us with our adding.

Dont forget our class compliment treat tomorrow, PJ’s and teddies allowed!

Enjoying our classroom, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 9:15pm

Science Materials, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 9:05pm

This half term our science explorations have been about materials.

What words can we use to describe the properties of materials?

Which material would the best to use for the three little pigs house?

What type of material would keep Humpty Dumpty safe when he falls off the wall?

There was lots of exploring, secret planning, testing and making decisions to answer the questions. 

Maths, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 8:54pm

This half term our Maths work has been focused around the understanding of 2 digit numbers. 

We have read numbers in digits and words.  We have used base 10 to make 2 digit numbers and then practised drawing them.  The Zebras have been putting them in order, comparing the sizes of them and placing them on number lines. 


Remembering Queen Elizabeth II, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 8:46pm

As a mark of respect we made flowers and placed them in our memorial area.