Our blogs

Shining Lions, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 9:43am

Good morning. The Lions have had another busy week. They have been showing us all their amazing maths skills, their wonderful writing and how creative they are this week. 

We have been working on odd and even numbers, thinking about our seasons, finding out more information about pirates and doing our weekly tricky challenges.

The lions did so well in their first sports day. We are so proud of them!

If you haven’t yet done so, please could you send in a picture of your child with any member of your family for them to use in our lesson on Monday. Maybe a cousin, brother or sister.

Finally please remember to read each day and add a comment to the reading record book.

Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend.


Busy,busy!!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 4:42pm

A fun week this week, learning more about mini beasts, building a Sukkah, as part of our  RE work finding about the Jewish faith.A sukkah is shelter which is built during Sukkot, a week long Jewish festival. We worked well together adding branches and leaves. We had our fruit in it, Jewish people play, eat and rest in theirs. Tomorrow is our enterprise and we really, really enjoyed making our sweetie kebabs!!!

History - Enrichment project, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 21st Jun 2022 @ 9:47pm

Today we had a fabulous morning with Mr Herbert and Miss Todd from Penwortham Girls High School.

We learnt all about the changes which have happened in food, clothing and music between the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s.  We can’t wait for next weeks lesson. 

P.E., by Mrs Catterall

Date: 21st Jun 2022 @ 9:37pm

As part of our athletic lessons we have been practising our baton passing in a relay and our hop, step and jump. 

We finished off our lesson with a fun hula hoop  Competition. 

Science food chains, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 21st Jun 2022 @ 9:30pm

We have been exploring food chains in science. We worked in teams to complete some challenges. We had to use the words producer, consumer, predator and prey.

Primary Engineer, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 21st Jun 2022 @ 9:19pm

During our half term holidays 3 children went along to Preston College to take part in the Primary Engineer Celebration event for our area. 

We took along some of the moving vehicles we had made. During the day we had to explain how we made them, the materials we used, the research we had done and our design ideas to a panel of engineers from Baxi. 

We had to put our vehicle through a series of tests, moving backwards and forwards in a straight line over 3metres and it had to go up a ramp - every time we managed it, the ramp got steeper and we had to try again.

There were several schools there and our vehicles were judged on a number of criteria. 

Did we win?  YES. Our vehicle came first in the Engineer level 1 competition and a member of our team also won best communicator out of everyone at the event.

The Elephant engineers were truly amazing and shone brightly. 

Arts week photos, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 21st Jun 2022 @ 8:54pm

Please find below a collection of photos showcasing some of our amazing art work as part of our jubilee celebrations. 

Songs, by Mrs Leigh

Date: 18th Jun 2022 @ 3:19pm

Here is the link to the songs for our performance songs. 

Welcome back!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 4:56pm

Welcome back, hope you all had a great break and have managed to get back into the swing of school again!

This week we have started our investigating living things science topic by looking at mini beasts, drawing and labelling them. In Geography we have been finding out about the countries that make up the UK and starting to learn the capitals.

We have been enjoying The Queens hat story in English and had fun watching windy weather clips, The tornado from the Wizard of Oz and The fantastic flying books of Mr Morris Lessmoore.

Have a great weekend ?

Welcome back!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 8:33am

It has been lovely to welcome the lions back! 

This half term we are explorers and will be looking at pirates, travelling, the seaside and also China.

We are also doing three weeks of road safety.

We do have some sun hats in school but please send one in along with suncream. We cannot put the cream on but will encourage the children to apply their cream before we go outside.

Please remember water bottles.

I would be very grateful if you could send in any kitchen rolls or cardboard wrapping paper rolls.

Please continue to read everyday and sign your childs reading record book.

Thank you


Last day of a fun week!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 4:48pm

Today we enjoyed making “crown cakes” by adding on jewels, the best bit was eating them on the field! We also put our own slant on the Union Jack by changing the colours. 

Hope you all have a fab holiday, remember to tell me all about it in your holiday passports, keep up with reading, mathletics, reading eggs. See you soon ??

A magnificent pride of lions!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 7:46am

Another creative day! We looked at past and present pictures of the Queen this week and made a fact file of our new learning. We have some amazing facts!

We finished our crowns, practiced our royal family song and made some puppets of the Queen.

We also performed at our very special Platinum Jubilee afternoon in school.

There are still some challenges on the Summer pick and Mix homework to complete but I will also post some extra challenges should your child wish to do any.

Have a lovely half term break,

Mrs. Thomson

Arts week day 4, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 7:19pm

Today we have been learning about the Crown Jewels.How they are kept in the Tower of London and guarded as they have lots of valuable diamonds and gems. We had fun making our own crowns and decorating them with gems...but not ones worth millions!!! 

Very proud of the Zebras as they confidently spoke at the Jubilee afternoon tea, explaining what we have been busy creating this week. A great team as they recited our acrostic poem, see if they can remember it!

Jubilee Celebrations, by Mr Pearson

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 12:10pm

As part of Longton Primary Schools Platinum Jubilee Celebrations the children in Y2 - Y6 have been joined together in the afternoons to focus on our performance for local dignities and special guests. The children have performed a drama about the Queen, the school choir has sung a number of songs including the National Anthem, a group of children performed a dance including a dance from each decade of the Queen's reign, poetry has been written and performed, decorations have been made for the VIP's tables and finally a good of children have baked and created sandwiches for an afternoon tea. Reception performed a song and dance and Year 1 showed how creative they have been through arts. 

