Our blogs

Arts Week - Monday, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 8:58pm

Arts week has started. This year our theme is The Platinum Jubilee. This morning the class started the week listening to the stry The Queen's Hat. Whilst we were listening to it and looking at the amazing illustrations the children noticed that in all of the pictures the Queen was carrying a handbag. This led us nicely into our first activity. Working in pairs with Miss Harrison and Mrs Woolley to pin templates onto felt and then cut them out ready to sew into pouch bags later in the week. The children also created floral collages within a profile picture of the Queen. The base of the work was a backround of royal images. They look great. The children really thought carefuly about the placement of the paper and jewel flowers. Once the collages were complete we leanrt more about the 70 years of Queen Elizabeth's reign which we linked back to work in history. Next we discussed the things that we know the Queen really likes - dogs, handbags, her family and horse. The class were then challenged to fill horse heads with intrictae , colourful patterns that did not allow any of the white paper to be visible.

Afetr luch the children worked in groups around school with children from Key Stage 2. Some did drama, some were making table decorations, some were creating performance poetry, others were dancing and the final group were thinking about food and making biscuits. All of the afternoon activities will come together in the form of a Jubilee party on Thursday afternoon for invited guests. 

Last weeks Lions, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 8:21pm

I do apologise for not posting the blog last week! The lions had a busy week looking at maps and creating their own, using clay to fit Mr.Gumpy and his friends in, making jam sandwiches and packing up their class suitcase for their holiday! We had holiday camps and hotels set up around the classroom.

This week is art week and our theme is the Platinum Jubilee. The children will be busy trying out lots of new activities. They will also be bringing their beans and sunflower seeds home which are ready to plant in your garden.

Today the children have baked shortbread with Mrs.Regan, made a class castle with a moat and made one of the Queens Guards. We will be encouraging lots of scissor work this week to help the children with this skill.

Mrs. Thomson

Arts week day 1, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 6:42pm

Today we began your Arts week.  This is a fantastic week where we can be creative and let our many talents shine brightly.

The focus this week is on the Queens Platinum Jubilee. We spent the morning exploring different ways of creating a stamp using different techniques.  Some children chose collage, watercolours, acrylic, pencil crayons, felt tips and highlighters to create a pop art effect.

We also thought of some designs to create a commemorative coaster.

Thankyou to my 3 photographers for the photos.


The Big Green Adventure, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 20th May 2022 @ 5:23pm

The Elephants and Meerkats were amazing in their performance this week.  Well done, I’m very proud of you all. 

Vehicles are taking shape, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 20th May 2022 @ 5:11pm

We have had a busy week this week, making our vehicles.  

Super scientists, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 20th May 2022 @ 3:52pm

This week we enjoyed exploring what can float and what can sink. Then we had some plasticine in a ball...it sank...how could we make it floa? Well done to all who kept going, Maisie, Frankie and Maya were particularly up for the challenge , well done!

In PSHE we have been looking at who help us at home and out of school. We enjoyed role playing different situations and thinking about how we could help.


Have a great weekend, lots f fun for next week, Arts week??

What a week so far!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 18th May 2022 @ 8:11am

Needless to say, how all the adults and peers at Longton are so incredibly proud of The Penguins tribe for working through their SATs last week and showing great determination. We have had a busy week this week once again, with lots of learning taking place. The children have been writing narratives on The Island of Gulag! They have also been doing Bikeability, Science & rugby - have a look at some of these lessons in action HERE

More Zebra learning, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 4:11pm

This week as well as being by the seaside we have also been busy...in Science , sorting materials for our friends to try to guess why they all belong together. Building bridges to discover which materials worked best. We talked about how bridges need to be strong, hard and waterproof.

In our PSHE lessons we enjoyed playing games and thinking about why we like being with our friends.

Today we have been sorting air, are and ear words and learning how to make a half and quarters.

Have a great weekend?

The week thats been, by Mr Pearson

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 12:48pm



In Drama we have been practising the Heart Stone Odyssey, however this week we are practising are play with y4.




In Computing we have been making and developing videos. Today we got to go outside and film ourselves.




In PE we have been learning how to play Rugby Tag. We have recently been playing Tennis and have been practising our forehand and backhand shots.



In maths we have been doing measuring angles using a protractor, did you know that an angle greater than 180 degrees is called a reflex angle. Mr Pearson talked about a song from the 1980’s called The Reflex.

Determination and Resilience!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 12th May 2022 @ 3:01pm

The Lions have had another busy week which has been a little different from our usual routine. However the lions fully embraced the changes and challenges showing their determination and resilience. Super lions!!

We are still working on our transport topic but have strayed a little bit when the children showed interest in seeds, planting, wanting to build with clay after reading Mr. Grumpys outing and wanting to have an outdoor exercise area! 

We are working hard with our numbers to 20 and have enjoyed bingo as well as sorting our numbers in order on one of our washing lines. We are hoping to start snakes and ladders soon which will challenge the children to count on each time they throw the dice.

A huge thank you for the amazing homework pictures and the wonderful reading you are doing at home.

Mrs. Thomson


Oh I do like to be beside the seaside..., by Mrs Pratten

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 3:46pm

We have had a fab day today at the seaside,using our old pennies, a nice long ride on the carousel .Then lunch and and ice cream before hitting the beach. The Zebras had a good time building sandcastles and digging to Australia!!!!

 The sun shone and of course the wind blew but a lovely, lovely day !


Brockholes Trip, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 10th May 2022 @ 8:56pm

We have had a fantastic day today at brockholes. We found lots of pond life and bugs in the woodland area, the whole tribe was amazing so we got to spend a bit of time on the play area before we returned to school. 

