Our blogs

Cricket!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 4:16pm

The tribe have been working on improving their accuracy in cricket today, both with bowling and batting! Well done tribe for being very supportive of each other and celebrating each other success in PE. 


Great work!

A busy DT week!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 7:31am

The tribe have had great fun understanding ways to create a strong chassis for their slingshot cars! 

They worked have to make the body of their cars and are looking forward to bringing everything together this week! Be sure to look out for photos on our class blog. 

Last week we also explored The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster by Lori Don. We magpied some vibrant vocabulary ready to write a fictional tale this week. Today, we will look at expanded noun phrases and adverbs to describe Nessie herself!  

Looking forward to the final week of our first half-term! Lots more learning to happen!  

English and Maths Sites, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 16th Oct 2022 @ 10:08pm

A list of useful English and maths sites has been uploaded to the class page 

Fantastic Friday, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 9:31pm

Today started with our phonics work and everyone going to forest school in groups with Mrs. Jackson. We continued our work on patterns and also read our story for next week which is ‘Funny bones’.

This links with the work we have been doing on ‘all about me’ as we will be talking about our bodies and looking at our finger prints next week. 

We had a good look through our dressing up clothes today as you can see from the pictures.

I do apologise if you have not got your child’s reading book for the weekend. With all the excitement of showing each other their art work and also getting the school photographs some reading bags were left in the tray. I will make sure this doesn’t happen again. Please look over our sounds in the wallet as new ones have been added this week.

I had planned for the children to have hot chocolate after forest school today but the children found out today that their year five buddies will be visiting them next Thursday for a story session. The giraffes asked if we could have hot chocolate with their buddies instead of today. I have a feeling I will need to shop for more mini marshmallows but I thought it was a lovely idea from our caring and kind giraffes.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs. Thomson

Exploring toys, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 3:39pm

A big thank you to you all for sending in toys for us to explore, it really bought our learning to life. The children loved showing and telling us all about them.

Thank you again for your support , have a great weekend ?

Lion, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 3:15pm

This week in maths we have been learning to compare numbers using symbols < = >

We made greedy crocodiles to help us remember which way they went.

In English we have enjoyed learning lots of rhymes and listening to and spotting the rhyming words.

We enjoyed skipping to some of the rhymes and clapping to keep the rhythm.

Fantastic Day of Learning, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 11th Oct 2022 @ 8:07pm

Well what a fantastic day it has been in Year 6 !

The day began with Maths, a lesson introducing long division. The children were bamboozled at first with the concept of divie, multiply, subtract, parachute, repeat until done. Very soon there were cries of delight as the process began to make sense.

We will be working on this for the rest of the week to make sure that the method is embedded to be able to divide larger numbers by 2 digits . Well done Meerkats for showing grit and determination. I am very proud of you.

This afternoon the fantastic learning continued. This week's science lesson was about fossils and evolutionary relationships- we all learnt so much. The children had great fun using biscuits to learn about evolution. They will apply the skills they learnt in another lesson to look at the way birds evloved to be able to fly. 

Patterns everywhere!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 11th Oct 2022 @ 4:42pm

Today the Giraffes have been looking at repeating patterns. Everyone had a turn at creating them inside and also outside. We will be working on patterns all week so please feel free to have a go creating some at home that show a repeating pattern.

We are working well with our phonics and we are very good at spotting our sounds when we are walking through school. New sounds will be added to book bags on Thursday. 


Year 6 Super Stars, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 4:20pm

The Meerkats have shone in every area of school life this week. From leading singing for the whole school, helping out in classes at wet lunch times, helping in Reception with activities and baking - the list goes on and on. The class have been complimented for their attitude to learning, the quality of work in their books and for being exceptional role models in and out of the classroom.

Well done to them all.

Since we returned to school in September the children have earned themselves 11 class complimants ! They need 2 more to secure a class treat. 

The Meerats have certainly made an outstanding start to their final year at Longton Primary school and are already leaving positive footprints. 

test, by Mrs Barnes

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 3:46pm


Harvest 2022, by Mr Pearson

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 10:42am

A lovely Harvest festival took place In St Andrew's Church on Thursday 29th September.
The Heads Team led for the first time and the Church was full of parents.
Each Tribe performed part of the presentation, through song, poetry and presentations.  

Our morning adventure!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 4th Oct 2022 @ 10:38pm

This morning the giraffes enjoyed a walk to our local library. They met a librarian called Helen who read some new stories to them. Everyone was involved in a finding game in the library.

Thank you for returning your library slips. Helen will go through these and provide tickets for the children who have not joined the library. 

The children picked some great stories for our classroom which we will share over the next few weeks. Helen has invited us for another visit before Christmas where the children will be able to choose their own books to borrow for three weeks and they will also take part in a Christmas craft activity.


New sounds will be coming home in your child’s book bag on Thursday. Please continue to practice them every day.


Super learners, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 4th Oct 2022 @ 5:25pm

Yesterday we loved using our sense of taste to identify flavour of crisps. We chose our favourite and created a block graph.The Lions favourite was Salt and Vinegar, do you agree?