The problem with the crown!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 9:37pm

A wonderful day with lots of creative Lions. Please ask the children about our story. The Queen really wasn’t happy and had an awful headache! She had a big problem with her crown.

The children have embraced their challenges today which included hunting for tricky words, washing smelly socks and putting them on the washing line in pairs, playing a maths Crown Jewels game, creating a new crown for the Queen and doing some scissor work.

The lions worked in teams at the end of the day to tidy up! Our classroom is looking beautiful!

Lion Tribe Arts Week, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 9:26pm

The Lions have had a very busy start to the week. They have been learning about the Queen, the Platinum Jubilee,  the Crown Jewels, the Queens Guards and all about London.

Everyone enjoyed the baking activity and also creating their Queens Guard. We have had lots of castles made around the classroom.

The children were fantastic in PE. It was the last session of our transport theme. They have worked hard on throwing underarm and over arm, long distance jumping, hopping, running and doing a variety of rolls.

Well done Lions!

Arts week 3, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 7:25pm

Today we added sparkle to our Queen portraits , they look great. We also designed pictures  for our coasters and chose our favourite to use. 

This afternoon we painted our coil pots in red, silver and blue and finished off our acrostic QUEEN poems.

More fun tomorrow !

Arts Week Wednesday, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 6:21pm

Another busy day of art in Year 2. This morning the children used the chrome books to research ideas for Jubilee themed coasters. They created 6 different designs before choosing their favourite to turn into a real coaster o keep as a memory of this special historical event. 

Once all of the amazing coasters were finished we lernt about the crown jewels and the seven sovreign crwns. Next we did some research and foud out about the Queen ; her likes and her skills. Armed with this knowledge the children created a new crown for the Queen. There were some amazing ideas. Ask your little Panda what they know about the Queen. You will be amazed. They have also shone linking their previous learning of Elizabeth 1 and Queen Victoria to our current monarchy.

Tomorrow the class will be busy getting ready for the jubilee party and also having a go at doing a detailed portrait of the Queen. 

Meerkats Day 1, by Mr Pearson

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 3:14pm

We drew the Union flag following technical instructions and then used a range of different painting techniques to paint the flag. The results were amazing. We also learnt about the  origins of the flag. 

Meerkats art day 3, by Mr Pearson

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 3:03pm

Today we have gone off the jubilee theme and have looked at the Heartstone Odyssey book we are reading and have completed artwork based on the stain glass window in the novel. We used water colour pencils and then blended with a brush. We then made our own coasters which are coming home tonight. Due to the cancellation of sports day we have been using Pixlr E website to b creative with photos. 

Arts week day 2, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 24th May 2022 @ 7:36pm

Today we drew our portraits of the queen and of course they were so much better than Mrs Pratten’s!

We painted them by mixing different colours. Tomorrow we are going to add more detail and texture to them. 

This afternoon we made  puppets  of the queen, making a pattern first to make sure her hat/ crown fitted. We joined it together with staples or pins and then had fun decorating them. They look fantastic!  We did a great job and are very proud of them.

Arts week day 1, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 24th May 2022 @ 7:27pm

Yesterday we started off our week by getting messy with clay! We had to make a base by squashing the clay flat and then make “wriggly worms” to build up the sides with coils. Tricky but we kept going and they look great. They are drying out to paint later.

We also started our acrostic poems spelling QUEEN. Quite tricky thinking of q and u words to start our sentences but we did well.

We also practised sketching features of the face ready to draw our own portraits of the queen. Hopefully they will be better than Mrs Pratten’s, it bore a striking resemblance to Shrek with a hat! (Apologies to the queen!!)

Arts Week Tuesday, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 24th May 2022 @ 7:10pm

This morning the children worked with clay. They were given the task of making a clay plate. It could be any shape and had to have a small stand fitted to the base. They all did an amazing job.

Once the plates were made the class lerarnt about the artisit Clarice Cliff who created lovely patterns and pictures on pottery. Having looked at an example called the Circle Tree the children were set their next task. In their sketch books they had to create the design they want to paint on their paints. The design had to be linked to the shape of their plate and could only use 3 colours- red, white and blue.  Work continued on the handbags too. A busy morning !

This afternoon the children went off around school to their groups to do more preperation for the party on Thursday . 

Arts Week - Tuesday, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 24th May 2022 @ 5:27pm

Another creative day today! The children have worked on designing beach view sketches and using different shading techniques, painting techniques with acrylics and watercolours and pencils. 

We have also been making clay sculptures ready for our photo shoot tomorrow.

Arts Week - Monday, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 24th May 2022 @ 7:54am

A lovely start to, what will be, a very creative week. We started our day by understanding what the Platinum Jubilee actually meant by exploring Queen Elizabeth II's journey before and during her reign. We took inspiration from the infamous side profile photo of The Queen to inspire silhouette work. We also designed our own coasters, created our own bookmarks and finally we created coloured sand ready for our Antony Gormley inspired work tomorrow.