A special thank you to our amazing helpers, Mrs Atkinson, Mr Walker, Mrs Black and Sara.

Stem - Primary engineer, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 9th May 2022 @ 7:45pm

We have been using the saws to create the first part of our moving vehicles

Our talented Elephants, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 9th May 2022 @ 7:41pm

The Elephant tribe has many talents. Not only do they show commitment and dedication to their school work but to all their activities out of school.  I’m so proud of you all and thank you for sharing these achievements with us. 

Athletics, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 9th May 2022 @ 7:35pm

Easter egg decorating competition entries, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 9th May 2022 @ 7:33pm

Busy Lions!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 8th May 2022 @ 8:25pm

Although these last few weeks have been a little shorter the Lions have been very busy having fun and learning in the classroom and also in the outdoors.

Last week we had a great catch up with our buddies in year five. They joined in with our key worker special time and we also got to read to them. They were amazed with our reading skills! 

We have some Lions who are very keen to be the teacher and the assistant teachers in class. Therefore we swapped roles for a couple of minutes. They were amazing! There are a couple of pictures below.

A few more items for you to save for us please! We would like to add some baskets to our home corner containing hats, bags and socks.

Any old hats - wedding hats, caps, winter hats - any hats at all! 

Bags - any size, colour or shape!

Socks - for our washing machine! (adults or childrens - for us to put into pairs)

Finally any small boxes. The children have asked for these for their art and craft area. Please turn the box inside out and stick it back together if possible. (Paint and glitter stick better to the wrong side of the box!)

Thank you

Mrs. Thomson

Zebras learning, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 6th May 2022 @ 5:34pm

This week in science we have continued to explore materials, thinking about how we could group different objects so that they were the same in some way. In English we enjoyed working in groups thinking about questions we could ask about our story , The mouse, the frog and the little red hen. In maths we have been  grouping objects equally and trying to think of different ways to create equal groups with 12 objects.

We are looking forward to our trip to Southport on Wednesday and compared swimming outfits in history, we’re glad we don’t wear woollen costumes!

Panda's at work, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 5th May 2022 @ 7:48am

The Pandas have had another very busy week of learning.

In History the children used photographs to find out about railways in Victorian times. They also looked at some reports from passengers in first and second class carriages to learn about the conditions they travelled in.

Maths this week has been all about fractions, finding 3 quarters, learning that half and 2 quarters are the same and learning to count in fractions.

In English the children really enjoyed planning and writing their own space themed stories bringing to an end our work looking at Man on the Moon - a day in the life of Bob by Simon Bartram.Sewing became a little trickier this week as we revisited threading needles and then using running stitch to join 2 pieces of felt together. 

Thank you to all of the children who did the mathletics homework last week. This week the homework is a comprehension to complete on Reading Eggs - we have been practising comprehension skills in Guided Reading this week. Well done too for all of the super reading that is being done at home. You are all reading stars. 

Lions, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 2nd May 2022 @ 1:03pm

Hello I hope you are having a lovely long weekend. Thank you for the homework photos that have been sent in, it is lovely to see the children enjoying their challenges. I will ensure they are shared with the class.

Well done to our star readers for last week!

A great big thank you to our wonderful super secret reader. The lions thoroughly enjoyed their story.

Please continue to send in egg boxes (half dozen boxes) the lions are enjoying creating their double decker buses.

I have included a picture of our story words from last week. Can you guess which story they were from? I wonder if the lions can remember what the words mean as well as the action we used for each one.

As well as our topic we are also learning about sunflowers. The children may come home with facts to share with you. Please share with us any facts that you know so we can add them to our learning wall. Our aim is to become sunflower experts! Any pictures would also be very welcome.

Thank you

Mrs. Thomson




Superstar Zebras!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 28th Apr 2022 @ 12:27pm

This week we have carried on with learning all about materials. We used our senses to look and feel what the materials were like. We then thought of words to describe them like, bendy, hard, rough , transparent. We also worked with a partner to describe objects and then try to guess what it was. 

Of course we have also been busy practising for our class assembly , a big well done fantastic Zebras, you were amazing!!???

Hope you enjoyed it and enjoy the extra holiday!! 

Leyland Commercial Vehicle Museum - more pictures., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 27th Apr 2022 @ 11:09pm

More pictures to see!

Exciting Science, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 27th Apr 2022 @ 9:55pm

This week we explored the question How do cactus plants survive in the desert with no water?

We started the session by looking at some huge cacti plants that Mrs Fletcher's dad has grown from seed. Careful observations were made and lots of discussions had.

Great fun was then had using water, kitchen roll and wax paper to investigate how cacti survive.

Ask your child to tell you what we did.


Thank you everyone for all of the amazing reading you are doing. It is so important to read as much as we can , it really is the key to everything.

Enjoy the bank holiday weekend. 

Leyland Commercial Vehicle Museum, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 26th Apr 2022 @ 11:21pm

We all had a lovely day at the museum today. The children were very excited on the coach going to the museum but by the end of the day they had also sat in vehicles powered by horse, steam, diesel, petrol and electricity. They became fire fighters, engineers, drivers, passengers and even ice cream sellers. We climbed on board the pope mobile and even saw a car which belonged to the Queens grandfather.

We had lots of finding to do and then joined in with an interactive story about Tiggi the tiger. We have lots more pictures to follow tomorrow from the other school iPads.

Excellent detectives!!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 22nd Apr 2022 @ 5:42pm

This week, armed with iPads , we were off to find things made from different materials. We looked inside and outside and took photos , we found all sorts.

In phonics we enjoyed looking for ‘ir’ words hidden around. We had to find them and then sound them out and write them down. 

We have also been busy practising for our class assembly next week, on Thursday morning, you are all invited!

Have a lovely weekend??