Today we had fun working in a group to create a group colour monster, we all had to help , they look amazing!!!!

Dont forget projects for next week. They can be on interests, family fun, work in school.?

Smelly business!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 5:35pm

This week the Lions were trying to guess the smell, most nice .....

Have a good weekend, don’t forget projects !!

Our Senses, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 27th Sep 2022 @ 8:37pm

After our listening walk yesterday, the giraffes continued using their senses by baking biscuits. We also used our senses during squiggle and a wriggle.

The children are amazing us by learning their new sounds. Please continue to practise these at home every day as we are learning a new one each day.  The children have told us that are enjoying teaching you and that you are getting very good at remembering the special actions.

Next Tuesday morning we have a class visit to Longton library. I have put a slip in each book bag which needs to be filled in and returned asap. Even if your child already has a library card please do still complete the slip so that they can borrow a book on our visit next week.

On Wednesday morning next week (5th) you are invited to a reading and phonics meeting in the school hall at 9am. Mrs. Fletcher and I will deliver information on reading and phonics and discuss how we can work together to fully support your child. If you are able to join us for a short meeting please do as the information will help your child throughout each year group in school. It will be a great opportunity to look at resources, ask questions and share experiences with other parents from our class.

Thank you

Mrs. Thomson


Parachutes in action, by Mr Pearson

Date: 27th Sep 2022 @ 1:38pm

Today we have tested our parachutes with varying success. We have brought science alive and have a greater undertsanding of graviety and air resistance. 


Projects, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 26th Sep 2022 @ 3:09pm

It is that time of the term  to start thinking about your projects. The projects this term can be based on our history topic Ancient Greece or our science topic  evolution and inheritance.Or choose from another area on this terms knowledge organiser on the class page.They are due in on October 10th

Parachute Investigation, by Mr Pearson

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 1:49pm

Today the Elephants designed their own parachutes to further deepen they undertsnading of forces. 

Next week we will be testing!

Super Giraffes, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 3:47pm

New sounds are out in book bags today! The children are very excited to teach you them!

I hope the children have been telling you how amazing they are being in school. They have picked up so may of our routines and are now being helpers during many parts of our day.

The giraffes have been doing some tricky work with me this week and they may have told you they have been awarded ‘genius gems’. 

Our focus has been ‘sharing’ this week and already lots of children have put a patch on Gerald giraffe. 

Our Senses, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 21st Sep 2022 @ 10:22pm

This week we have been learning about our senses. We have a dark den in the classroom, we have made scented potions, we have been smelling and juicing lemons and we have been spicy writing. Today the giraffes went for a texture walk after a busy morning doing PE after learning a new sound of the day.

Thank you for help with the sounds we sent home. New cards will be coming home tomorrow.

Another fantastic week, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 5:24pm

The Lions have been amazing this week , yet again, trying their best and being super learners.???

Definitely f a n t a s t i c !!

Thursday news!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 6:31pm

Yesterday the giraffes had a busy day and enjoyed story massage. I hope they are coming home and asking to show you their ‘Humpty Dunpty’ massage. We had circle time and shared how we are all different and talked about what makes us special. We are trying to remember our new word ‘ Unique’. 

Today we have used collage materials, we have done some maths work and we have been on a school treasure hunt looking for our new sounds.

The children are very excited to bring their new sound cards home to share with you (they are in book bags).

Please make sure coats are brought to school tomorrow as our ‘Forest school Friday’ will be starting tomorrow. Small groups of children will be working in our outside classroom - The Owls. 

Thank you

Mrs. Thomson 

Super giraffes!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 13th Sep 2022 @ 9:24pm

A busy day for the giraffes today. We started with a PE lesson in the hall. We played musical jumps before practicing our long distance jumping. We had hoops, balance beams and gymnastic mats to work on. We all completed the stations and felt our hearts beating quickly. We finished by playing sleeping giraffes.

We have started our phonics work and we will be sending home a game to play on Thursday. We enjoyed our outdoor play today and we had some fantastic engineers / plumbers! The children were fantastic in turn taking as we had the bikes out and they had fun sharing their very special ‘All about me’ books.

We have been working hard learning a class poem and have made up our own actions. We will share it with you soon!

End of a busy week, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 5:22pm

Yesterday we enjoyed exploring school to find out “What is our school like?” 

Today we have started to remember the Queen following her sad passing, we decorated paper flowers and cut them out to make a long ribbon of flowers.We put them in our special remembrance area at school, just like people are laying flowers in remembrance across the country.

Thursday already!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 9:17pm

This week is just flying by!

The giraffes have had another adventurous day. This morning they were introduced to their year five buddy. They were able to spend a short time together looking at stories and playing on the playground together.

Their buddies are going to visit next week and the giraffes will be able to share their very special home / school books with them.

The children had a special name writing task and scissor task to do today. They also danced to the ‘Wake up shake up’ song and also had fun learning the ‘banana meatball’ pattern dance.

As they were a little tired this afternoon we did story massage. I sang a nursery rhyme and the children carried out the actions on their friends back. This linked in with one of our class rules - kind hands.

I will post buddy pictures very soon.

Mrs. Thomson